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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 51: reconstruction under Johnson's policy.—the fourteenth amendment to the constitution.—defeat of equal suffrage for the District of Columbia, and for Colorado, Nebraska, and Tennessee.—fundamental conditions.— proposed trial of Jefferson Davis.—the neutrality acts. —Stockton's claim as a senator.—tributes to public men. —consolidation of the statutes.—excessive labor.— address on Johnson's Policy.—his mother's death.—his marriage.—1865-1866. (search)
nst the tax on them have been made by me. I shall continue to watch this interest—of this be assured; I know nobody else in Congress who takes any care of it. You said in your note the other day that I am out evenings. Very rarely. I dine between six and seven; Usually at Wormley's restaurant. but after that am always at home, except in rare cases. I abjure parties. Sumner introduced a resolution of inquiry as to the kidnapping of freedmen on the southern coast for transportation to Cuba and Brazil; and in consequence a statute for punishing it was enacted. Jan. 9, 1866. Works, vol. x. pp. 101-103. He spoke in favor of raising the rank of our diplomatic representatives abroad, with the view of insuring them due consideration, carrying his point against the opposition-of Fessenden and Grimes. May 16 and 17. Works, vol. x. pp. 450-457. He took part in the debate on a bill for relieving the Supreme Court of excessive business, stating his conviction that the true remed
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 54: President Grant's cabinet.—A. T. Stewart's disability.—Mr. Fish, Secretary of State.—Motley, minister to England.—the Alabama claims.—the Johnson-Clarendon convention.— the senator's speech: its reception in this country and in England.—the British proclamation of belligerency.— national claims.—instructions to Motley.—consultations with Fish.—political address in the autumn.— lecture on caste.—1869. (search)
come under condemnation. An insurrection in Cuba was in progress when the President entered on hazard of war with Spain. Two things I wish for Cuba: (1) Independence, and (2) emancipation; and bo Again, July 19:— The best chance for Cuba is through a kindly policy with Spain. With a e of the periodically recurring disturbances in Cuba. On the 16th (Sunday), Sumner, anxious to keerency, as he may wish to use it with regard to Cuba. It was the effort to state this principle thael uncommitted on this subject in the matter of Cuba,—as to which, however, I trust there will be nohich we discussed belligerency, and England and Cuba. He asked how it would do to issue a proclamation with regard to Cuba identical with that issued by Spain with regard to us. I advised against it.tly from Madrid, with overtures from Prim about Cuba. The language of the latter was, When a familyI have no doubt. Slavery will end very soon in Cuba; it cannot remain much longer in Brazil. The e[2 more...]<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 55: Fessenden's death.—the public debt.—reduction of postage.— Mrs. Lincoln's pension.—end of reconstruction.—race discriminations in naturalization.—the Chinese.—the senator's record.—the Cuban Civil War.—annexation of San Domingo.—the treaties.—their use of the navy.—interview with the presedent.—opposition to the annexation; its defeat.—Mr. Fish.—removal of Motley.—lecture on Franco-Prussian War.—1869-1870. (search)
emning the barbarities of the civil war on the island, expressing regret that slavery was still maintained upon it, and declaring sympathy with fellow-Americans in Cuba who were struggling for independence, June 23 and 24; Congressional Globe, pp. 4753, 4754, 4806. The House had rejected Banks's resoluions acknowledging the Cubted Sumner to public criticism for his refusal to have the United States make common cause with the Cuban insurgents. Sumner replied to him, March 16:— As to Cuba, I am obliged to say that I have never seen any evidence that brings her insurgents within any rule of law, reason, or humanity justifying our concession to them osecretary were at the time without popular support. President Grant, from the beginning of his term, had additions of territory in mind. His first thought was of Cuba; but the scheme for the acquisition of that island did not prosper. Next he turned to San Domingo, which was brought to his attention soon after his inauguration