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Dinarchus, Speeches 24 0 Browse Search
Aeschines, Speeches 14 0 Browse Search
Lycurgus, Speeches 10 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 10 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 10 0 Browse Search
Hyperides, Speeches 6 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Letters (ed. Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt) 6 0 Browse Search
Demades, On the Twelve Years 4 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 4 0 Browse Search
Epictetus, Works (ed. Thomas Wentworth Higginson) 2 0 Browse Search
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Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, section 27 (search)
Furthermore I will present to you Demosthenes himself as witness to the fact that at the time when Ctesiphon made his motion, Demosthenes was holding the office of Commissioner for the Repair of Walls, and so was handling public funds, imposing fines like the other magistrates, and privileged to preside in court.See on Aeschin. 3.14. For in the archonship of Chaerondas, on the last day but one of Thargelion,The spring of 337, nine months after the battle of Chaeronea. Skirophorion was the next month after Thargelion. Demosthenes made a motion in the assembly that on the second and third days of Skirophorion assemblies of the tribes be held; and he directed in his decree that men be chosen from each tribe as superintendents and treasurers for the work upon the walls; and very properly, that the city might have responsible persons upon whom to call for an accounting of the money spent. Please read the decree.Decree
Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, section 55 (search)
And he says that the second period was the time while we kept the peace, doubtless up to that day on which this same orator put an end to the existing peace, by himself introducing the motion for war; and the third period, the period of war, up to the events of Chaeronea; and the fourth, the present period. When he has enumerated these, he intends, as I hear, to call me forward and ask me to tell him for which of these four periods I accuse him, and when it is that I say that his policy has not been for the best interests of the people. And if I refuse to answer, and cover my face and run away, he says he will come and uncover me and lead me to the platform, and force me to answer.
Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, section 131 (search)
And did he not at last from smouldering and ill-omened sacrifices send forth our troops into manifest danger? And yet it was but yesterday that he dared to assert that the reason why Philip did not advance against our countryAfter Philip's overwhelming victory at Chaeronea it was a surprise to every one that he did not immediately press on and invade Attica. was that the omens were not favorable to him. What punishment, then, do you deserve, you curse of Hellas! For if the conqueror refrained from entering the land of the conquered because the omens were not favorable to him, whereas you, ignorant of the future, sent out our troops before the omens were propitious, ought you to be receiving a crown for the misfortunes of the city, or to have been thrust already beyond her borders?
Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, section 146 (search)
oppose him,In connection with their service as commanders of the army and navy the generals had a considerable share in the responsibility for foreign relations. he would bring suit to settle the claims of the speakers' platform as against those of the war office; for he said you owed more benefits to him from the platform than to the generals from the war office. And by drawing pay for empty places in the mercenary force,The charge is that Demosthenes was in a conspiracy to pad the rolls. by stealing the pay of the troops, and by hiring out those ten thousand mercenaries to the AmphissiansThe administration, by detaching this large body of mercenaries and sending them to the immediate aid of the Amphissians, gave Philip the opportunity to sweep them away before meeting the army of the Athenians and Thebans at Chaeronea. against my repeated protests and complaints in the assembly—when the mercenaries had thus been carried off, he rushed the city all unprepared into the mist of peri
Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, section 152 (search)
Here indeed it is fitting that we should pay the tribute of memory to those brave men whom he, regardless of the smouldering and ill-omened sacrifices, sent forth into manifest danger—he who, when they had fallen, dared to set his cowardly and runaway feet upon their tomb and eulogize the valor of the dead.Demosthenes was elected to pronounce the eulogy at the public funeral of those who fell at Chaeronea. O man of all mankind most useless for great and serious deeds, but for boldness of words most wonderful, will you presently undertake to look this jury in the face and say that over the disasters of the city you must be crowned? And, gentlemen, if he does, will you endure it? Are we to believe that you and your memory are to die with the dea
Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, section 159 (search)
But that I may speak concerning the fourth period also, and the present situation, I wish to remind you of this fact, that Demosthenes not only deserted his post in the army, but his post in the city also; for he took possession of one of your triremes and levied money upon the Greeks.Demosthenes says (Dem. 19.248) that after the battle of Chaeronea the measures that were taken for the defence of the city were by his motions, and that he was also elected grain-commissioner. He may well have made a hurried voyage to the allies to raise money and supplies for the emergency. But when our unexpected safetyPhilip, contrary to Demosthenes' expectation, did not advance on Athens, and he offered moderate terms of peace. had brought him hack to the city, during the first months the man was timid, and he came forward half-dead to the platform and urged you to elect him “preserver of the peace.” But as for you, you would not even let resolutions that were passed bear the name of Demosthenes
Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, section 236 (search)
you to crown Demosthenes. For if, Ctesiphon, you propose to cite that which you made the beginning of your motion, that he did good work in excavating the trenches around the walls, I am astonished at you. For to have been responsible for the necessity of doing the work at all involves an accusation greater than is the credit for having done it well. Indeed, it is not for surrounding the walls with palisades, and not for tearing down the public tombsWe learn from the orator Lycurgus (Lyc. Against Leocrates 44) that in the past to fortify the city immediately after Chaeronea the very tombs were made to yield stones, as they had done in the hurried fortifying by Themistocles after the Persian wars (Thuc. 1.93.1). Aeschines wrongly implies that these hurried emergency measures were a part of the work that was done later in a thorough manner under Demosthenes' direction. that the statesman of clean record ought to ask reward, but for having been responsible for some good to t
Demades, On the Twelve Years, section 9 (search)
I have, to bear me out, the burial of a thousand AtheniansIt is said that after Chaeronea in 338 B.C. Philip was insulting his prisoners, until Demades, by his frank speech, won him over to a better attitude towards Athens. Cf. Dio. Sic. 16.87. performed by the hands of our adversaries, hands which I won over from enmity to friendship towards the dead. Then, on coming to the fore in public life, I proposed the peace. I admit it. I proposed honors to Philip. I do not deny it. By making these proposals I gained for you two thousand captives free of ransom, a thousand Athenian dead, for whom no herald had to ask, and Oropus without an embassy.
Demades, On the Twelve Years, section 13 (search)
The Thebans were suffering the closest restriction in the Macedonian garrisoni.e. the garrison established in the Cadmea by Philip after Chaeronea. which bound their hands together and had even deprived them of their freedom of speech. Time buried the power of Thebes with the body of Epaminonidas. The Macedonians had reached their full strength, and in their aspirations Fortune was already leading them across the sea against the throne and treasuries of Persia.
Demosthenes, On the Crown, section 263 (search)
However, passing by things for which your poverty may be blamed, I will address myself to actual charges against your way of living. When in course of time it occurred to you to enter public life, you chose such a line of political action that, so long as the city prospered, you lived the life of a hare, in fear and trembling and constant expectation of a sound thrashing for the crimes that burdened your conscience: although, when every one else is in distress, your confidence is manifest to all men.Since the battle of Chaeronea.