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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 1: parentage, and Early years. (search)
grant from London. His stock was Scotch-Irish; and it is most probable that John Jackson himself was removed by his parents from the north of Ireland to London, in his second year. Nearly fifty years after he left England, his son, Colonel George Jackson, while a member of the Congress of the United States, formed a friendship with the celebrated Andrew Jackson of Tennessee, afterwards the victor of New Orleans, and President; and the two traced their ancestry up to the same parish near Londonderry. Although no more intimate relationship could be established between the families, such a tie is rendered probable by their marked resemblance in energy and courage, as illustrated not only in the career of the two great commanders who have made the name immortal, but of other members of their houses. John Jackson was brought up in London, and became a reputable and prosperous tradesman. He determined to transfer his. rising fortunes to the British colonies in America, and crossed the
scrupulous about bounds and limits in these wilds as they had been in Scotland; hence the remarkable stone walls which still stand to testify to their industry. They were Scotch Presbyterians in religion; and the Rev. Mr. Morehead, of Boston, frequently came to preach to them. Some of them migrated to the District of Maine; and there was recently living a General Jacob Auld, of that district, who was born about a mile north-east of Medford meeting-house, whose father was Irish, and left Londonderry about 1730. These people kept up many of their European customs; and tradition says, that once, when a young child died among them, they held a genuine Irish wake; a consequence of which was so much drunkenness and fighting that the civil authorities were obliged to interpose. A few of these adventurers remained, and became good citizens; and among their descendants we may name the Fulton, Wier, Faulkner, and McClure families. The mother of the late Mrs. Fulton was a Wier. There was
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 8.70 (search)
my subject. Bear with me while I attempt to speak to you of one whom even Virginia may be proud to enroll among her noblest heroes. James Ewell Brown Stuart was born in Patrick county, Va., on the 6th day of February, 1833. He died in Richmond, Va., on the 12th of May, 1864, of a wound received the day previous at the Yellow Tavern. His age at his death was 31 years 3 months and 6 days. Through five generations his ancestry is traced back to Archibald Stuart, Sr., a native of Londonderry, Ireland, but of Scotch Presbyterian parentage, who, early in the eighteenth century, was compelled by religious persecution to seek refuge in Western Pennsylvania. Here he remained in seclusion for nearly seven years before his family could venture to join him. Removing to Augusta county, Va., about 1738, Archibald Stuart, Sr., acquired large landed estates, which he divided between his four children. His second son, and third child, Major Alexander Stuart, was, early in the Revolutionary
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Glendy, John 1755-1832 (search)
Glendy, John 1755-1832 Clergyman; born in Londonderry, Ireland, June 24, 1755; educated at the University of Glasgow; came to the United States in 1799, and settled in Norfolk, Va.; was chaplain of the House of Representatives in 1815-16. He was the author of Oration in commemoration of Washington. He died in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 4, 1832.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sampson, William 1764-1836 (search)
Sampson, William 1764-1836 Author; born in Londonderry, Ireland, Jan. 17, 1764; studied at Dublin University and became a lawyer; later settled in New York City. His writings were largely instrumental in leading to the consolidation and important amending of the laws of New York State. His publications include Memoirs of William Sampson; Catholic question in America; Discourse before the New York Historical Society on the common law; Discourse and correspondence with learned Jesuits upon the history of the law; History of Ireland, etc. He died in New York City, Dec. 27, 1836.
ng a small ball of quicklime to the action of the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe, or the lime may be placed in the flame of a spirit-lamp fed by a jet of pure oxygen gas. Drummond's apparatus was so constructed that the lamp fed itself automatically with spirit and with oxygen, supplying itself with balls of lime as they were gradually consumed, and was provided with a parabolic silvered copper mirror. With this apparatus the light produced by a ball of lime not larger than a boy's marble, at Londonderry, was visible at Belfast, a distance of nearly seventy miles, in a direct line. Subsequently, Colonel Colby made a lime-light signal visible from Antrim, in Ireland, to Ben Lomnd, in Scotland, a distance of ninetyfive miles in a straight line. It is stated that, intensified by a parabolic reflector, it has been observed at a distance of 112 miles. It is understood that the first application in practice was when it was required to see Leith Hill, in Surry, from Berkhampstead Tower, i
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 14: first weeks in London.—June and July, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
s or Commons. In the former I have had a place always assigned me on the steps of the throne, in the very body of the house, where I remain even during divisions. I was present at a most interesting debate on the 20th June, on the affairs of Spain. The debate of Tuesday, June 19, 1838, in the House of Lords upon intervention in favor of Don Carlos, is reported in Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, Third Series, Vol. XLIII. pp. 806-867. The peers who spoke at length were the Marquis of Londonderry, Viscount Melbourne, Lord Lyndhurst, Earl of Carnarvon, Marquis of Lansdowne, and Duke of Wellington; the Earls of Minto and Ripon spoke briefly. I heard Lyndhurst; and I cannot hesitate to pronounce him a master orator. All my prejudices are against him; he is unprincipled as a politician, and as a man; and his legal reputation has sunk very much by the reversal of his judgment in the case of Small v. Attwood, Clark and Finnelly (House of Lords), Vol. VI. pp. 232-531. The Lords rea
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 2: Ancestors.—parentage.—birth. (search)
Horace Greeley's mother was Woodburn, Mary Woodburn, of Londonderry. The founder of the Woodburn family in this country was John Woodburn, who emigrated from Londonderry in Ireland, to Londonderry in New Hampshire, about the year 1725, seven yearLondonderry in New Hampshire, about the year 1725, seven years after the settlement of the original sixteen families. He came over with his brother David, who was drowned a few years af Neither of the brothers actually served in the siege of Londonderry; they were too young for that; but they were both men of the true Londonderry stamp, men with a good stroke in their arms, a merry twinkle in their eyes, indomitable workers, and no-lot and home-lot before alluded to, and he took root in Londonderry and flourished. Ho was twice married, and was the father, who came out from Ireland among the first settlers in Londonderry. She must have been well versed in Irish and Scotch trand contribute largely, says Mr. Parker, the historian of Londonderry, to the hundred thousand who are supposed to have descen
can best come before my departure. By the second of JanY I will know positively whether I can go to Ireland. With kindest regards of Mrs. Grant & myself, Yours Very Truly, U. S. Grant. Letter no. Forty-eight. I accompanied General Grant on his visit to Ireland, which lasted about a week. He went first to Dublin, where he was entertained by the Viceroy, (the Duke of Marlborough), at the Vice-Regal Lodge, and at dinner by the Chief Secretary; thence he proceeded to Belfast, Londonderry, and the North; but he was unable to go to the West or South; the civic authorities of Cork refused to invite him officially, because of some utterances hostile to the Catholics while he was President, which those functionaries resented. This was the only instance of the kind that occurred to Grant in Europe or Asia. Nearly every city in the United Kingdom had welcomed him officially and presented him with its freedom, but Cork preferred to be singular. Paris, France, Dec. 28th 1
Further by the North American. affairs in Italy — death of the Dowager Empress of Russia — the Warsaw Conference. The mails of the North American, from Liverpool on the 31st, via Londonderry on the 2d Inst., bring some additional details of European news. Italy. Five hundred of the Irish Papal Brigade have passed through France en route for Ireland. Judicial proceedings had been instituted against the Opinion National for the publication of false news. The London Daily News of the 31st, says the Emperor of the French has placed four ships-of-the-line before Gaeta, with orders to prevent an attack on that fortress by Admiral Persano, and if necessary to sink his ships.--Under these circumstances, Admiral Persano will take no part in the approaching sledge of Gaeta. The Daily News denounces this indirect intervention by France, and says Europe must not be allowed to remain a victim to all this mystery and repeated surprises. The London Mornin