Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Madrid (Spain) or search for Madrid (Spain) in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1865., [Electronic resource], Southern Representation — the latest news from Washington. (search)
but it is asserted that it is connected with the search for Stevens. The special commission for the trial of Fenians opened in Dublin on the 27th. The Morning Herald says that the feeling in the city relative to American affairs is not altogether satisfactory. The Princess Helena, of England, is to be betrothed to Prince Christian, of Augustenburg. Spanish advices regarding the Chilian question say that the British remonstrance was most promptly and satisfactorily met at Madrid, and there is now every indication of and peaceful settlement of the difficulty. Percontra, the Madrid Telegraph says that Spain has issued a diplomatic note approving and justifying the conduct of the Spanish Admiral, and declaring that Spain will not permit her dignity to be outraged without exacting satisfaction. The Pall Mall Gazette learns that no such note has been issued, but, on the contrary, the Spanish Government is disposed to make every concession. Commercial and fina
er by the steamer Java. New York, December 13. --The jailor who connived at the escape of Stevens, the Fenian Head Centre, has been committed for trial. The London Times, noticing the acquittal of Captain Corbett on the Shenandoah case, says it cannot affect to be disappointed; and adds that the evasion of the neutrality laws have been so executed as almost to defy legal restitution. The Paris Bourse closed quiet yesterday at 68f. 72 for the rentes. Correspondence from Madrid denies that the Spanish Government has sent Admiral Panija orders to suspend hostilities against Chili. The Government is not even disposed to accept of the mediation of neutral powers. Orders have been given to the Spanish naval arsenals to push forward the preparation of war vessels for sea. The New York Evening Express of this date says the European steamer Scotia, which sailed to-day for Liverpool, took important Government dispatches to Mr. Bigelow, our Minister in Paris. It is
nt could not bring forward a bill unless fully matured and well grounded. The Morning Herald says the feeling in the city relative to American affairs is not altogether satisfactory. The Princess Helena, of England, is to be betrothed to Prince Christian, of Augustenburg, brother of Duke Augustenburg. Advices from Spain regarding the Chilian question are contradictory. The London Times is informed that the British remonstrances were most promptly and satisfactorily met at Madrid, and indicate an early peaceful settlement. Per contra, a Madrid telegram says that Spain has issued a diplomatic note affirming and justifying the conduct of the Admiral, from the attitude of the Chilian Government, and declaring that Spain will not permit her dignity to be outraged without exacting satisfaction. The Pall Mall Gazette learns that no such note has been issued, but that, on the contrary, the Spanish Government is disposed to make every concession. The Spanish Minis