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whether even time will do it for it is price after all which will determine the result. Will india or Egypt, or any other country, or all countries together, send us not only sufficient cotton, but cotton at 6 a pound if so, then the trade of Lancashire will revive again; but if the raw material is only to be bought at twice that figure, then we ran never find customers for our manufactured articles as before.--We have hitherto been underselling the whole world in cotton stuffs, so that our go trade was created. It has been suspended because cotton became dear, and it can never be restored until cotton becomes cheap. We have lair stores of the material still, but our manufacturers are afraid to work it up at the present price. That is the history of the case, and we fear its aspect is not much improved by the returns before us. Even dear cotton does not reach us except in driblets, whereas it is only cheap cotton in abundance that will set the mills of Lancashire at work again.