Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Virginia (Virginia, United States) or search for Virginia (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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promote the general welfare," the Union itself can and ought to be sustained only so long as the basis upon which it rests is maintained in the spirit in which it was framed, and answers the ends for which it was created; and, whereas, the State of Virginia, by her Convention which ratified and adopted the said Constitution, reserved to herself expressly the right to resume the powers therein granted whensoever the same should be perverted to her injury and oppression; and, whereas, it is appaction for their preservation, have respectively withdrawn from the said perverted "Union:" 1st. Resolved, That every sentiment of honor, every regard for the rights of her citizens, and every incentive of interest, requires that the State of Virginia should place herself by the side of her sister States of the South, and make their destiny her destiny, unless guarantees which shall effectually secure the equality of all the States in the Union, be tendered by the North before the assemb
ck, last sales $68. Bank of the Commonwealth Stock, held at $95. Richmond and Danville R. R. Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va., no recent sales. Virginia Central R. R. Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va., no recent sales. City of Petersburg State of Va., no recent sales. City of Petersburg Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va., no recent sales. Old Dominion Insurance Co. Stock. sales $27 ½. Richmond Fire Association Stock, no recent sales. Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Stock, no recent sales. Insurance Company State of Va.State of Va., no recent sales. Old Dominion Insurance Co. Stock. sales $27 ½. Richmond Fire Association Stock, no recent sales. Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Stock, no recent sales. Insurance Company State of Va., sales $103. Merchants' Insurance Stock, last sales, $75 on time. Virginia Central Railroad 1st Mortgage Bonds, last sales, $84. Virginia Central Railroad 2d Mortgage Bonds, no recent sales. Virginia and Tennessee Railroad 1st Mortgage BonState of Va., sales $103. Merchants' Insurance Stock, last sales, $75 on time. Virginia Central Railroad 1st Mortgage Bonds, last sales, $84. Virginia Central Railroad 2d Mortgage Bonds, no recent sales. Virginia and Tennessee Railroad 1st Mortgage Bonds, no recent sales. Virginia and Tennessee Railroad 2d Mortgage Bonds, no recent sales. Virginia and Tennessee Railroad 3d Mortgage Bonds, no recent sales. Orange and Alexandria Railroad 6 per cent, Bonds, sales $75. Orange and Alexandria
Dead. --Rev. Jno. Talbot, well known in northwestern Virginia as Father Talbot, a Methodist minister, died in Lewis county, Va., on the 10th inst. He had been a traveling minister for sixty-seven years.
The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], A man killed by a lion at Astley's Theatre — a Thrilling scene. (search)
ost-Notes4,649.83 Ones and Twos9,895.00 Fives206,130.00 Tens326,565.00 Fifteens1,680.00 Twenties386,130.00 Fifties111,050.00 One Hundreds97,800.00 $1,143,899.83 Less Notes on hand of Bank and Branches and Cut Notes85,671.00 In Circulation$1,058,228.83 The undersigned, Directors of the Bank of Virginia, certify that the foregoing statement has been examined, and is believed to be correct: James Caskie, John L. Bacon, Alfred T. Harris, Joseph F. Jones, C. R. Barksdale, Wm. Gray, Arch'd Thomas. State of Virginia--City of Richmond, to wit: Wm. F. Taylor, Cashier of the Bank of Virginia, this day personally appeared before me, a Notary Public of the city aforesaid, and made oath that the annexed statement, made out from the books of the Bank and from the quarterly returns received from the Branches, is correct, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Given under my hand, this 11th day of January, 1861. Jno. E. Hatcher, N. P.