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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 669 45 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 314 6 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 216 0 Browse Search
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery. 157 1 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 152 122 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 102 14 Browse Search
William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik 98 4 Browse Search
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana 71 1 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 60 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 52 0 Browse Search
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position. There was to be a conference with Mr. Douglas on his arrival in Chicago, which Mr. Logan agreed to attend. He arranged for me to go with him, that I tiently awaited. Finally it was announced that he would return to his home in Chicago on Friday, July g, 1858. Most extensive preparations were made to extend to hion. A large delegation went to Michigan City to escort Douglas in triumph to Chicago. All along the route it had been arranged for the special train to stop, so tllow him briefly to address them. On the arrival of the train at the depot in Chicago a multitude greeted him, and as the party drove from the depot to the Tremont orated and brilliantly illuminated at night. Reaching the Tremont House, then Chicago's best hotel, appearing on a balcony on the Lake Street side, Douglas addresseting of the campaign, Mr. Lincoln having spoken on the evening of the 10th, in Chicago, arraigning Mr. Douglas in the strongest terms. The friends of Mr. Douglas pl
went on to Washington without baby and me. He arranged everything for our home, when we should come the following December. I spent the summer arranging our household affairs that I might close our house, and in the far more difficult task of preparing a suitable wardrobe in which to make my debut as the wife of a popular Congressman from the West. I spent many sleepless nights designing costumes, hats, and other necessities for a lady's wardrobe. We were too far from Saint Louis or Chicago for me to avail myself of city dressmakers and milliners; consequently, after getting together what I thought would be passable, I waited until I reached Washington to obtain what I should require further. A few days before Thanksgiving we bade good-by to the numerous friends and neighbors and started, via the Illinois Central and the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, to Cincinnati; thence, via the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, to the national capital. Going to Washington in those days
taff were staying at the Gayoso House, as were also General McPherson and his staff. When I arrived I found that our friends Mr. and Mrs. Sanger and their daughter, Miss Harriet, now the widow of George M. Pullman, were guests of the hotel. Miss Harriet Sanger was one of the most beautiful and captivating girls in the West. General McPherson admired her extravagantly. She had also a devotee in the person of Colonel F. A. Starring, of the 72d Illinois Infantry Regiment. The 72d was from Chicago and its vicinity and had an unusually fine band. One night Colonel Starring arranged for his band to serenade Miss Sanger. He had called for Miss Sanger, who came down to the parlor to receive him, and while they were listening to the music they heard cheering. Colonel Starring stepped out on the balcony and found General McPherson on another balcony a few feet away acknowledging the serenade. One of his staff had supposed, of course, that the serenade was for General McPherson, and or
such communications as the following, which was from one of the ablest journalists ever in Illinois, and a devoted friend and mentor of Senator Stephen A. Douglas during his eventful life: office of the Chicago post, 93 Washington Street, Chicago, August 31 , 1864. dear General:-- I enclose you a copy of the platform adopted by the convention. I want you, as a Democrat, to write a letter indorsing your fellow soldier, patriot, and Democrat. You never failed yet to meet any demand th in Illinois was important to the National cause. You probably know that all my records were transferred to Lt. General Sheridan at the time he succeeded me in command of the Military Division of the Mississippi, and were burned up in the great Chicago fire. I only retained the blotters from which the official records were made up. In one of them I find my letter to Gen. Howard, commanding Army of the Tennessee, East Point: I consent that you give Gen. Logan a leave. I have not yet heard
on with boats laden with beautiful fish, all of us having participated in the catch. It can be said to have been one of the most delightful summers of our lives. Upon the announcement of the general's nomination for Congress, we returned to Chicago and the general immediately entered upon the campaign. I remained at Joliet, Illinois, to visit cousins of General Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fish, Mrs. Fish being a daughter of Joel Manning, many years auditor of the Illinois Canal, and one of cian for the poor woman. Before the dawn of another morning, August 24, 1866, she herself was a corpse. My father, in great grief and bewilderment, had directed that telegrams be sent to the Republican headquarters at the old Tremont House in Chicago. They arrived after we had left the city, and were laid on a table in the committee-room where they stayed until some one came in who felt that they should be opened. Finding the contents so sad, they tried to find General Logan, who immediate
mily. In the Grant home on I Street, I witnessed one historic gathering which will ever be most vivid in my mind. After the nomination of Grant and Colfax at Chicago, the committee appointed to wait upon them and notify them of their nomination was composed of J. R. Hawley of Connecticut, Lewis Barker of Maine, C. N. Riottet oly to long for the seclusion of his home in Tennessee. General Logan had made an engagement for both himself and me to accompany Colonel Charles L. Wilson, of Chicago, editor of the Journal of that city, to visit the battle-fields of Virginia and the city of Richmond in March, 1868. Colonel Wilson came on, accompanied by his nirder for the decoration of the graves of Union soldiers. Colonel Wilson, heartily approving of the plan, said that he would be glad to exploit it in his paper in Chicago. General Logan sent for General Chipman, then adjutant-general of the Grand Army of the Republic, and dictated Order No. ii, for the first decoration of the grav
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 11: (search)
alesburg, Illinois; General T. O. Osborne, of Chicago; General Thomas Scott; General Berry; Colonel great State of Illinois, and especially from Chicago, were continually arriving in Washington. A it would be a wise thing for him to remove to Chicago. There existed at that time a sentiment in rIllinois. General Logan had bought a house in Chicago sometime before, which a friend had been occu After Congress adjourned the general went to Chicago to have our house put in order for us, and I ds who were very dear to us. Our house in Chicago was located on Calumet Avenue, just north of the march of the resistless commercialism of Chicago. We had not gotten our home settled when o them their daily supplies. When we look at Chicago to-day, we realize the situation during thoseir husbands and their homes. Hand-presses of Chicago and the newspaper presses of the neighboring rred by the misfortune of his beloved city of Chicago. Through his efforts the Government did very[7 more...]
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 12: (search)
the dining-room with hands so full of souvenirs of the occasion. Soon after March 4, 1872, I returned to our home in Chicago for the summer, General Logan going directly from Washington to the convention in Philadelphia, where, after a stormy tiic Railroad were obliged to change cars and get their sleeping-berth at Omaha. Following the directions of the agent in Chicago, I went into the depot at Omaha to find the Pullman office to secure the tickets for the section which I supposed had beolder, and yet every one felt they must carry out the inaugural programme. We had as our guest Miss Nina J. Lunt, of Chicago. Mr. E. B. Wight, representative of the Chicago Tribune had invited Miss Lunt and our daughter, then in her teens, to gble orphans. We had taken a furnished house on Capitol Hill when I returned to Washington, in November previous, for the session of Congress which ended March 4, and as soon as it was possible took the children and returned to our home in Chicago.
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 13: (search)
I was not aware of the excitement existing in Chicago at the time, and imagine my consternation whe strikers had threatened to sack the banks of Chicago; that they were obliged to keep the doors opaused the law to be executed and these men in Chicago punished, we should not have had such frequencome General Logan and myself as residents of Chicago. I invited quite a number of young ladies toasure of being in Chicago. The population of Chicago increased so rapidly that it became impracticn who were foremost in the work of rebuilding Chicago. On the corner of Twenty-second Street and C He appreciated the possibilities of making Chicago the wonderful city it is to-day, and joined hand, and her recent marriage to Mr. Jones of Chicago — a man of high standing and character — is wurned in June, and we returned to our home in Chicago. We had been away from southern Illinois foreautiful house in the centre of South Park in Chicago, which was surrounded with grand old trees an[19 more...]<
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 14: (search)
f his friends had gone to the President and explained to him General Logan's necessities. We were both too proud to make any sign. After March 4 we went home to Chicago and finally solved the problem of what we should do. We had some land in southern Illinois which we were quite sure we could utilize in the payment of notes whichd engaged his services as attorney. November 27, 1877, on the twenty-second anniversary of our marriage, our only daughter was married to William F. Tucker of Chicago. Could we have known the sequel of this unfortunate alliance, General Logan and I would have suffered more keenly than we did in giving our only daughter into thd that our son, John A. Logan, Jr., then twelve years of age, should return to the Morgan Park Military Academy and that Mr. and Mrs. Tucker were to remain in our Chicago home, while I was to accompany General Logan to Washington. We returned to Mrs. Rhine's boarding-house, 812 Twelfth Street, and were soon ensconced in our old