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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Capture of Port Gibson-Grierson's raid-occupation of Grand Gulf-movement up the Big Black- battle of Raymond (search)
ht he and McClernand were both at Rocky Springs ten miles from Hankinson's ferry. McPherson remained there during the 8th, while McClernand moved to Big Sandy and Sherman marched from Grand Gulf to Hankinson's ferry. The 8th [9th], McPherson moved to a point within a few miles west of Utica; McClernand and Sherman remained where they were. On the 10th McPherson moved to Utica, Sherman to Big Sandy; McClernand was still at Big Sandy. The 11th, McClernand was at Five Mile Creek; Sherman at Auburn; McPherson five miles advanced from Utica. May 12th, McClernand was at Fourteen Mile Creek; Sherman at Fourteen Mile Creek; McPherson at Raymond after a battle. After McPherson crossed the Big Black at Hankinson's ferry Vicksburg could have been approached and besieged by the south side. It is not probable, however, that Pemberton would have permitted a close besiegement. The broken nature of the ground would have enabled him to hold a strong defensible line from the river south of th
active man, and had the business management in charge. If any negotiations were made, he made them. The convention was held in a monster building called the Wigwam. No one who has ever attempted a description of it has overdrawn its enthusiasm and exciting scenes. Amid all the dim and confusion, the curbstone contentions, the promiscuous wrangling of delegates, the deafening roar of the assembled hosts, the contest narrowed down to a neck-and-neck race between the brilliant statesman of Auburn and the less pretentious, but manly rail-splitter from the Sangamon bottoms. With the proceedings of the convention the world is already well familiar. On the first ballot Seward led, but was closely followed by Lincoln; on the second Lincoln gained amazingly; on the third the race was an even one until the dramatic change by Carter, of Ohio, when Lincoln, swinging loose, swept grandly to the front. The cannon planted on the roof of the Wigwam belched forth a boom across the Illinois pra
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 10: (search)
ned to make the inquiry. Such remarkable instances of his great ability were of frequent occurrence. Before the close of the first session the House of Representatives had reason to be proud of its speaker and to congratulate itself upon having elected James G. Blaine. Immediately after the inauguration ex-President Johnson returned to his home in Tennessee, where in a speech he repeated his eulogy upon himself and his anathemas against the Republican party. Mr. Seward returned to Auburn, New York, where he spoke in glowing terms of President Grant, prophesying that his administration would be a blessing to the country. The remainder of Mr. Johnson's cabinet went to their respective homes. In a brief time everything was adjusted to the change of administration and the affairs of the nation proceeded as if nothing had occurred. Among the callers at the White House soon after the occupancy by President Grant and his family was General Robert E. Lee, who came to Washington to
in bags of quinine. He was relieved of his load and allowed to proceed. The lady was also permitted to pass. When asked what she intended to do with the articles taken from her and the boy, she replied that she wished to make a little money. The skirt taken from her weighed thirty-five pounds, and the silk is valued at eight dollars per pound.--Baltimore News, December 3. The Seventy-fifth regiment, New York Volunteers, Col. Dodge, being the second regiment from Cayuga County, left Auburn for Washington.--N. Y. Herald, December 2. General Price has issued a proclamation to the people of Missouri, dated at Neosho, in which he calls for fifty thousand troops, and states that the exigencies of the situation demand that they shall be promptly furnished, as the term of service--six months--for which his present force was enlisted, is closing, and many of his men are leaving for their homes. He complains of the apathy and inactivity of the wealthy secessionists, who have stoo
Council of that city adopted an ordinance compelling the Board of School Trustees to require all professors and teachers of the public schools, before entering on their duties, to appear before the Mayor and take oath to support the Constitutions of the United States and Kentucky, and to be true and loyal citizens thereof.--Gen. Nelson arrived at Nashville, Tenn., with large reenforcements, and assumed command there. A scouting-party of ten men, under Lieut. Roberts, of the First Kentucky (Wolford's) cavalry, when about fifteen miles from Columbia, Tenn., were attacked by a body of sixty rebels. The Union party retired to a house in the neighborhood, from which they fought the rebels six hours, when they finally retreated. Several of the rebels fell. The Union party lost none. Enthusiastic meetings were this day held at Bangor, Me., Bridgeport, Ct., and Auburn, N. Y., for the purpose of promoting enlistments into the army, under the call of the President for more troops.
February 3. A fight took place at Mingo Swamp, Missouri, between a detachment of Union troops under the command of Major Reeder, and a numerous gang of rebel guerrillas under the leadership of Dan McGee, resulting in a complete rout of the latter. McGee and eight of his men were killed, and twenty wounded.--(Doc. 117.) A successful reconnoissance was this day made to Liberty, Auburn, and Lebanon. Tenn., by a body of National troops under the command of General J. J. Reynolds. They obtained important information concerning the position and operations of the rebel forces; ascertained that the inhabitants of many portions of Tennessee hitherto unvisited by National troops, were loyal to the Union ; obtained large material results in the capture of supplies, and in destroying rebel means of support; broke up a rebel camp, dispersing the rebels in all directions; had several skirmishes with guerrillas, routing them on each occasion with great slaughter. Fort Donelson, Te
July 23. The enrolment was resisted in the vicinity of Jarrettsville, Harford County, Md.--the First regiment of colored United States volunteers was completed at Philadelphia, Pa., and Colonel Benjamin Tilghman appointed to the command.--the draft took place in Auburn, N. Y., and every thing passed off with the best of order. The occasion, instead of being one of rioting, arson, and murder, was rather one of rejoicing and demonstrations of loyalty. The drafted men formed in procession, with a band of music, and marched through the streets cheering for the draft, the Union, etc., and in the evening listened to patriotic speeches from the Provost-Marshal, the Mayor and others.
miles above Grand Gulf, occupied until noon of May sixth, distance sixty-three miles. We crossed over the river during the night of the sixth and day of the seventh, and on the eighth marched eighteen miles out to Hankinson's Ferry, across the Big Black, relieving Crocker's division of McPherson's corps. . At noon of the tenth, by order of General Grant, the floating bridge across the Black was effectually destroyed, and the troops marched forward to Big Sandy. On the eleventh we marched to Auburn, and on the morning of the twelfth, at Fourteen Mile Creek, first met opposition. The Fourth Iowa cavalry, Lieut.-Colonel Swan, commanding, leading the advance, was fired on as it approached the bridge across the creek. One man was killed, and the horse of Major Winslow was shot under him. Lieut.-Colonel Swan dismounted the men armed with carbines, (about one hundred,) and began to skirmish with the enemy, which afterward proved to be Wirt Adams's cavalry, but the bushes were so dense that
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.69 (search)
hey were. On the 10th McPherson moved to Utica; Sherman to Big Sandy,--McClernand was still at Big Sandy. The 11th McClernand was at Five Mile Creek; Sherman at Auburn; McPherson five miles advanced from Utica. May 12th McClernand was at Fourteen Mile Creek; Sherman at Fourteen Mile Creek; McPherson at Raymond, after a battle. s over the same road with Osterhaus's, but, being back at Mississippi Springs, would not be detained thereby; the fourth (Smith's, with Blair's division) was near Auburn, with a different road to pass over. McClernand faced about and moved promptly. His cavalry from Raymond seized Bolton by half-past 9 in the morning, driving ouuntil he came up to our rear. Within an hour after receiving this order, Steele's division was on the road. At the same time I dispatched to Blair, who was near Auburn, to move with all speed to Edwards's Station. McClernand was directed to embrace Blair in his command for the present. Blair's division was a part of the Fiftee
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
ment of the rioters, 89. attempt to postpone the Draft, 90. the work of the Peace Faction, 91. Morgan's raid in Kentucky colored troops, 92. Morgan's raid in Indiana, 93. Morgan's raid in Ohio, 94. Morgan and his men in peril, 95. capture of Morgan, 96. despotism of the Conspirators demonstration against Richmond, 97. Meade in pursuit of Lee, in Virginia, 98. the opposing armies at rest, 99. Buford's dash on Stuart, near Brandy Station, 100. Lee proposes to march on Washington Auburn, 101. Lee turns Meade's flanks another race northward, 103. Stuart and his staff in peril a race for Bristow Station, 104. battle of Bristow Station, 105. Lee falls back Meade advances to the Rappahannock, 106. battle of Rappahannock Station Lee, alarmed, falls back, 107. the Confederates on Mine Run, 108. Meade moves toward Mine Run Lee's position and strength, 109. the Nationals ready for battle, 110. Meade withdraws from Mine Run, 111. operations in West Virginia, 112. Ave