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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 522 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 106 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 8 104 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 92 0 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 46 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 46 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 7, 4th edition. 38 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 28 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the Colonization of the United States, Vol. 1, 17th edition. 22 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition. 16 0 Browse Search
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ess. Looking, therefore, beyond the recovery of Boston, he revolved in his mind how the continent might be closed up against Britain. He rejected a plan for an expedition into Nova Scotia; but learning from careful and various inquiries that the Canadian peasantry were well disposed to the Americans, that the domiciliated Indian tribes desired neutrality, he resolved to direct the invasion of Canada from Ticonderoga; and by way of the Kennebec and the Chaudiere, to send a party to surprise Quebec, or at least to draw Carleton in person to its relief, and thus lay open the road to Montreal. Solicitations to distribute continental troops along Sept. the New England shore, for the protection of places at which the British marauding parties threatened to make a descent, were invariably rejected. The governor of Connecticut, who, for the defence of that province, desired to keep back a portion of the newly raised levies, resented a refusal, as an unmerited neglect of a colony that wa
recalled, though without official censure. For the time, the command in America was divided; and assigned in Canada to Carleton, in the old colonies to Howe. Ten thousand pounds and an additional supply of three thousand arms were forwarded to Quebec, and notwithstanding the caution of Barrington, word was sent to Carleton, that he might depend upon a re- Chap. XLVII.} 1775. Aug. enforcement of regular troops, that it was hoped the next spring to have in North America an army of twenty thout great opposition; but John Adams engaged in it heartily, and pursued it unremittingly, though for a long time against wind and tide. On the fifth, Washington was authorized to employ two armed vessels to intercept British storeships, bound for Quebec; on the thirteenth, congress voted two armed vessels, of ten and of fourteen guns, and seventeen days later, two others of thirty six guns. But much time would pass before their equipment; as yet, war was not waged on the high sea, nor reprisals
t to more civilized ones. Yet he bore the disappointment with his wonted firmness; and turned for relief to the smaller princes of Germany, who now, on the failure of his great speculation, had the British exchequer at their Chap. LI.} 1775. Oct. mercy. The plan of the coming campaign was made in the undoubting expectation of completely finishing the war in season to disband the extraordinary forces within two years. For the Russians, who were to have protected the city and province of Quebec, Germans were to be substituted, whatever might be the cost. The advantage of keeping possession of Boston as a means of occupying the attention of New England, was considered; but it was determined to concentrate the British forces at New York, as the best means of securing the central provinces and the connection with Canada. The vaunts of Dunmore were so far heeded, that a small force of some hundred men was held sufficient, with the aid of loyalists and negroes, to recover the province
recipitately with loss and in disorder. On the news of Carleton's defeat, McLean, de- Nov. serted by the Canadians, and losing all hope of support, retired to Quebec; while the besiegers pushed on their work with unceasing diligence, keeping up a well-directed fire by day and night. On the third of November, after a siege ofe side of the lake. I have courted fortune, he wrote to his brother-in-law, and found her kind. I have one more favor to solicit, and then I have done. Without Quebec, Canada remained unconquered; and honor forbade him to turn back before attempting its cap- Chap. LII.} 1775. ture. Men, money, and artillery were wanting; in mained unconquered; and honor forbade him to turn back before attempting its cap- Chap. LII.} 1775. ture. Men, money, and artillery were wanting; in the face of a Canadian winter, he nevertheless resolved to go down to Quebec, and pledged his word that on his part there should be no negligence of duty, no infirmity of purpose.
Chapter 53: The March to Quebec. September—November, 1775. The detachment which Washing a speedy termination of the war, sent against Quebec, consisted of ten companies of New England infg his plan of co-operation. Of his friends in Quebec he inquired as to the number of troops at QuebQuebec, what ships were there, and what was the disposition of the Canadians and merchants; and he forwa a house at Sertigan, twenty five leagues from Quebec, near the fork of the Chaudiere and the De Louad been repairing the breaches in the walls of Quebec, which were now put into a good posture for dee eighth of November his approach was known at Quebec, but not the amount of his force; and the Britin making ladders and collecting canoes, while Quebec was rapidly gaining strength for resistance. o thousand men to reduce St. John's, how could Quebec, a large and opulent town of five thousand inhred to Point aux Trembles, eight leagues above Quebec, where they awaited the orders of Montgomery. [1 more...]
Chapter 54: The siege of Quebec. November—December, 1775. The day before Montgomery entd some small vessels in the port to descend to Quebec. He was detained in the river for several dayrois Rivieres, he arrived on the nineteenth at Quebec, where his presence diffused joy and confidencs pride, and his firmness were guarantees that Quebec would be pertinaciously defended. Besides, heuccess of Montgomery had emboldened a party in Quebec to confess a willingness to receive him on tergarrison his conquests, and to go down against Quebec. He was deserted even by most of the Green Mof about two hundred Canadians, appeared before Quebec, in midwinter, to take the strongest fortified he had received the order of congress to hold Quebec, if it should come into his hands; should tha hope of crowning his career by the capture of Quebec. Orders were therefore given for the troops twhere your general leads; push on, brave boys; Quebec is ours! he pressed forward at double quick t[2 more...]
ted advantage. The landgrave freely consented that thirteen battalions should be prepared to march on the fifteenth of February; but so inefficient was the British ministry, so imperfect their concert, that though delay involved the loss of a campaign, the admiralty did not provide transports enough at the time appointed, and even in March could not tell when they would all be ready. The first detachment from Brunswick did not sail from England till the fourth of April, and Riedesel was at Quebec before the last were embarked; the first division of the Hessians did Chap. LVII.} clear the British channel till the tenth of May. The transports were also very badly fitted up; the bedding furnished by the contractors was infamously scanty, their thin pillows being seven inches by five at most, and mattress, pillow, blanket, and rug, altogether hardly weighing seven pounds. The clothing of the Brunswick troops was old, and only patched up for the present; the person who executed the c
een no place for parade but in Nova Scotia? A chosen British army, with chosen officers, equipped with every thing essential to war, sent to correct revolted subjects, to chastise a resisting town, to assert the authority of the British parliament, after being imprisoned for many tedious months in the place they were to have punished, found no refuge but on board the fleet. In these very hours the confidence of the ministry was at its point of culmination; they had heard of the safety of Quebec; they had succeeded in engaging more than twenty thousand German mercenaries and recruits, and they would not hearken to a doubt of Chap. LIX.} 1776. Mar. speedily crushing the rebellion. On the morning of the fourteenth of March, the British secretary of state listened to a speech from Thayendanegea, otherwise named Joseph Brant, a full-blooded Mohawk, of the Wolf Tribe, the chosen chief of the confederacy of the Six Nations, who had crossed the great lake to see King George; to boast th
the whole course of the Shenandoah; the country beyond the mountains, including the sources of the Monongahela and the Cumberland river, and extending indefinitely to the Tennessee and beyond it. Nor that only; Virginia insisted that its jurisdiction stretched without bounds over all the country west and northwest of a line two hundred miles north of Old Point Comfort, not granted to others by royal charters; and there was no one to dispute a large part of this claim except the province of Quebec under an act of parliament which the continental congress had annulled. For all this wide region, rich in soil, precious minerals, healing springs, forests, convenient marts for foreign commerce, the great pathways to the west, more fertile, more spacious than all Greece, Italy, and Great Britain, than Chap. LXIV.} 1776. May. any region for which it had ever been proposed to establish republican liberty, a constitution was to be framed. It has been discussed, whether the spirit that n
s to be at home. There remained encamped near Quebec rather than besieging it, about four hundred Acongress. When a friend wished he might enter Quebec through its gates, Not so, but over its walls,s paid his men in hard money, when those round Quebec got only paper; and sometimes granted a furlouooster took command Apr. of the troops round Quebec. The garrison laughed Chap. LXVII.} 1776. Aponfided in Montgomery and given him aid before Quebec, now only waited an opportunity to rise again the departure of four battalions destined for Quebec, as a week, a day, even an hour might prove de in continuing the war. Thomas arrived near Quebec on the first of May, and employed the next thro late; that same evening ships arrived before Quebec. Early on the sixth, the Surprise frigate, thsoned differently on learning the retreat from Quebec. It considered the loss of Canada as exposingtroops under Riedesel arrived with Burgoyne at Quebec, and, with the regiments from Ireland and othe[8 more...]