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Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States 2 0 Browse Search
Raphael Semmes, Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War Between the States 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 19, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 3: Missouri, Louisiana, and California. 1850-1855. (search)
h carried us up the rest of the river, and across the beautiful lake Nicaragua, studded with volcanic islands. Landing at Virgin Bay, we rode on mules across to San Juan del Sur, where lay at anchor the propeller S. S. Lewis (Captain Partridge, I think). Passengers were carried through the surf by natives to small boats, and rowe. Meigs, cashier of the American Exchange Bank, and with Messrs. Wadsworth & Sheldon, bankers, who were our New York correspondents; and on the 20th embarked for San Juan del Norte, with the family, composed of Mrs. Sherman, Lizzie, then less than a year old, and her nurse, Mary Lynch. Our passage down was uneventful, and, on the-running brook, where we rested an hour, and bathed Lizzie in its sweet waters. We then continued to the end of our journey, and, without going to the tavern at San Juan del Sur, we passed directly to the vessel, then at anchor about two miles out. To reach her we engaged a native boat, which had to be kept outside the surf. Mrs
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of Longstreet's division. (search)
his mind had become affected, though so slightly, that no apprehensions were entertained of such result. He was a graduate of West Point, of the class of 1832, and served for two years afterward in the Second United States Artillery. After his death his brigade was commanded by Colonel R. E. Withers, the Senior Colonel present, until the latter part of February, when General George E. Pickett As a Captain in the Ninth United States Infantry, General Pickett bore a prominent part in the San Juan difficulty with England in 1859. He graduated at West Point in 1846, and served in the Eighth United States Infantry in Mexico, receiving two brevets for gallantry. of Virginia was assigned to it. Hunton's regiment did not rejoin the brigade from Leesburg until March. Early in February General D. R. Jones was assigned to the command of a Georgia brigade, in General G. W. Smith's division, and General R. H. Anderson, of South Carolina, General R. H. Anderson graduated at West Point, in
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Annexed Territory, status of. (search)
Sec. 1. Suspends permanently the writ of Habeas corpus in Porto Rico. Sec. 2. Declares an attainder against all Porto Ricans who have displayed the Spanish flag since the treaty of peace. Sec. 3. Grants to the native mayors of Ponce and San Juan the titles of Lord Dukes of Porto Rico, with appropriate crests. Sec. 4. Any Porto Rican who shall speak disrespectfully of the Congress shall be deemed guilty of treason. One witness shall be sufficient to prove the offence, and on convictiudge may in his discretion order. Sec. 12. There shall be no right in any suit at common law to demand a jury. Sec. 13. A direct tax is imposed upon Porto Rico for Federal uses without regard to its relative population; the tariff rates at San Juan are fixed at 50 per cent., and those at Ponce at 15 per cent. of those levied at New York. New Mexico, or Arizona, or Oklahoma might be substituted for Porto Rico in the bill: for, I think, those who affirm that the Constitution has no relati
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arbitration, tribunal of, (search)
Britain. These several gentlemen formed the Tribunal of arbitration. They assembled at Geneva, Switzerland, Dec. 15, 1871, when Count Selopis was chosen to preside. After two meetings they adjourned to the middle of January, 1872. A final meeting was held in September the same year, and on the 14th of that month they announced their decision on the Alabama claims. That decision was a decree that the government of Great Britain should pay to the government of the United States the sum of $15,500,000 in gold, to be given to citizens of the United States in payment of losses incurred by the depredations of the Alabama and other Anglo-Confederate cruisers. That amount was paid into the treasury of the United States a year afterwards. The other matters in dispute were settled. The question of boundary on the Pacific coast was referred to the Emperor of Germany, who decided in favor of the claims of the United States to the possession of the island of San Juan, the domain in dispute.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arecibo, (search)
Arecibo, The name of a district and of its port, in the north of the island of Porto Rico. The district is bounded on the north by the Atlantic Ocean; on the east by the District of Bayamon; on the south by those of Mayaguez and Ponce; and on the west by that of Aguadilla. The town is about 50 miles west of San Juan; has a population of between 6,000 and 7,000; and its habor is so full of dangerous reefs that goods are transferred from shore to shipping by means of flat-boats and lighters. The town has a plaza, surrounded by a church and various public buildings, in the centre, and streets running from it in right angles, forming regular squares. The buildings are constructed of wood and brick.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Battles. (search)
64 Nashville (Tenn.)Dec. 15 and 16, Fort Fisher (N. C.; First Attack on)Dec. 24 and 25, Fort Fisher (N. C.; Capture of)Jan. 15, 1865 Hatcher's Run (Va.)Feb. 5, 1865 Averasboro (N. C.)Mar. 16, 1865 Bentonville (N. C.)Mar. 18, 1865 Five Forks (Va.)Mar. 31 and April 1, 1865 Petersburg (Carried by Assault)April 2, 1865 Appomattox Court-House (near)April 9, 1865 Mobile (Capture of)April 8-12, 1865 War with Spain. Destruction of Spanish fleet in Manila BayMay 1, 1898 Bombardment of San Juan. Porto RicoMay 12, 1898 Bombardments of forts, Santiago de CubaMay 31, 1898 Daiquiri, CubaJune 21-22, 1898 Juragua, Cuba (Capture)June 24, 1898 Las Guasimas, CubaJune 24, 1898 El Caney, CubaJuly 1, 1898 San Juan Hill, CubaJuly 2, 1898 Destruction of Spanish fleet off SantiagoJuly 3, 1898 Santiago (Military and Naval Bombardment)July 10-17, 1898 Nipe Harbor, CubaJuly 21, 1898 Guanica, Porto RicoJuly 25, 1898 Ponce, Porto RicoJuly 28, 1898 Malate, Philippine IslandsJuly 31, 1898
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Conner, David 1792-1856 (search)
Conner, David 1792-1856 Naval officer; born in Harrisburg, Pa., about 1792; entered the navy in January, 1809, and as acting-lieutenant was in the action between the Hornet and Peacock. He was made a lieutenant in 1813, and remained on the Hornet. In her action with the Penguin, Conner was dangerously wounded, and for his brave conduct was presented with a medal by Congress, and by the legislature of Pennsylvania with a sword. He was promoted to the rank of commander in March, 1825, and to captain in 1835. During the war with Mexico (1846-48) he commanded the American squadron on the Mexican coast, and assisted in the reduction of the fortress of San Juan de Ulloa in the spring of 1847. He captured Tampico in November, 1846. His last service was in command of the Philadelphia navy-yard. He died in Philadelphia, March 20, 1856.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Drake, Sir Francis, -1595 (search)
Drake, Sir Francis, -1595 Navigator; born near Tavistock, Devonshire, England, between 1539 and 1546. Becoming a seaman in early youth, he was owner and master of a ship at the age of eighteen years. After making commercial voyages to Guinea, Africa, he sold her, and invested the proceeds in an expedition to Mexico, under Captain Hawkins, in 1567. The fleet was nearly destroyed in an attack by the Spaniards at San Juan de Ulloa (near Vera Cruz), and Drake returned to England stripped of all his property. The Spanish government refused to indemnify him for his losses, and he sought revenge and found it. Queen Elizabeth gave him a commission in the royal navy, and in 1572 he sailed from Plymouth with two ships for the avowed purpose of plundering the Spaniards. He did so successfully on the coasts of South America, and returned in 1573 with greater wealth than he ever possessed before. Drake was welcomed as a hero; he soon won the title honorably by circumnavigating the globe. H
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Grant, Frederick Dent 1850- (search)
minister to Austria-Hungary, where he remained till 1893. He was a police commissioner in New York City through the administration of Mayor Strong. In 1898, on the call for volunteers for the war with Spain, Colonel Grant offered his services to the President, and went to the front as colonel of the 14th New York regiment. On May 27 he was appointed a brigadier-general of volunteers; served in the Porto Rico campaign; and after the war was appointed commander of the military district of San Juan. While holding this post he organized an effective police force for the city similar in plan to that of New York City. Subsequently he was ordered to the Philippine Islands, where he rendered such valuable service in operations against the insurgents, and also as an administrative officer, that on the reorganization of the regular army in February, 1901, President McKinley appointed him one of the new brigadiergenerals, he being then the only officer not in the regular army appointed to t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Greytown, (search)
Greytown, The only seaport of Nicaragua; at the mouth of the San Juan River. It is locally known as San Juan del Norte. The town has considerable trade, which, however, was for many years held in check by the choking up of the harbor. It is the Atlantic terminus of the projected Nicaragua Canal, and, as such, was neutralized by the Clayton-Bulwer treaty (q. v.). Considerable work has been done towards improving the harbor under the direction of the United States government. On June 13, 1854, the former town was bombarded and destroyed by the United States naval ship Cyane under command of George N. Hollins (q. v.).