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George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition. 86 0 Browse Search
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865 32 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 22 0 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 14 0 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2 12 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 8 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 8 4 0 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 6, 1861., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition.. You can also browse the collection for Chatham (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Chatham (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 43 results in 14 document sections:

Chapter 26: Coalition of the King and the Great Commoner against the aristocracy—the Administration of Chatham. July—October, 1766. the obnoxious clauses of the Billeting Act had Chap. XXVI.} 1766. July. been renewed inadvertently by Ministers, who had designed to adopt a system of lenity. They proposed to remove Bernard from Massachusetts, in favor of Hutchinson, Thos. Hutchinson, jr., to Thos. Hutchinson, July, 1766. whom Conway had been duped into believing a friend to colonial liberty. Reviving against Spain the claim for the ransom of the Manillas, they suggested in lieu of it a cession of the island of New Orleans; though the Spanish ambassador took fire at the thought, saying, New Orleans is the key to Mexico. Durand to Choiseul, 27 June, 1766. With equally vain endeavors, they were forming new and milder instructions for the government of Canada, Hardwicke's Memorial. in the hope to combine respect for the municipal customs and religion of its old inha
ged the attention of Parliament, the power of Chatham's Ministry was shaken by Camden's indiscretio. 1766, in Grafton's Autobiography; Conway to Chatham, 22 Nov. 1766, Chat. Corr. III. 126. Saunders. I know my ground, he wrote to Grafton; Chatham to Grafton, 3 Dec. 1766, in Grafton's Autobion the dismissal of Townshend as incurable. Chatham to Grafton, 7 Dec. 1766, in Grafton's AutobioAnd the very next day, in the House of Lords, Chatham marked his contempt of the bitter mockery of ot be browbeaten by an insolent Minister, and Chatham retorted the charge of insolence. Walpole,e land tax. He spoke elaborately; and against Chatham was even more rancorous than usual. Beckford to Chatham, 27 Jan. 1767. Administration, replied Townshend, has applied its attention to giple and for the duty itself, Shelburne to Chatham, 1 Feb. 1767; Chat. Corr. III. 184, 185. onlpenses when properly reduced. Shelburne to Chatham, 1 Feb. 1767; Chat. Corr., III. 184, 185. Th[1 more...]
Chapter 28: The British aristocracy reduce their own taxes—defeat of Chatham's Administration by the Mosaic Opposition. January—March, 1767. The day after Townshend braved his colleagues Chap. Xxviii} 1767. Jan. the Legislature of Massachusetts convened. Hutchinson, having received his compensation as a sufferer by the riots, restrained his ambition no longer, and took a seat in the Council as though it of right belonged to the Lieutenant Governor. Bernard to Secretary of State, 7 Feb. 1767, and 21 Feb. 1767. The House resented the lust of power, manifested by his intrusion into an elective body of which he had not been chosen a member. Answer of the House, 31 Jan. 1767, in Bradford, 104; and Letter from the House to Dennys De Berdt, 16 March, 1767 The Council, by a unanimous vote, denied his pretensions. The language of the Charter was too explicit to admit of a doubt; Opinion of the Attorney General in England, cited in a Minute relative to Massachusetts Bay
could nor would move the particular sum necessary for the Extraordinaries in America. If, said he, I cannot fulfil my promise to the House, I shall be obliged to make it appear that it is not my fault, and is against my opinion. Shelburne to Chatham, 13 March, 1767; Chat. Corr. III. 233. A letter from Shelburne explained to Chatham the necessity that Townshend should no longer remain in the Cabinet. But Chatham was too ill to thrust his adversary out, or give advice to his colleague. can liberty as well as he could, but had no support, and was powerless to control events; for Grafton and even Camden yielded to Townshend's impetuosity, and were very ready to sacrifice Shelburne to the royal resentment. The disappearance of Chatham reanimated the dissatisfied factions of the aristocracy; yet, in case of success, they had no agreement respecting ulterior measures or the distribution of influence. They had only a common desire according to the traditions of the old Whig par
s his own; Grafton of himself, in his Autobiography. that the law, suspending the legislative functions of New-York, was marked by moderation and dignity; Grafton's Autobiography. and that abrogating the Charters of the American Colonies would be their emancipation from fetters. Grafton's Autobiography. The King, who wished to retain Conway in office and had looked into his heart to know how to wind and govern him, attached him by the semblance of perfect trust; showing him all Chatham's letters, Walpole's Memoirs, III. 61, 62. Here Walpole becomes a leading authority on account of his intimacy with Conway, and for the time, with Grafton. The comparison with the Autobiography of the latter, shows that Walpole was well-informed. and giving him leave to treat with his own old associates, Chap. XXX.} 1767. July. though Grafton desired to effect through Gower a junction with the friends of Bedford. Grafton to Northington, 18 July, 1767. But Rockingham, who never
ple, in Lyttelton, 741. and preferred making an example of some one seditious fellow. The King kept the Ministry from breaking, and proved himself the most efficient man among them. He makes each of them, said Mansfield, Lyttelton to Temple, 25 Nov. 1767; Lyttelton, 737. believe that he is in love with him, and fools them all. They will stand their ground, he added, unless that mad man, Lord Chatham, should come and Chap. XXXI.} 1767. Nov. throw a fire-ball in the midst of them. But Chatham's long illness Compare Durand to Choiseul, 23 Nov. 1767. had for the time overthrown his powers. When his health began to give out, it was his passion to appear possessed of the unbounded confidence of the King. A morbid restlessness now led him to great and extravagant expense, in which he vied with those who were no more than his equals in the peerage, but who were besides the inheritors of vast estates. He would drive out with ten outriders, and with two carriages, each drawn by si
nister of the day might propose. It gave an almost unanimous support to Pitt, when, for the last time in seventy years, the foreign politics of England were on the side of liberty. It had a majority for Newcastle after Chap. XXXII.} 1768. March he had ejected Pitt; for Bute when he dismissed Newcastle; for Grenville so long as he was the friend of Bute; for Grenville, when he became Bute's most implacable foe; and for the slender capacity of the inexperienced Rockingham. The shadow of Chatham, after his desertion of the House, could sway its decisions. When Charles Townshend, rebelling in the Cabinet, seemed likely to become Minister, it listened to him. When Townshend died, North easily restored subordination. Nor was it less impudent as to measures. It promoted the alliance with the King of Prussia and deserted him; it protected the issue of general warrants, and utterly condemned them; it passed the Stamp Act, and it repealed the Stamp Act; it began to treat America with
the determination of the King was evident from the first. Chatham, even if he is crazed, is the person who most merits to been was desired. You are my pole star, Camden Camden to Chatham, 20 March, 1768. Chatham's Correspondence, III. 325. was Chatham's Correspondence, III. 325. was accustomed to say to Chatham; I have sworn an oath, I will go, I will go where you lead. But now he encouraged Grafton to san the Earl of Shelburne's removal. You are my pole star, Chatham being eclipsed. Camden to Grafton, 4 September, 1768. o me the correct one. Grafton wished earnestly to gain Chatham's acquiescence in the proposed change, and repaired to Hayton and the King interposed with solicitations; King to Chatham, 4 Oct. 1768 Chatham Corr. III. 343. but even the hope ofmden knew that he ought to have retired also; Camden to Chatham, 20 March, 1768. Indeed, my dear Lord, our seals ought to shall still be my pole star, Camden to the Countess of Chatham, 22 October, 1768. even while the emoluments of office wer
heir Counsel. It was for England to remove the cause of the strife. In the House of Lords, Chatham, affirming as Chap. XLIV.} 1770. March he had done four years before, the subordination of thwas easily thrown into a state of high excitement, bordering upon madness. Anger which changed Chatham into a seer, pouring floods of light upon his mind, and quickening his discernment, served only against the King, fell more and more into disrepute. A few feeble voices among the Commoners, Chatham and Shelburne and Stanhope among the Peers, cried out for Parliamentary reform; they were oppos the resolutions which only censured the past were defeated by a vote of more than two to one. Chatham would not attend the debate, when they were brought forward in the House of Lords; but spurningncil of London, 14 May, 1770. Motion of Lord Chatham, 14 May, 1770; in Chat. Corr. III. 457. Chatham to the London Deputation, 1 June, 1770. His patriotism was fruitless for that generation; light
oiseul. Lord North gained honor by allowing Chap. XLVI.} 1770. Dec. Weymouth to retire, and standing firmly for peace; but it was Choiseul's moderation which prevented a rupture. On the twenty-fourth of December the ablest French Minister of the century was dismissed from office and exiled to Chanteloupe, not because he was impassioned for war, as his enemies pretended, but because he was the friend of philosophy, freedom of industry, and colonial independence. Thoroughly a Frenchman, as Chatham was thoroughly an Englishman, he longed to renovate France that she might revenge the wounds inflicted on her glory. For this end he had sought to improve her finances, restore her marine, reform her army, and surround her by allies. Marie Antoinette, the wife of the Dauphin, was a pledge for the friendship of Austria; Prussia was conciliated; while the Family Compact insured at Naples and in the Spanish peninsula the predominance of France, which had nothing but friends from the Bosphoru