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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Acadia, or Acadie, (search)
Acadia, or Acadie, The ancient name of Nova Scotia (q. v.) and adjacent regions. It is supposed to have been visited by Sebastian Cabot in 1498, but the first attempt to plant a settlement there was by De Monts, in 1604, who obtained a charter from the King of France for making settlements and carrying on trade. In that charter it is called Cadie, and by the early settlers it was known as L'Acadie. A settlement was made at a place named Port Royal (now Annapolis), by Poutrincourt, a bosom friend of De Monts, but it was broken up in 1613, by Argall, from Virginia. These French emigrants built cottages sixteen years before the Pilgrims landed on the shores of New England. When English people came, antagonisms arising from difference of religion and nationality appeared, and, after repeated struggles between the English and French for the possession of Acadia, it was ceded to Great Britain by the treaty of Utrecht in 1713. But for many years not a dozen English families were s
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adams, Henry A., Jr. (search)
Adams, Henry A., Jr. Born in Pennsylvania in 1833. Graduated at Annapolis in 1851. Took part in the engagement with the forts at the mouth of Canton River, China, in 1854. Was on the Brooklyn at the passage of Forts St. Philip and Jackson in 1862, and also participated in the attack on Fort Fisher. Was highly praised by Admiral Porter in his official despatches.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adams, John Quincy, 1767- (search)
nd their own delegates in Congress. A convention of delegates from the State legislatures, independent of the Congress itself, was the expedient which presented itself for effecting the purpose, and an augmentation of the powers of Congress for the regulation of commerce as the object for which this assembly was to be convened. In January, 1786, the proposal was made and adopted in the legislature of Virginia and communicated to the other State legislatures. The convention was held at Annapolis in September of that year. It was attended by delegates from only five of the central States, who, on comparing their restricted powers with the glaring and universally acknowledged defects of the con federation, reported only a recommendation for the assemblage of another convention of delegates to meet at Philadelphia in May, 1787, from all the States and with enlarged powers. The Constitution of the United States was the work of this convention. But in its construction the conventi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Annapolis, (search)
rand, a ruling elder, settled on the site of Annapolis in 1649, and, in imitation of Roger Williams 1774, a vessel owned by Anthony Stewart, of Annapolis, entered the port with seventeen packages ofDinwiddie. of Virginia. held a congress at Annapolis. Braddock had lately arrived as commander-i plan which contemplated seizing and holding Annapolis as a means of communication, and to make a fusetts to send the Boston Light Artillery to Annapolis, and the next morning he proceeded with his safety beyond the bar. Governor Hicks was at Annapolis, and advised Butler not to land Northern trotler of a great force of Confederates at Annapolis Junction. He did not believe them, and moved on, after taking formal military possession of Annapolis and the railway to Annapolis Junction. Two MaAnnapolis Junction. Two Massachusetts companies seized the railway station, in which they found a disabled locomotive concealehold the railroads. Other troops arrived at Annapolis, and General Scott ordered Butler to remain [10 more...]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Anne, Queen, (search)
en under Colonel Marsh sailed from Nantucket for Port Royal, Acadia, convoyed by an English man-of-war. The French were prepared for them, and only the destruction of property outside the fort there was accomplished. The war continued, with occasional distressing episodes. In September. 1710, an armament of ships and troops left Boston and sailed for Port Royal, in connection with a fleet from England with troops under Colonel Nicholson. They captured Port Royal and altered the name to Annapolis, in compliment to the Queen. Acadia (q. v.) was annexed to England. under the old title of Nova Scotia, or New Scotland. The following year an expedition moved against Quebec. Sir Hovenden Walker arrived at Boston (June 25, 1711) with an English fleet and army, which were joined by New England forces; and on Aug. 15 fifteen men-of-war and forty transports, bearing about 7,000 men, departed for the St. Lawrence. Meanwhile. Nicholson had proceeded to Albany, where a force of about 4,0
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baltimore, (search)
President and General Scott, the latter proposed to bring troops by water to Annapolis, and march them across Maryland to the capital, a distance of about 40 miles.troops across the soil of Maryland, and to send away some who were already at Annapolis. The President replied kindly but firmly. He reminded his Excellency that tal, was not unwelcome anywhere in the State of Maryland, and certainly not at Annapolis, then, as now, the capital of that patriotic State; and then, also, one of thrd from Perrysville, or Elkton, by land or water, or both. and a fourth from Annapolis. It was thought 12,000 men would be needed for the enterprise. They were noith General Scott, and simply asked permission to take a regiment or two from Annapolis, march them to the relay house on the Baltimore and Ohio Railway (9 miles fro Butler ascertained that Baltimore was in his department, and he went back to Annapolis to execute a bold plan which he had conceived. At the close of April, 1861,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bancroft, George, (search)
llector of the port of Boston. He was then engaged in delivering frequent political addresses, and took a deep interest in the philosophical movement now known as transcendentalism. He was a Democrat in politics, and in 1840 received the nomination for governor of Massachusetts, but was not elected. In 1845 President Polk called Mr. Bancroft to his cabinet as Secretary of the Navy, and he signalized George Bancroft, Ll.D. his administration by the establishment of the Naval Academy at Annapolis. While Secretary of the Navy he gave the order to take possession of California, which was done by the navy; and while acting temporarily as Secretary of War he gave the order for General Taylor to cross the Rio Grande and invade the territory of Mexico. In 1846 Mr. Bancroft was sent as United States minister plenipotentiary to England, and in 1849 the University of Oxford conferred upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law. During this residence in Europe he perfected his coll
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barnes, James, 1866-1869 (search)
Barnes, James, 1866-1869 author: born in Annapolis, Md., Sept. 19, 1866; was graduated at Princeton College in 1891: author Of naval actions of 1812; For King or country; A loyal traitor; Midshipman Farragut, etc. military officer; born in Boston, Mass., about 1809); was graduated at West Point in 1829, and resigned in 1836. He became colonel of a Massachusetts volunteer regiment in 1861, and in November of that year was made brigadier-general in the Army of the Potomac, participating in its most exciting operations. He commanded a division at the battle of Gettysburg, and was severely wounded. He was brevetted major-general of volunteers in March, 1865, and was mustered out of the service Jan. 15, 1866. He died in Springfield, Mass., Feb. 12, 1869.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Buchanan, Franklin, 1800-1874 (search)
Buchanan, Franklin, 1800-1874 Naval officer; born in Baltimore, Md., Sept. 17, 1800: entered the navy in 1815; became lieutenant in 1825, and master-commander in 1841. He was the first superintendent of the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Sympathizing with the Confederate movement, and believing his State would secede, he sent in his resignation. Finding that Maryland did not secede, he petitioned for restoration, but was refused, when he entered the Confederate service, and superintended( the fitting-out of the old Merrimac (rechristened the Virginia) at Norfolk. In her he fought the Monitor and was severely wounded. He afterwards blew up his vessel to save her from capture. In command of the ironclad Tennessee, in Mobile Bay, he was defeated and made prisoner. He died in Talbot county. Md., May 11, 1874. See monitor and Merrimac. Buchanan, James
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 1818-1893 (search)
t Waterville College, Me., in 1838: was admitted to the bar in 1841; and continued the practice until 1861, with a high reputation as a criminal lawyer. He was an active politician in the Democratic party until its Benjamin Franklin Butler. disruption at Charleston in 1860; and he had served as a member of both Houses of the Massachusetts legislature. As brigadier-general of militia he hastened towards Washington, on the call of the President, with troops, in April, 1861, and landed at Annapolis. He was placed in command of the Department of Annapolis, which included Baltimore (q. v.). At the middle of May he was made major-general of volunteers, and put in command of the Department of Virginia, with headquarters at Fort Monroe, where he held as contraband all fugitive slaves. In August (1861), an expedition which he commanded captured forts Hatteras and Clarke; and, in the spring of 1862, he led another expedition for the capture of New Orleans, in which he was successful. I