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a variable motion to a wheel of counterpart form. A variable wheel. Sec′troid. (Architecture.) A term applied to the surface of two adjacent groins in a vault. Se-dan′; se-dan′--chair. An upright conveyance for one person, much in vogue during the last century. It was usually carried by two men, by means of a pole on each side. A similar contrivance, termed sella, was used by the Romans under the Empire; the poles (asseres) were removable. The name is derived from Sedan, in France, where they were originally made. Their introduction into England dates back to 1581. Sir Sanders Duncomb obtained a patent or monopoly of their manufacture for 14 years. In the reign of James 1. the Duke of Buckingham incurred great odium by using one, requiring free Britons to perform the work of beasts. Come in a sedan from the other end of the town. — Pepys' Diary, 1667. The reigns of Queen Anne and the first Georges seem to have been the golden age of the sedan-cha
. Carriage.Lorry. Carryall.Lumber-wagon. Cart.Mail coach. Casemate-truck.Manumotor. Chair. BathMortar-wagon. Chaise.Night-cart. Chaise-cart.Noddy. Chariot.Omnibus. Chariotee.Outside-car. Child's carriage.Palanquin. Clarence.Perambulator. Coach.Petroleum-cart. Corf.Phaeton. Coupe.Pilentum. Curricle.Pony-chaise. Cutter.Post-chaise. Dan.Railway-car. Dearborn.Refrigerating-car. Dennet.Revolving-car. Diligence.Road-locomotive. Dog-cart.Rockaway. Drag.Sailing-carriage. Dray.Sedan. Droitska.Sled. Drosky.Sledge. Dummy-car.Sleigh. Dumping-car.Sling-cart. Dumping-cart.Sociable. Dumping-sled.Spring-wagon. Dumping-wagon.Stage. Earth-car.Stanhope. Fiacre.Steam-carriage. Fire-engine.Street-sprinkling car. Float.Stretcher. Fly.Sulky. Tender.Velocipede. Tilbury.Victoria. Tim-whiskey.Vis-a-vis. Tip-sled.Wagon. Tram.Wagonette. Trench-cart.Wain. Tree-remover.Water-barrow. Trolley.Wheelbarrow. Truck.Wheel-chair. Tumbril.Wind-car. Van. See also Tools,