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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1,788 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 514 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 260 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 194 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 168 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 166 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 152 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 150 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 132 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 122 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition.. You can also browse the collection for Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) or search for Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 76 results in 14 document sections:

er, solemnizing a treaty of commerce with chap II.} 1748. July. Pennsylvania. Narrative of George Croghan, Ms. Causes of the alienation ofind of Lord Mansfield, and in October, 1744, when the neglect of Pennsylvania to render aid in the war had engaged the attention of the ministown. Bishop of London to the Board of Trade. Letters from Pennsylvania warned the ministers, that as the obstinate, wrong-headed Assemb the recent war, friendly to the English, and were now united to Pennsylvania by a treaty of commerce. The traders, chiefly from PennsylvaniaPennsylvania, who strolled from tribe to tribe, were without fixed places of abode, but drew many Indians over the lake to trade in skins and furs. The cglish traders, and by letter requested Hamilton, the governor of Pennsylvania, to prevent all farther intrusion. But the Indians brooded over to their king and country, they remonstrated against the bill. Pennsylvania and Rhode Island pleaded their patents, and reminded parliament
were believed to prevail in New England and Pennsylvania. Drink Lord Halifax in a bumper, were the wnfirm their Indian alliances, and to assist Pennsylvania in securing the fidelity of the Indians on of Conrad Weisser, in Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania, IV. 222. The tendency of the Americansil and one voice. Clinton to Governor of Pennsylvania, 8 October, 1750. To counteract their desig 11 December, 1750. Clinton to Governor of Pennsylvania, 19 June, 1751, &c. that have Indian nationprogress of America towards union. While Pennsylvania, in strife with its proprietaries, neglecteEnglish. George Croghan, the emissary from Pennsylvania, was already there; Croghan's Ms Journalenvoys from chap. III.} 1751. Virginia and Pennsylvania, De la Jonquiere to Clinton, 10 Aug. 175liance were drawn up between the English of Pennsylvania on the one side, and the Weas and Piankeshaed with due solemnity, invited Hamilton, of Pennsylvania, to build a fort at the forks of Monongahel[2 more...]
ugust. Alexander's Remarks on the Letters, sent to Dr. Mitchell. they warned the governor of Pennsylvania, La Jonquiere to Governor Hamilton, of Pennsylvania, 6 June, 1751. that the English neverPennsylvania, 6 June, 1751. that the English never should make a treaty in the basin of the chap. IV.} 1751. Ohio; they sent troops to prevent the intended congress of red men; Letter from Jonathan Edwards, August, 1751. and they resolved to ruinut. Gov. Dinwiddie to Lords of Trade, Dec., 1752. Message from the Twightwees to the Gov. of Pennsylvania. Indian Treaties, 19. Mitchell's Contest in America, 221, where the date is 1751, instead oirs of George II. Letter of Wm. Bollan, of Charles, the New York Agent of the Proprietary of Pennsylvania. on the eighth day of March, 1753, announced to the chap. IV.} 1753. House of Commons the wsed aid in repelling the French. Dinwiddie to Glen of S. C. 23 May, 1753. They repaired to Pennsylvania with the same message, and were met by evasions. The ministry which had, from the first, end
he Mingo clan, of the Delawares, the Shawnees, the Wyandots, and the Miamis, met Franklin, of Pennsylvania, with two colleagues, at Carlisle. They wished neither French nor English to settle in theiry to lead to momentous conse- chap. V.} 1754. quences, more and more definitively formed. Pennsylvania, like Maryland, fell into a strife with the proprietaries, and, incensed at their parsimony, declined assisting to repel the French from a post which lay within the proprietary domain of Pennsylvania. New York Assembly Journals for April, 1754. Smith's New York, II. 173. The Assembly of Nstfully for aid from the banks of the Muskingum, the Miami, and the Wabash, from Maryland and Pennsylvania, and from all the six provinces to which appeals had been made, no relief arrived. An indepe 1754. The lands on the Ohio they called their own; and as Connecticut was claiming a part of Pennsylvania, because by its charter its jurisdiction extended west to the Pacific, they advised the respe
The greatest discrepancy in judgments relates to Pennsylvania and the Carolinas. He who like H. C. Carey, in thousand; New Jersey, seventy-three thou sand; Pennsylvania, with Delaware, one hundred and chap. VI.} 1754; to Virginia, 125,000; to Maryland, 100,000; to Pennsylvania, with Delaware, 220,000; to New Jersey, 75,000; Blue Ridge men came southward from the glades of Pennsylvania; of most various nations, Irish, Scottish, and Ge the proprietary governments of Maryland and of Pennsylvania, with Delaware. There the king had no officers very and the limitations on popular power. In Pennsylvania with the counties on Delaware, the people, whose and long usage confirmed the denial. Proud's Pennsylvania, II. 284. In the land of the Penns, the legislatp. VI.} 1754. money. The laws established for Pennsylvania complete enfranchisement in the domain of though Letters of T. & J. Penn to the Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania. New Jersey, now a royal government, enjoyed
Jersey showed the greatest contempt for the repeated solicitations of its aged governor. In Pennsylvania, in Maryland, in South Carolina, the grants of money by the assemblies were negatived, becaus royalists, if it comes, must come from his Majesty and the British parliament. Brief State of Pennsylvania. The Quakers also looked to the same authority, not for taxation, but for the abolition of the proprietary rule. Answer to Brief State of Pennsylvania. The contest along the American frontier was raging fiercely, when, in January, 1755, France proposed to England to leave the Ohi governors, Shirley, now next to Braddock in military rank; Delancey, of New York; Morris, of Pennsylvania; Sharpe, of Maryland; and Dinwiddie, of Virginia. Braddock directed their attention, first oto recover the authority which had been impaired by the unmanly facilities of former rulers. Pennsylvania had, in January, 1755, professed the loyalty of that province, and explained the danger to th
. Still the little army was unable to move, for want of horses and carriages; but Franklin, by his great influence in Pennsylvania, supplied both, with a promptitude and probity which extorted praise from Braddock and unanimous thanks from the Assemnts of manors, and other appropriated and settled lands, was nearly thirty thousand pounds. True and Impartial State of Pennsylvania, 125. Sharpe would not convene the Assembly of Maryland, be- chap. VIII.} 1755. cause it was fond of imitating the precedents of Pennsylvania. And the governors, proprietary as well as royal, reciprocally assured each other that nothing could be done in their colonies without an act of parliament. Correspondence of Morris and Sharpe. Lt. Gov. Sharpe to So remained south of the Ristigouche. Lieut. Gov. Belcher to Lords of Trade, 14 April, 1761. Once those who dwelt in Pennsylvania presented a humble petition to the Earl of Loudoun, then the British commander-in-chief in America; and the cold-heart
ould offer myself a willing sacrifice to the butchering enemy. The interior settlements of Pennsylvania were exposed to the same calamities, and domestic faction impeded measures of defence. In thve one power established there. Walpole's Memoires of Geo. II., II., 8. The militia law of Pennsylvania, he said, was designed to be ineffectual. It offered no compulsion, and, moreover, gave the ng quarters upon the colonies by the authority of Murray. His opinion against the statute of Pennsylvania, which, in extending the act of parliament to punish mutiny, regulated the providing of quart. Nothing seemed wanting but an act of parliament for an American revenue. The obstinacy of Pennsylvania was pleaded as requiring it. Garth's Report of the Debate in the House of Commons, Feb. 3,lakes, great waters, or rivers of North America. 29 Geo. II., c. XXVII. The militia law of Pennsylvania was repealed by the king in council; the commissions of all officers elected under it were ca
ampaign. Yet native courage flashed up in every part of the colonies. The false Delawares, thirsting for victims and secret as the night, from their village at Kittanning, within forty-five miles of Fort Duquesne, stained all the border of Pennsylvania with murder and scalping. To destroy them, three hundred Pennsylvanians crossed the Alleghanies, conducted by John Armstrong, of Cumberland County, famed as inheriting the courage of the Scottish covenanters. In the night following the sevey soon found their way back. The conduct of Armstrong in leading his party through the mountainous wilderness, and reaching the town without being discovered, was universally applauded. Philadelphia voted honors to him and his gallant band; Pennsylvania has given his name to the county that includes the battle-field. At the remotest south, adventurers formed a settlement beyond the Alatamaha, on the banks of the Santilla and the island of Cumberland; established their own rules of governme
rnors of North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, meeting at Philadelphia, settled the quotas forl, 24 March, 1757. Of the central provinces, Pennsylvania approached most nearly towards establishing indee to bear arms. Peters on the Constitution of Pennsylvania, drawn up for Lord Loudoun. Hazard, v. 339. It ch on the little residue. In the Jerseys and in Pennsylvania, wrote Loudoun, thinking to influence the mind oe parliament of England, still led the people of Pennsylvania to look to that body for protection; and in Febrcated to every American assembly. The people of Pennsylvania, said Thomas Penn, will soon be convinced by they, 1757 The debates between the proprietaries of Pennsylvania and its people involved every question in dispute between the crown and the provinces, making Pennsylvania the central figure in the struggle; and Benjamin Frave two in the Jerseys at hand, besides three in Pennsylvania. Yet Loudoun yielded to the view of Massachus