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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 96 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 84 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 12 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 6 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 4 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 4 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Letters (ed. Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt) 4 0 Browse Search
Lysias, Speeches 4 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Politics 4 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 4 0 Browse Search
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Aeschines, On the Embassy, section 173 (search)
During this period we fortified the Peiraeus and built the north wall; we added one hundred new triremes to our fleet; we also equipped three hundred cavalrymen and bought three hundred Scythians;A corps of bowmen, Scythian slaves, owned by the state and used as city police. and we held the democratic constitution unshaken.But meanwhile men who were neither free by birth nor of fit character had intruded into our body politic, and finally we became involved in war again with the Lacedaemonians, this time because of the Aeginetans.The war with Aegina ended before the above-mentioned truce began.
Aristotle, Politics, Book 4, section 1291b (search)
one the farmers, another the class dealing with the arts and crafts, another the commercial classoccupied in buying and selling and another the one occupied with the sea—and this is divided into the classes concerned with naval warfare, with trade, with ferrying passengers and with fishing (for each of these classes is extremely numerous in various places, for instance fishermen at Tarentum and Byzantium, navy men at Athens, the mercantile class at Aegina and Chios, and the ferryman-class at Tenedos), and in addition to these the hand-working class and the people possessing little substance so that they cannot live a life of leisure, also those that are not free men of citizen parentage on both sides, and any other similar class of common people; while among the notables wealth, birth, virtue, education, and the distinctions that are spoken of in the same group as these, form the classes.The first kind of democra<
Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1306a (search)
(as Hipparinus put forward DionysiusSee 1259a 29 n. at Syracuse, and at AmphipolisSee 1303b 2 n. a man named Cleotimus led the additional settlers that came from Chalcis and on their arrival stirred them up to sedition against the wealthy, and in Aegina the man who carried out the transactions with Chares attempted to cause a revolution in the constitution for a reason of this sorti.e. he had squandered his fortune in riotous living; this deal with the Athenian general may have been in 367 B.C.); so sometimes they attempt at once to introduce some reform, at other times they rob the public funds and in consequence either they or those who fight against them in their peculations stir up faction against the government, as happened at Apollonia on the Black Sea. On the other hand, harmonious oligarchy does not easily cause its own destruction; and an indication of this is the constitutional government at Pharsalus, for th
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 3, chapter 10 (search)
eprived themselves of the opportunity of attacking and plundering a weak maritime city, and so securing provisions for the war. The word e)fo/dia properly means provisions for a journey and travelling expenses. Pitholaus called the ParalusThe Paralus and Salaminia were the two sacred galleys which conveyed state prisoners. “the bludgeon of the people,” and Sestos “the corn-chestIt commanded the trade of the Euxine. of the Piraeus.” Pericles recommended that Aegina, “the eyesore of the Piraeus,” should be removed. Moerocles, mentioning a very “respectable” person by name, declared that he was as much a scoundrel as himself; for whereas that honest man played the scoundrel at 33 per cent. he himself was satisfied with 10 per cent.Moerocles was a contemporary of Demosthenes, and an anti-Macedonian in politics. He seems to have been a money-grubber and was once prosecuted for extortion. The degree of the
Bacchylides, Epinicians (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Ode 10 For an Athenian Foot Race at the Isthmus Date unknown (search)
, breathing out a storm of hot breath, and again moistened the cloaks of the spectators with olive oil, rushing into the close-packed crowd when he rounded the fourth turn of the course, the spokesmen of the wise judges proclaimed him twice an Isthmian victor, and twice in Nemea, beside the sacred altar of Zeus son of Cronus. Glorious Thebes also welcomed him fittingly, and spacious Argos, and Sicyon, and those who dwell in Pellene, and in Euboea rich in grain, and on the holy island Aegina. Each man seeks a different path on which to walk to attain conspicuous glory; and the forms of knowledge among men are countless. Indeed, a man is skillful if he has a share of honor from the Graces and blooms with golden hope, or if he has some knowledge of the prophetic art; another man aims his artful bow at boys; others swell their spirits with fields and herds of cattle. The future begets unpredictable results: which way will fortune's scale incline? The finest thing is to be en
Demosthenes, On the Crown, section 96 (search)
When the Lacedaemonians, men of Athens, had the supremacy of land and sea, and were holding with governors and garrisons all the frontiers of Attica, Euboea, Tanagra, all Boeotia, Megara, Aegina, Ceos, and the other islands, for at that time Athens had no ships and no walls, you marched out to Haliartus,Haliartus, 395 B.C.; Corinth, 394 B.C.; Decelean war, the last period, 4l3-404, of the Peloponnesian war, when the Spartans held the fortified position of Decelea in Attica. and again a few days later to Corinth. The Athenians of those days had good reason to bear malice against the Corinthians and the Thebans for their conduct during the Decelean War; but they bore no malice whatever.
Demosthenes, Against Leptines, section 76 (search)
ur commander, he drew up your ranks at ThebesWhen Athens helped Thebes to repel the invasion of Agesilaus in 378. Chabrias, on his way to Cyprus in 388 to help Evagoras against Persia, landed on Aegina and killed the Spartan harmost there. He was operating in Egypt in 380 and again in 361. to face the whole power of the Peloponnese, how he slew Gorgopas in Aegina, what tropAegina, what trophies he set up in Cyprus and afterwards in Egypt, how he visited, I might almost say, every land, yet nowhere disgraced our city's name or his own—of all these exploits it is by no means easy to speak adequately, and it would be a great shame if my words should make them fall below the estimate of him which each one of you has formed in his own mind. But of some, which I think I could
Demosthenes, Against Aristogiton 2, section 6 (search)
Again, all the statesmen, if you will pass them in review from the earliest times, can be proved to have submitted in the same way to your constitutional decrees. It is said that Aristeides was banished by your ancestors and lived in Aegina till the people recalled him, and that Miltiades and Pericles, being fined thirty and fifty talents respectively, did not try to harangue the people until they had paid in full.
Demosthenes, Against Nicostratus, section 6 (search)
During my absence three household slaves of Nicostratus ran away from him from his farm, two of those whom I had given him, and one of a number whom he had purchased for himself. He pursued them, but was taken captive by a trireme and brought to Aegina, where he was sold. When I had come home with the ship of which I was in command, Deinon, this man's brother, came to me and told me of his misfortunes, stating that, although Nicostratus had sent him letters, he had not gone in quest of him for want of funds for the journey, and he told me also that he heard that his brother was in a dreadful condition.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 27 (search)
y, and on this account were themselves exultant, it became manifest to all that they were intending to dispute with the Lacedaemonians for the leadership on the sea; consequently the Lacedaemonians, foreseeing what was going to happen, did all they could to humble the pride of the Athenians. When, therefore, a judgement was proposed to determine the prizes to be awarded for valour, through the superior favour they enjoyed they caused the decision to be that of states Aegina had won the prize, and of men Ameinias of Athens, the brother of Aeschylus the poet; for Ameinias, while commanding a trireme, had been the first to ram the flagship of the Persians, sinking it and killing the admiral. And when the Athenians showed their anger at this undeserved humiliation, the Lacedaemonians, fearful lest Themistocles should be displeased at the outcome and should devise some great evil against them and the Greeks, honoured him with double the numb