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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 1,604 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 760 0 Browse Search
James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 530 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 404 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 382 0 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 346 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 330 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3 312 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2 312 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 310 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) or search for Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 128 results in 31 document sections:

enth, 1864. Question. What was the extent of your district when you assumed command, and what your available force? Answer. The river, from Paducah to Island Number10, inclusive, about one hundred and sixty miles, and adjacent portions of Tennessee and Kentucky. My available force for duty, as appears from tri-monthly report of March twentieth, as follows: Paducah, officers and men,408 Cairo, and men,231 Columbus, and men,998 Hickman, and men,51 Island No.10, and men,162 Union Cithis abuse so flagrant and dangerous that I made a stringent order stopping all trade. I furnish a copy herewith, making it part of my answer, (Exhibit A.) Question. What, in your opinion, is the effect of free trade in Western Kentucky and Tennessee? Answer. Pernicious beyond measure; corrupting those in the public service, and furnishing needed supplies to enemies. I am in possession of intercepted correspondence, showing that while the trader who has taken the oath and does business
I had seen this noble vessel pushing on gallantly in a straight line to attack the enemy's ram Tennessee, which had apparently moved out to give her an opportunity. As our boats could not be lowern Fort Morgan and its water-batteries, and subsequently upon rebel iron-clad casemated steamer Tennessee, namely: In approaching toward and steaming from Fort Morgan and batteries-- (40)Forty ten-lly to report that we have made a strict and careful survey of the iron-clad casemated steamer Tennessee, captured from the rebels in the engagement in this bay, on the morning of the fifth instant, by the fleet under your command, and submit as follows, namely: description of Tennessee's hull. The hull of the vessel appears to be exceedingly strongly built in every part, the material beind that same afternoon all the garrison were sent to New-Orleans in the United States steamers Tennessee and Bienville, where they arrived safely. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, D. G.
Doc. 4.-enlistment of colored troops. General orders, no. 329. war Department, Adjutant-General's offices, Washington, D. C., October 13, 1863. whereas, the exigencies of the war require that colored troops be enlisted in the States of Maryland, Missouri, and Tennessee, it is ordered by the President, That the Chief of the Bureau for the Organization of Colored Troops shall establish recruiting stations at convenient places within said States, and give public notice thereof, and be governed by the following regulations: First. None but able-bodied persons shall be enlisted. Second. The State and county in which the enlistments are made shall be credited with the recruits enlisted. Third. All persons enlisted into the military service shall for ever thereafter be free. Fourth. Free persons, and slaves with the written consent of their owners, and slaves belonging to those who have been engaged in or given aid or comfort to the rebellion, may now be enli
A national account. Bull's Gap, Tenn., Nov. 11, 1863. More than a month since, the division of reenforcements, under General O. B. Willcox, entered East-Tennessee, and, with Shackleford's division, moved immediately on the rebels at Blue Spring. After a sharp engagement, the enemy was forced to retire, with severe loss, aus the following detailed account of this operation, which was not only creditable in itself, but has gone far to give a new turn to confederate fortunes in East-Tennessee: The affair at Rogersville, East-Tennessee, affords some mitigation of the general ignoring of the campaign there. A series of movements of the most unfortunTennessee, affords some mitigation of the general ignoring of the campaign there. A series of movements of the most unfortunate and disgraceful character, illustrated by the retreat of General Williams, glorious to him and his command, but wholly shameful to those responsible for his exposed position, the only other matter of commendation, justifies this sweeping phrase. A true relation of these will, doubtless, fill a dark page in history. Let us tur
gle case of sickness that occurred during the march that I heard of, and our horses, on the average, are in better condition than when we left Beverly. Irwin. Richmond Whig account. Richmond, November 14, 1863. A correspondent, to whom we hope to be similarly indebted again, has furnished us with the clearest and most satisfactory particulars of the fight in Green Brier we have yet seen: The line defended by the Army of Western Virginia extended from Pocahontas County to the Tennessee line. Colonel William L. Jackson, with a small force of cavalry and a section of artillery, occupied the extreme right at or beyond Mill Point, in Pocahontas County--a point about forty miles from Lewisburgh, where was stationed the First brigade, commanded by Brigadier-General Echols, and Chapman's battery, with two regiments of Jackson's cavalry brigade and two pieces of Jackson's battery. On the night of the fourth instant, General Echols received a despatch from Colonel Johnson, st
al S. P. Carter made a cavalry raid into Eastern Tennessee and destroyed the Union and Wakuka Railrs, so as to prevent the enemy's retreat into Tennessee. The main body of General Burnside's army wfter the expulsion of his rebel army from Middle Tennessee, Bragg retreated across the Cumberland Mo from the head of Sequatchie Valley, in East-Tennessee, to Athens, Alabama, thus threatening the lineral Burnside was in possession of all East-Tennessee above Chattanooga, and hearing that Lee was . The slight resistance made by him in East-Tennessee, and his abandonment without defence of so i of your command be pushed forward into East-Tennessee; all your scattered forces should be concentuld move to prevent Bragg from reentering Middle Tennessee. General Hurlbut will aid you all he can,ed useless to send any more troops into East-Tennessee and Georgia, on account of the impossibilitye recovered from his domination Kentucky and Tennessee, and portions of Alabama and Mississippi, an[16 more...]
ross South-Chickamauga to make raids on East-Tennessee and Georgia Railroad. He returned this evenition, the danger of his abandonment of East-Tennessee unless immediate relief was afforded, and ths on you the necessity of holding on to East-Tennessee in strong enough terms. According to the denceive the necessity of retreating from East-Tennessee. If I did at all, it would be after losing orcements being sent by that route into East-Tennessee. Returning from the front on the twenty-e Mississippi, and General Hurlbut as to West-Tennessee, and assigned General Blair to the command ot for the safety of General Burnside in East-Tennessee. My command had marched from Memphis, andtle of Chattanooga, pursued the enemy out of Tennessee, and then turned more than one hundred milesownlow, with detachments from the First East-Tennessee and Ninth Pennsylvania cavalry, attacked thed, under Lieutenant-Colonel Scully, First Middle Tennessee infantry, sent out from Nashville, attack[4 more...]
k ahead of the profitable occupation of East-Tennessee, and the destinies of Bragg remain with Gran that Longstreet, having blundered into East-Tennessee after the bait set by Burnside, will, upon dnd Scott raids, as well as his own into East-Tennessee. He received his promotion to the rank of By and will of our Government to save us, and Tennessee with us. Old U. S. Grant, as its exponent inand in hand. It is safe to assert that East-Tennessee has been more vitally damaged since the entrnd for weal or woe, in the destinies of East-Tennessee and her brave defenders. The enemy dashedr necessity for his longer residence in East-Tennessee, and if he be not gone to-morrow, we shall boint of danger is past; the position of East-Tennessee is assured to the Union. The Smoky Mountainer is on the way. Longstreet's hours in East-Tennessee are numbered. His chief care since that glotragglers. Thus endeth the campaign in East-Tennessee. What we will do with the huge army sent he
I am unable to suggest any explanation of this disaster, which laid open Eastern Tennessee and South-Western Virginia to hostile operations, and broke the line of communication between the seat of government and Middle Tennessee. This easy success of the enemy was followed by an advance of General Rosecrans into Georgia, and ouand in Northern Virginia. The combined forces thus accumulated against us in Tennessee so greatly outnumbered our army as to encourage the enemy to attack. After a, the army of General Burnside was driven from all its field positions in Eastern Tennessee, and forced to retreat from its intrenchments at Knoxville, where, for so his further progress has been checked. If we are forced to regret losses in Tennessee and Arkansas, we are not without ground for congratulations on successes in L. These laws were passed in May, and the States of Virginia, North-Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas, having joined the Confederacy, the Congress adjourned to meet
ks; others, in dismay, leaped fences, while yet more surrendered themselves prisoners of war. The loss to the rebels in this engagement was forty-seven killed and wounded, and one hundred and twenty-three prisoners. But this was not the most important result of the achievement. The wagon route from here to Knoxville has been rendered secure, and the courier lines saved from further annoyance. The old cavalry corps of this department of the rebel army, once the terror of Kentucky and Tennessee, has dwindled down to almost nothing. It can no longer effect any thing. It has been defeated so often of late, that it and its commanders have fallen into disrepute, and are no longer looked upon as of importance to the army. Our loss in the engagement is variously estimated at from one to ten wounded, all agreeing that none of our gallant men were killed, though one was taken prisoner. To the Fourth Ohio cavalry and Twentieth Missouri mounted infantry belong the honor of this last