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Polybius, Histories 8 0 Browse Search
James Russell Lowell, Among my books 4 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 3 1 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 2 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison 2 0 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 4, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 2 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 2 0 Browse Search
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Strabo, Geography, Book 6, chapter 3 (search)
m Brentesium as far as GarganumMonte Gargano. amount to one hundred and sixty-five miles, whereas according to Artemidorus they amount to more; and thence to Ancona two hundred and fifty-four miles according to the former, whereas according to Artemidorus the distance to the Aesis River, which is near Ancona, is one thousand two hundred and fifty stadia, a much shorter distance. Polybius states that the distance from Iapygia has been marked out by miles, and that the distance to the city of SenaSena Gallica; now Sinigaglia. is five hundred and sixty-two miles, and thence to Aquileia one hundred and seventy-eight. And they do not agree with the commonly accepted distance along the Illyrian coastline, from the Ceraunian Mountains to the recess of the Adrias,The Adriatic. since they represent this latter coasting voyage as over six thousand stadia,Polybius here gives the total length of the coastline on the Italian side as 740 miles, or 6,166 stadia (8 1/3 stadia to the mile; see 7.
Polybius, Histories, book 2, Cisalpine Gaul (search)
chain of the Alps stretching right across the country, beginning at Marseilles and the coast of the Sardinian Sea, and with no break in its continuity until within a short distance of the head of the Adriatic. To the south of this range, which I said we must regard as the base of the triangle, are the most northerly plains of Italy, the largest and most fertile of any with which I am acquainted in all Europe. This is the district with which we are at present concerned. Col di Tenda. Taken as a whole, it too forms a triangle, the apex of which is the point where the Apennines and Alps converge, above Marseilles, and not far from the coast of the Sardinian Sea. The northern side of this triangle is formed by the Alps, extending for 2200 stades; the southern by the Apennines, extending 3600; and the base is the seaboard of the Adriatic, from the town of Sena to the head of the gulf, a distance of more than 2500 Stades. The total length of the three sides will thus be nearly 10,000 stades.
Polybius, Histories, book 2, Rivers and Mountains in Northern Italy (search)
t, the first city on the west of Etruria, and inland to Arretium. Next to them come the Etruscans; and next on both slopes the Umbrians. The distance between the Apennines and the Adriatic averages about five hundred stades; and when it leaves the northern plains the chain verges to the right, and goes entirely through the middle of the rest of Italy, as far as the Sicilian Sea. The Po. The remaining portion of this triangle, namely the plain along the sea coast, extends as far as the town of Sena. The Padus, celebrated by the poets under the name of Eridanus, rises in the Alps near the apex of the triangle, and flows down to the plains with a southerly course; but after reaching the plains, it turns to the east, and flowing through them discharges itself by two mouths into the Adriatic. The larger part of the plain is thus cut off by it, and lies between this river and the Alps to the head of the Adriatic. 15th July In body of water it is second to no river in Italy, because the moun
Polybius, Histories, book 2, Gallic Wars (search)
vors to retreat in hot haste each to his own land. B. C. 283. Again, after another interval of ten years, the Gauls besieged Arretium with a great army, and the Romans went to the assistance of the town, and were beaten in an engagement under its walls. The Praetor LuciusLucius Caecilius, Livy, Ep. 12. having fallen in this battle, Manius Curius was appointed in his place. The ambassadors, sent by him to the Gauls to treat for the prisoners, were treacherously murdered by them. At this the Romans, in high wrath, sent an expedition against them, which was met by the tribe called the Senones. In a pitched battle the army of the Senones were cut to pieces, and the rest of the tribe expelled from the county; into which the Romans sent the first colony which they ever planted in Gaul—namely, the town of Sena, so called from the tribe of Gauls which formerly occupied it. Sena Gallica. This is the town which I mentioned before as lying on the coast at the extremity of the plains of the Padu
Polybius, Histories, book 11, Death of Hasdrubal (search)
at Baecula, Hasdrubal made good his passage over the Western Pyrenees, and thence through the Cevennes, B.C. 208. In the spring of B.C. 207 he crossed the Alps and descended into Italy, crossed the Po, and besieged Placentia. Thence he sent a letter to his brother Hannibal announcing that he would march southward by Ariminum and meet him in Umbria. The letter fell into the hands of the Consul Nero, who was at Venusia, and who immediately made a forced march northward, joined his colleague at Sena, and the next day attacked Hasdrubal. See above, 10, 39; Livy, 27, 39-49. Much easier and shorter was Hasdrubal's journey into Italy. . . .See Livy, 27, 39. Never at any other time had Rome been in a greater state of excitement and terrified expectation of the result. . . .Livy, 27, 44. None of these arrangements satisfied Hasdrubal. ButBattle of the Metaurus. B. C. 207. Coss, C. Claudius Nero, M. Livius Salinator II. circumstances no longer admitted of delay. He saw the enemy drawn out in
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A declaration of the places from whence the goods subscribed doe come. (search)
acca. Latton, from China . Momia, from the great Cayro. Belzuinum Mandolalo, from Sian , and Baros. Belzuinum burned, from Bonnia. Castorium, from Almania. Corallina, from the red sea. Masticke, from Sio. Mella , from Romania . Oppium, from Pugia, and Cambaia. Calamus Aromaticus, from Constantinople. Capari, from Alexandria and other places. Dates, from Arabia felix, and Alexandria. Dictamnum album, from Lombardia . Draganti, from Morea . Euphorbium, from Barbaria. Epithymum, from Candia . Sena , from Mecca . Gumme Arabike, from Zaffo. Grana , from Coronto. Ladanum, from Cyprus and Candia . Lapis lazzudis, from Persia. Lapis Zudassi, from Zaffetto. Lapis Spongii is found in sponges. Lapis Haematites, from Almanie. Manna, from Persia. Auripigmentum, from manie places of Turkie. Pilatro, from Barbaria. Pistaches, from Doria. Worme-seede, from Persia. Sumack, from Cyprus . Sebesten, from Cyprus . Galbanum, from Persia. Dente d'Abolio, from Melinde, and Mosambique. Folium Indicum, from
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 10: (search)
ception-rooms of the President, Mrs. Grant, the Vice-President, and the ladies of his family, all communicating, while other rooms furnished ample accommodations for the cloak-room. The magnificent marble or east room was the main dancing-hall. It was furnished and elaborately decorated, as was the whole building. The bronze gallery running round this room made a grand place for the music and spectators. The decorations in this room were the finest of all, the soft tints of the Pyrenees, Siena, Egyptian, Tennessee, and Vermont marbles contrasting exquisitely with the bright colors. The whole effect was superb. There was a very great crowd, and, but for the solidity of the building and the perfect management it might have been most uncomfortable. About ten o'clock President Grant entered the reception-room assigned him. He was accompanied by Senator Morgan, of New York, and one or two others; Mrs. Grant was escorted by General George H. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Colfax came in tog
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Moorehead, Warren King 1866- (search)
Moorehead, Warren King 1866- Archaeologist; born in Siena, Italy, of American parents, March 10, 1866; received a liberal education, and applied himself to archaeo- logical study in Licking county, O. Later he studied with D. Thomas Wilson, curate of Prehistoric Anthropology in the Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, D. C. He had charge of archaeological work in the Ohio Valley, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico, for the World's Columbian Exposition, and while so engaged made important discoveries in the altar mounds of the Scioto Valley. In 1898 he was engaged in explorations in the West. He is a member of the Victoria Institute of England, and a fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Science. His publications include Primitive man in Ohio; Fort ancient; Wanneta, the Sioux, and many reports.
own in the drawing, will then be raised, and allow the steam to escape into the waste-pipe in a way that cannot fail to secure notice. A-larm′--clock. From a work published in 1661, we find that Andrew Alciat of France had a kind of clock in his chamber that should awaken him at any hour of the night that he determined, and when it struck the determined hour, it struck fire likewise out of a flint, which fell among tinder, to light him a candle; it was the invention of one Caravagio of Sienna in Italy. The Marquis of Worcester, 1655, suggests that the tinder-box may form a serviceable pistol. This is anticipating some of the burglar alarms of our own time. The clock alarm consists of a bell or wire coil and a hammer which is set in motion by an arrangement substantially similar to the recoil escapement in the attached cut. A weighted cord or spring, being wound on the axis of the scape-wheel, rotates it as soon as it is free to move. If we suppose a short hammer instead of
ochreFrom calcination of yellow ochre. Red lead or miniumA mixture of protoxide and binoxide of lead. MadderFrom the madder plant, rubia tinctoria. CochinealThe dried bodies of the cochineal insect. VermilionCinnabar, a sulphide of mercury, natural or prepared. green. Chrome greenSesquioxide of chromium. Schweinfurt greenAcetate and arsenite of copper. Scheele's greenArsenite of copper. VerdigrisAcetate of copper. Brown. Terra di SiennaA natural earth found in the vicinity of Sienna, Italy; when burned it forms a red. UmberAn earth from that part of Italy anciently forming the Roman province of Umbria. BistreSoot of wood, preferably beech. Numerous other colors are used by artists for producing different shades, and a large list might be made of those employed in dyeing and paper-staining, each having its peculiar fitness for special purposes. Among these, the various shades of violet, blue, green, red, etc., derived from aniline, a product of petroleum, have of lat