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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 8. You can also browse the collection for Annapolis (Maryland, United States) or search for Annapolis (Maryland, United States) in all documents.

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into the soil of Maryland itself, and counted Dulany among its friends. The lieutenant governor, Robert Eden, had made himself acceptable and even beloved; had no power to do mischief, and made no attempt to raise the king's standard, maintaining a prudent reserve and acquiescing in what he could not prevent or alter; so that he and the proprietary party were regarded Chap. XLV.} 1775. in the strife as neutrals, not hostile to the American claims of right. The convention which met at Annapolis on the twenty sixth of July resolved fully to sustain Massachusetts, and meet force by force. They saw no alternative but base submission or manly resistance. They therefore approved of the opposition by arms to British troops. The temporary government which was instituted, was, in its form, a universal association of the people of Maryland, one by one. Recognising the continental congress as invested with a general supervision, it managed internal affairs through a provincial council
e continued, there will be an immediate dissolution of every kind of authority in this province; the people will be instantly in a state of nature. Before we are prepared to build the new house, why should we pull down the old one The delegates of Pennsylvania declined to vote on the question; those of Maryland announced, that, under their instructions, they should consider their colony as unrepresented, until they should receive the directions of their principals who were then sitting at Annapolis. The measure proved a piece of mechanism to work out independence; overruling the hesitation of the moderate men, the majority adopted the preamble, and ordered it to be published. The gordian knot, said John Adams, is cut; and as he ruminated in solitude upon the lead which he had assumed in summoning so many populous and opulent colonies to rise from the state of subjection into that of independent Chap. LXIII.} 1776. May. republics, the great events which were rapidly advancig, e
f the whole number of infantry, had no bayonets. Of the militia Chap. LXIX.} 1776. July 1. who had been called for, only about a thousand had joined the camp; and with this force the general was to defend extensive lines against an army, near at hand, of thirty thousand veterans. An express from Lee made known, that fifty three ships with Clinton had arrived before Charleston, of which the safety was involved in doubt. A more cheering letter which Chase had forwarded by express fiom Annapolis, brought the first news of the unanimity of the Maryland convention, whose vote for independence was produced and read. The order of the day came next, and congress resolved itself into a committee of the whole to take into consideration the resolution respecting independency. For a few minutes, perfect silence prevailed; every one felt the responsibility of acting finally on the most important question ever agitated in the assembly. In the absence of the mover of the resolution, the ey