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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 74 6 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 42 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the Colonization of the United States, Vol. 1, 17th edition. 20 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 17 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers 8 0 Browse Search
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2 6 0 Browse Search
C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Civil War (ed. William Duncan) 4 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 4 0 Browse Search
Raphael Semmes, Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War Between the States 4 0 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 4 0 Browse Search
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C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Civil War (ed. William Duncan), CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES of THE CIVIL WAR. , chapter 18 (search)
He raised troops over the whole province; added thirty auxiliary cohorts to the two legions he had already under his command; formed great magazines of corn to supply Marseilles, and the armies under Afranius and Petreius; ordered the Gaditani to furnish him with ten ships of war; caused a considerable number to be built at Hispalis; sent all the money and ornaments he found in the temple of Hercules to Cales; left there a garrison of six cohorts, under the command of Caius Gallonius, a Roman knight, the friend of Domitius, who had sent him thither to look after an inheritance of his; conveyed all the arms, public and private, to Gallonius's house; spoke every where disadvantageously of Caesar; declared several times from his tribunal, that Ca
C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Civil War (ed. William Duncan), CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES of THE CIVIL WAR. , chapter 20 (search)
re of his own accord, while he yet might with safety; threatening, if he did not, to come to some immediate resolution against him: that Gallonius, terrified by so general a revolt, had accordingly left Cales." Upon this intelligence, one of the two legions, known by the name of Vernacula, took up their ensigns in Varro's presence, quitted the camp, and marched directly to Hispalis, where they sat down in the market-place and cloisters, without committing the least act of violence, which so wrought upon the Roman citizens residing in the town, that every one houses. Varro, astonished at these proceedings, turned back with design to reach Italica, but was informed that the gates were shut. At last, finding himself surrounded on all sides, and the ways
Cornelius Tacitus, The History (ed. Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb), BOOK I, chapter 78 (search)
By similar bounty Otho sought to win the affections of the cities and provinces. He bestowed on the colonies of Hispalis and Emerita some additional families, on the entire people of the Lingones the privileges of Roman citizenship; to the province of Bætica he joined the states of Mauritania, and granted to Cappadocia and Africa new rights, more for display than for permanent utility. In the midst of these measures, which may find an excuse in the urgency of the crisis and the anxieties which pressed upon him, he still did not forget his old amours, and by a decree of the Senate restored the statues of Poppæa. It is even believed that he thought of celebrating the memory of Nero in the hope of winning the populace, and persons were found to exhibit statues of that Prince. There were days on which the people and the soldiers greeted him with shouts of Nero Otho, as if they were heaping on him new distinction and honour. Otho himself wavered in suspense, afraid to f
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 16: (search)
Returning to Cairo from Assuan, where we spent a few days, we proceeded to Alexandria, where we embarked on a very good steamer for Spain, making a tour of that country just prior to the Spanish-American War. We visited the Alhambra, arriving in Seville in time to witness the ceremonies of the church during Holy Week, and spent Easter Sunday attending the bull-fight, witnessing its revoltingly brutal features. From Seville we went to Cordova to visit the famous church of many arches. From CorSeville we went to Cordova to visit the famous church of many arches. From Cordova we journeyed to Madrid, the most interesting city in Spain, where there are many art treasures. From Madrid we went to Paris, where we were joined by my son, John A. Logan, Jr., and his family, my son's friend Gallonay, and Mrs. Washington A. Robeling, nee Emily Warren, sister of General Warren, of Gettysburg fame. From Paris our party, with the exception of my son's family, who went to Switzerland, went to Moscow, Russia, to attend the coronation of the Czar and Czarina in May, 1896.
soiled and stained by his undeniable and conspicuous implication in the enslavement of the Aborigines of this continent, so improperly termed Indians. Within two years after his great discovery, before he had set foot on the continent, he was concerned in seizing some scores of natives, carrying them to Spain, and selling them there as slaves. Columbus himself did not escape the stain. Enslaving five hundred native Americans, he sent them to Spain, that they might be publicly sold at Seville. --Ibid. His example was extensively followed. The fierce lust for gold, which inflamed the early adventurers on his track, incited the most reckless, shameless disregard of the rights and happiness of a harmless and guileless people, whose very helplessness should have been their defense. In 1500, the generous Isabella commanded the liberation of the Indians held in bondage in her European possessions. Yet her native benevolence extended not to the Moors, whose valor had been punishe
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), America, discovery of. (search)
d his father on the fourth voyage, in 1502-4; passed the latter part of his life principally in literary pursuits and in accumulating a large library; and died in Seville July 12, 1539. Among his writings was a biography of his father, which was published in Italian, in Venice, in 1571. The original of this work, in Spanish, togehat island, but that Dona Beatrix de Bobadilla. the propriatrix of the island, was then at Gran Canaria in a hired vessel of 40 tons belonging to one Gradeuna of Seville, which would probably suit his purpose and might perhaps be got. He therefore determined to await the arrival of that vessel at Gomera, believing that Pinzon migh with an alcatraz, several ducks, and many small birds, all flying the same way with the others, and the air was perceived to be fresh and odoriferous as it is at Seville in the month of April. But the people were now so cager to see land and had been so often disappointed, that they ceased to give faith to these continual indicat
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Americus Vespucius, 1451-1512 (search)
ricus Vespucius, 1451-1512 Navigator; born in Florence, March 9, 1451. When Columbus was in Seville preparing for his second voyage, Vespucius was there as a commercial agent of the Medici family of having their names associated with the title of this continent by fraud. Vespucius died in Seville, Feb. 22, 1512. His first voyage. He started from Cadiz on May 10, 1497, and returned t (1) Pier Soderini, and (2) Lorenzo Pietro Francesco de‘ Medici. 1. Being afterwards in Seville, resting from so many labors that I had endured during these two voyages, and intending to retughts of the Most Serene King Don Manuel of Portugal the wish to have my services. But being at Seville, without any thought of going to Portugal, a messenger came to me with a letter from the Royal Lisbon, with instructions that, come what might, he should bring me. The said Giuliano came to Seville, and prayed so hard that I was forced to go. My departure was taken ill by many who knew me, fo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Beaumarchais, Pierre Augutstin caron de, 1732- (search)
Beaumarchais, Pierre Augutstin caron de, 1732- Author; born in Paris, Jan. 24, 1732; the son of a watch-maker. In 1761 he purchased a commission as secretary to the King, a sinecure which conferred noble rank on its possessor, and the name of Beaumarchais, which he had assumed, was legally confirmed. Entering into mercantile speculations, he soon acquired a large fortune. He was the author of the famous play, the Barber of Seville. In September 1775, he submitted a memorial to the French monarch, in which he insisted upon the necessity of the French government's secretly aiding the English-American colonies; and as agent of his government he passed some time in England, where he became acquainted with Arthur Lee, which acquaintance led to diplomatic and commercial relations with the Continental Congress. He conducted the business of supplying the Americans with munitions of war with great ability, and afterwards became involved in a lawsuit with them. In 1784 he produced hi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nuñez 1490-1560 (search)
in 1544 was deposed by the colonists and afterwards imprisoned and sent to Spain. After trial he was sentenced to be banished to Africa, but was subsequently recalled, granted many favors by the King, and was made judge of the Supreme Court of Seville. He published two works, one relating to his experiences in Florida, and the other to his administration in Paraguay, both of which are of considerable historical value, and have been published in various languages. He died in Seville, some tiSeville, some time after 1560. The journey through New Mexico. The following is his narrative of his journey through New Mexico in 1535-36, from his Relation: We told these people that we desired to go where the sun sets; and they said inhabitants in that direction were remote. We commanded them to send and make known our coming; but they strove to excuse themselves the best they could, the people being their enemies, and they did not wish to go to them. Not daring to disobey, however, they sent two
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cerro Gordo, battle of (search)
xican standard was hauled down by Serg. Thomas Henry. Santa Ana with Almonte and other generals, and 8,000 troops, escaped; the remainder were made prisoners. Santa Ana attempted to fly with his carriage, which contained a large amount of specie; but it was over turned, when, mounting a mule take from the carriage harness, he fled to the mountains, leaving behind him his wooden leg—a substitute for the real one which was amputated after a wound received in the defence of Vera Cruz in 1837. In the vehicle were found his papers, clothing and a pair of woman's satin slippers The victory of the Americans was com plete and decisive. The trophies were 3,000 prisoners (who were paroled), forty three pieces of bronze artillery (cast in Seville, Spain), 5,000 stand of arm (which were destroyed), and a large quan tity of munitions of war. The fugitive were pursued towards Jalapa with vigor In that battle the Americans lost 431 men The loss of the Mexicans was about 1,200 killed and wounde