Your search returned 188 results in 74 document sections:

muel, Esq., 39. Dixon, Mr., 72. Doane Street, Boston, 86. Dodge, David, 68, 69, 70, 71. Dodge, Horace, 71. Dorchester, Mass., 89. Dow, Brigadier-General, Neal, 50. Dow, Colonel, 27, 50. Dudley, General, 53. East Boston, 84. East Somerville, 8. Edgerley, Edward Everett, 10. Edwards, Mary Lincoln, 1. Elliot, Charles D., 23. Elm Street, 7. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 11. Emerson, Rev., William, 6. Encyclopaedia Brittanica, 2. Endicott, 4. England, 5. Essex, 87. Essex, Eng., 81. Esterbrook, Hannah. 89. Esterbrook, Joseph, 84, 89. Esterbrook. Millicent, 84. Everton, Samuel, 87. Farewell Song to, the Lane, A, 9, 10. Farragut, Admiral, 49, 50, 51, 57. Fay, 95. Fay, Rev. Mr., 100. Fellows, Nathan, 47. Fifth New Hampshire Regiment, 86. Fiske, Charles, 91. Fisk, John, 95. Fitchburg, Mass., 2. Flagg, Melzer, 96. Flagg, William, 95. Flora of Somerville, The, 4-13. Fort Jackson, La., 25, 49, 50, 51. Fort Macomb, 50, 55, 57. Fort Macon, 32
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 3. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Anti-Slavery Poems (search)
in men: The echoes of that solemn voice are sadly lingering still In all our sunny valleys, on every wind-swept hill. And when the prowling man-thief came hunting for his prey Beneath the very shadow of Bunker's shaft of gray, How, through the free lips of the son, the father's warning spoke; How, from its bonds of trade and sect, the Pilgrim city broke! A hundred thousand right arms were lifted up on high, A hundred thousand voices sent back their loud reply; Through the thronged towns of Essex the startling summons rang, And up from bench and loom and wheel her young mechanics sprang! The voice of free, broad Middlesex, of thousands as of one, The shaft of Bunker calling to that of Lexington; From Norfolk's ancient villages, from Plymouth's rocky bound To where Nantucket feels the arms of ocean close her round; From rich and rural Worcester, where through the calm repose Of cultured vales and fringing woods the gentle Nashua flows, To where Wachuset's wintry blasts the mountain
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Personal Poems (search)
song; Too late the tardy meed we bring, The praise delayed so long. Too late, alas! Of all who knew The living man, to-day Before his unveiled face, how few Make bare their locks of gray! Our lips of praise must soon be dumb, Our grateful eyes be dim; O brothers of the days to come, Take tender charge of him! New hands the wires of song may sweep, New voices challenge fame; But let no moss of years o'ercreep The lines of Halleck's name. 1877. William Francis Bartlett. Oh, well may Essex sit forlorn Beside her sea-blown shore; Her well beloved, her noblest born, Is hers in life no more! No lapse of years can render less Her memory's sacred claim; No fountain of forgetfulness Can wet the lips of Fame. A grief alike to wound and heal, A thought to soothe and pain, The sad, sweet pride that mothers feel To her must still remain. Good men and true she has not lacked, And brave men yet shall be; The perfect flower, the crowning fact, Of all her years was he! As Galahad pure,
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Occasional Poems (search)
ver; Tears are wiped, and fetters fall, And the Lord is all in all. Weep no more for happy Eva, Wrong and sin no more shall grieve her; Care and pain and weariness Lost in love so measureless. Gentle Eva, loving Eva, Child confessor, true believer, Listener at the Master's knee, ‘Suffer such to come to me.’ Oh, for faith like thine, sweet Eva, Lighting all the solemn river, And the blessings of the poor Wafting to the heavenly shore! 1852. A lay of old time. Written for the Essex County Agricultural Fair, and sung at the banquet at Newburyport, October 2, 1856. one morning of the first sad Fall, Poor Adam and his bride Sat in the shade of Eden's wall— But on the outer side. She, blushing in her fig-leaf suit For the chaste garb of old; He, sighing o'er his bitter fruit For Eden's drupes of gold. Behind them, smiling in the morn, Their forfeit garden lay, Before them, wild with rock and thorn, The desert stretched away. They heard the air above them fanned, A light s<
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Index of first lines (search)
e rides since the birth of time, i. 175. Of rights and of wrongs, IV. 406. O friends! with whom my feet have trod, II. 267. Oh, dwarfed and wronged, and stained with ill, II. 294. Oh for a knight like Bayard, IV. 80. Oh, greenly and fair in the lands of the sun, II. 107. Oh, none in all the world before, III. 238. O Holy Father! just and true, III. 54. Oh, praise an' tanks! De Lord he come, III. 231. Oh, thicker, deeper, darker growing, IV. 110. Oh, well may Essex sit forlorn, IV. 138. O Lady fair, these silks of mine are beautiful and rare, i. 17. Old friend, kind friend! lightly down, IV. 73. Olor Iscanus queries: Why should we, III. 216. O lonely bay of Trinity, IV. 269. O Mother Earth! upon thy lap, III. 131. O Mother State! the winds of March, IV. 127. Once more, dear friends, you meet beneath, III. 241. Once more, O all-adjusting Death, IV. 155. Once more, O Mountains of the North, unveil, II. 55. Once more on yo
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Old portraits and modern Sketches (search)
strictness in ceremonials, insulted and mocked him, and finally drove him from his parish. On the memorable 23d of tenth month, 1642, he was invited to occupy a friend's pulpit at Alcester. While preaching, a low, dull, jarring roll, as of continuous thunder, sounded in his ears. It was the cannon-fire of Edgehill, the prelude to the stern battle-piece of revolution. On the morrow, Baxter hurried to the scene of action. I was desirous, he says, to see the field. I found the Earl of Essex keeping the ground, and the King's army facing them on a hill about a mile off. There were about a thousand dead bodies in the field between them. Turning from this ghastly survey, the preacher mingled with the Parliamentary army, when, finding the surgeons busy with the wounded, he very naturally sought occasion for the exercise of his own vocation as a spiritual practitioner. He attached himself to the army. So far as we can gather from his own memoirs and the testimony of his contempor
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), The black men in the Revolution and the war of 1812. (search)
t to the memory of the Scottish martyrs—for which subscriptions had been received from such men as Lord Holland, the Dukes of Bedford and Norfolk, and the Earls of Essex and Leicester—was laid with imposing ceremonies in the beautiful burial-place of Calton Hill, Edinburgh, by the veteran reformer and tribune of the people, Joseph e the implied probability a fact, but I find it difficult to put my thoughts into metrical form, and there will be little need of it, as I understand a lady of Essex County, who adds to her modern culture and rare poetical gifts the best spirit of her Puritan ancestry, has lent the interest of her verse to the occasion. It was e chief magistracy that religious bigotry and intolerance hung and tortured their victims, and the terrible delusion of witchcraft darkened the sun at noonday over Essex. If he had not quite reached the point where, to use the words of Sir Thomas More, he could hear heresies talked and yet let the heretics alone, he was in charity
greater significance than at present. A transfer from Holden to Prentice of a large part of the Holden Farm, bounded south on Fresh Pond and east on Alewife Brook, being the former southeasterly corner of Arlington, occurred in 1729 (Paige, 631). Justinian Holden had bought of Nathaniel Sparhawk's executors 289 acres, bounded S. on Fresh Pond and E. on Alewife River, in 1653 (Paige, 586). John Adams bought of Mr. Joseph Cooke (brother of Colonel George Cooke) of Stannaway, co. Essex, England, by deed in the seventeenth year of King Charles II., 1664, thirteen acres meadow and upland lying by 'Notomy River, abutting on highway leading from Cambridge to Concord east; west the swamp-ground leading to Fresh Pond Meadow, south Menotomy River, north on said swamp toward Spy Pond. Edward Winship was attorney for Cooke, May 17, 1665.—Proprietors' Records. (See Paige, 513.) John Adams's farm, 1664, is mentioned in the Proprietors' Records, laid out to a farm of one hundred and
ty for suffering their vessels to be entered with salt or ballast only, and passing over unnoticed such cargoes of wine, fruit, &c., which are prohibited to be imported into his majesty's plantations. Part of which wine, fruit, &c., he the said James Cockle used to share with Governor Bernard. And I further declare that I used to be the negotiator of this business, and receive the wine, fruit, &c., and dispose of them agreeable to Mr. Cockle's orders. Witness my hand, Sampson Toovey. Essex Co. Salem, Sept. 27, 1764. Then Mr. Francis Toovey made oath to the truth of the above, before Benjamin Pickman, J. Peace. Boston Gazette, 12 June, 1769. No. 741, 3, 2. Same in the London Daily Advertiser and Morning Chronicle of July 22, 1769, and in Boston Gazette of 9 Oct., 1796, 757. 2. 1. Compare what Lieut.-Governor Sharpe, of Maryland, and Temple, the Surveyor-General of the Customs say of Bernard's integrity in revenue affairs. had invalidated; and this brought him in conflict wi
use of Cambridge. Their forefathers, in their zeal against the Roman superstition, had carried their reverence of the Bible even to idolatry; and some of them, like Luther, found in its letter a sanction for holding slaves. On the other hand, from principle and habit, they honored honest labor in all its forms. The inconsistencies of Chap. XVII.} 1779. bondage with the principle of American independence lay in the thoughts of those who led public opinion; voices against it had come from Essex, from Worcester, from Boston, from the western counties, showing that the conscience of the people was offended by its continuance. The first act of the constituent body was the consideration of a declaration of rights; and then they resolved unanimously that the government to be framed by this convention for the people of Massachusetts Bay shall be a free republic. This resolution was deemed so important, that liberty was reserved for the members of a committee who were absent to record