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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 25 3 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1 25 1 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 16 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 8 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 3 1 Browse Search
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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Appointed Colonel of the 21st Illinois-Personnel of the regiment-general Logan-March to Missouri-movement against Harris at Florida, Mo. --General Pope in command-stationed at Mexico, Mo. (search)
e my oldest son, Frederick D. Grant, then a lad of eleven years of age. On receiving the order to take rail for Quincy I wrote to Mrs. Grant, to relieve what I supposed would be her great anxiety for one so young going into danger, that I would send Fred home from Quincy by river. I received a prompt letter in reply decidedly disapproving my proposition, and urging that the lad should be allowed to accompany me. It came too late. Fred was already on his way up the Mississippi bound for Dubuque, Iowa, from which place there was a railroad to Galena. My sensations as we approached what I supposed might be a field of battle were anything but agreeable. I had been in all the engagements in Mexico that it was possible for one person to be in; but not in command. If some one else had been colonel and I had been lieutenant-colonel I do not think I would have felt any trepidation. Before we were prepared to cross the Mississippi River at Quincy my anxiety was relieved; for the men of
and, and although the tract never yielded him anything he never, so far as my knowledge extends parted with its ownership. In regard to the Bounty Land Warrants issued to Abraham Lincoln for military services during the Black Hawk war as Captain of 4th Illinois Volunteers, the first warrant, No. 52,076, for forty acres (Act of 1850), was issued to Abraham Lincoln, Captain, etc. on the 16th of April, 1852, and was located in his name by his duly appointed attorney, John P. Davis, at Dubuque, Iowa, July 21, 1854, on the north-west quarter of the south-west quarter of section 20, in Township 84, north of Range 39, west, Iowa. A patent as recorded in volume 280, page 21, was issued for this tract to Abraham Lincoln on the 1st of June, 1855, and transmitted the 26th October, 1855, to the Register of delivery. Under the Act of 1855, another Land Warrant, No. 68,465, for 120 acres, was issued to Abraham Lincoln, Captain Illinois Militia, Black Hawk war, on the 22d April, 1856, and
d at Jordon's Ferry on the sixth day of their travel, and camped on the spot which is now the foot of the main street at Dubuque, where there were then three cabins. Shortly after the arrival of the troops, the miners moved in a body to the Islay men, to accomplish their removal. Lieutenant Davis had previously held some intercourse with them, when on duty near Dubuque, and was, as usual, with those whom he came near enough to know, on friendly terms with them. He said that all these fr. She remained ever afterward his devoted friend, up to her recent death. While Lieutenant Davis was encamped opposite Dubuque, my present home, he often visited me. He was a great favorite with my boys, whom he often used to hold on his knees as ar party mentioned in the sketch. After the campaign of 1832 Lieutenant George Wilson, with a few soldiers, was sent to Dubuque for the same purpose as that for which I had been sent there in the previous year; but on reporting to the commanding of
ver, it was regarded as a violation of the agreement of the previous year, and as indicating a purpose to repeat his claim to the village of Rock River. This led to the expedition under Stillman, and that inaugurated the war of 1832. In 1831 the Sauks sent a war party against the Sioux, and this breach of peace they feared would bring upon them punishment by the United States; such, at least, was then understood to be the cause of their abandonment of their settlement at the lead mines of Dubuque. This encounter between General Gaines and Black Hawk is a reminder of one in which the general was equally unfortunate in his intercourse with the dignitaries of the Sac nation. There were, at preconcerted times, several councils with the belligerent Indians. The place of meeting was generally designated by the Indians. Their abundant caution made them agree to the conference only where there was a ready way of escape in case of treachery. General Gaines arranged a conference
Indians who had committed depredations on the Upper Red River, and I was one of that party. I was stationed opposite Dubuque, charged to keep watch on the semi-hostile Indians west of the river, and to prevent white men from crossing into the In have received your very gratifying letter of the 27th instant, and also numbers four and twelve of the early history of Dubuque. I have read the letter of —, contained in number four, with equal surprise and regret. I did not expect him to know tiar features of the Indian treaty of 1804. . . . It is not true that those who claimed to own the mines as successors of Dubuque were a party to the removal of trespassers; the reverse is the fact, as I well remember, because of a threat which was mu private. The reason was that I did not wish to engage in newspaper controversy, and if I wrote anything in regard to Dubuque and the Indian troubles of that period, I preferred that it should be fuller and in a different style from that of frien
as killed, was so excited that he exclaimed, I will never believe it, and sent one after another to inquire without waiting for an answer. The soft-hearted old hero found time to go himself after night to inquire after Colonel Davis, and began the interview saying: My poor boy, I wish you had been shot in the body, you would have a better chance of recovering soon. I do not like wounds in the hands or feet, they cripple a soldier awfully. Note from Dubuque Herald: When the news came to Dubuque of the victory over Santa Anna by old Zach, through the tact, skill, and bravery of Colonel Jefferson Davis, who was reported mortally wounded, there was such an enthusiastic celebration and glorification, chiefly on Davis's account, as has never since taken place, and the Iowa Legislature passed resolutions complimentary to Colonel Davis, upon the gallantry displayed by himself and his brave Mississippi Riflemen at the battle of Buena Vista. Extracts from General Taylor's detailed repor
ssarily increased his reputation as a far-seeing and able Minister. His care extended to the utmost parts of the United States. General George W. Jones, of Dubuque, Ia., says: In 1853 or 1854, while I was in the Senate of the United States, Colonel Long of the Engineer Corps came to Dubuque to inspect the improvement of thDubuque to inspect the improvement of the harbor, under an appropriation I had procured. He was applied to by Mr. Charles Gregoire, my wife's brother, for a change in its construction. He declined to make the change asked for, but advised Mr. Gregoire to get me to ask the Secretary of War, Mr. Davis, to authorize the change in the survey. Before I left home plans and maps of the harbor improvement. I took them with me, and showed them to Secretary Davis, who at once consented to the change, and hence is the city of Dubuque indebted to that Secretary for the present superior ice harbor, the very best on the river, anywhere between St. Paul and New Orleans, that I know of. The fo
lothing, blankets, and other articles which will contribute to the relief, comfort, and health of the soldier in the field. --(Doc. 3.) There was a great mass meeting in Camden, Me., in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war. Dr. J. H. Esterbrook presided. Speeches were made by Major Nickerson, of the Fourth regiment, Hon. E. K. Smart, A. P. Gould and D. A. Boody, democrats; and by N. A. Farewell, General Davis Tillson, T. R. Simonton and C. A. Miller, republicans. About three thousand people were in attendance. Great enthusiasm prevailed.--N. Y. Evening Post, August 24. The First regiment of Iowa Militia returned to Dubuque from the seat of war in Missouri. The troops were received by thousands, who turned out to greet them and shout hozannas on their return. This regiment was one of those who did the hardest fighting in the battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo.; they were the troops whom General Lyon rallied to the charge with his latest breath.--Dubuque Times, August 24.
waited for the enemy to renew the attack. But he was not pursued. Not long afterward Colonel Smith's command, with four pieces of cannon, approached Blue Mills by another road and engaged and routed the rebels as they were about crossing the Missouri River.--(Doc. 53.) The Fifteenth regiment (Elmira Engineers) N. Y. S. V., under the command of Colonel C. B. Stuart of Geneva, left Elmira for the seat of war.--N. Y. Herald, Sept. 22. Clement Smyth, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Dubuque, Iowa, in a letter to the Adjutant-General of that State, held the following language: I ever avoid all matters of a political nature as foreign to my sacred duties, yet in this present hour of trial, when the honor and the happiness of our nation are at stake; when some prejudiced mind may construe my silence into a disrespect for you, whose friendship I highly prize, or into a criminal opposition to our National Government — the Government of the United States, the only one to which I owe fe
nor Moore, of Louisiana, issued orders to compel all persons subject to the militia laws to drill every evening, those refusing or evading to be recorded on the black list as suspicious and enemies to the South. No home guards allowed unless foreigners or over age. Full authority to enforce discipline by court martial was given; the men to bring such arms as they had.--Cincinnati Commercial, Oct. 7. The Ninth regiment of Iowa Volunteers, Col. Vandeveer, arrived at St. Louis, Mo., from Dubuque, on two steamers — the Denmark and the Canada. Soon after arriving they marched from the boats, at the foot of Washington avenue, to the levee. They are a splendid body of men, hardy and muscular, and are fine material for the campaign in Missouri. Their exact concert of motion, their steady, solid tread, betoken superior drill. They are only partially uniformed, and had no arms on their arrival. This regiment — officers and men — are a quiet-looking, steady, determined set of men. Cap<