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imagine, he wrote in November, 1749, that any assembly will be induced to give up the power, of which they are all so fond, by granting duties for any number of years. The authority of parliament must be made use of, and the duties on wine and West India commodities be made general for all North America. The ministry, he added, are not aware of the number of men in North America able to bear arms, and daily in the use of them. It becomes necessary that the colonies be early looked into, in tierogative. Under the sanction of that precedent, Clinton Clinton to Bedford, 19 March, 1750. urged, in March, that it was absolutely necessary to check the insolence of faction by a powerful interposition; and he advised imposts on wine and West India produce. These, if granted by parliament, would be sufficient for supporting the civil list. If made general over all the colonies, they could be in no shape prejudicial to trade. Same to same, 26 March, 1750. He insisted, that the proposi
me time, it was resolved to obtain an American revenue by acts of parliament. Mss. of William Bollan. The excessive discriminating duties in favor of the British West Indies, given and granted in 1733, on the products of the Foreign West India Islands, imported into the continental colonies, were prohibitory in their character, West India Islands, imported into the continental colonies, were prohibitory in their character, and had never been collected. England, which thought itself able to make such a grant, to be levied in ports of a thinly inhabited continent, could never give effect to the statute; and did but discipline America to dispute its supreme authority. The trade continued to be pursued with no more than an appearance of disguise; and nnounced to the chap. IV.} 1753. House of Commons the want of a colonial revenue; as the first expedient, it was proposed to abolish the export duty in the British West Indies, from which no revenue accrued; and with a slight discrimination in their favor, to substitute imposts on all West Indian produce brought into the northern
5. The letters from America found the English Administration resolved to raise funds for American affairs by a stamp-duty, and a duty on products of the Foreign West Indies, imported into the continental colonies. Charles to Committee of New York, 15 Aug., 1755. The English press advocated an impost in the northern colonies on WWest India products, and likewise that, by act of parliament, there be a further fund established from stamped paper. A miscellaneous Essay, concerning the courses pursued by Great Britain in the Affairs of her Colonies, &c., &c. London, 1755, at pages 89 and 92. This tax, it was conceived, would yield a very large sum. Huske, a manner insensible. Delancey to the New York Assembly, 6 Aug., 1755. That province objected to a stamp-tax as oppressive, though not to a moderate impost on West India products; and the voice of Massachusetts was unheeded, when, in November, it began to be thoroughly alarmed, and instructed its agent to oppose every thing that
favored American taxation by act of parliament; none scrupled as to the power; but the unfit Lyttelton, then chancellor of the exchequer, chap. IX.} 1756. though fixed in his opinions, could not mature schemes of finance; and the British statutes, 29 Geo. II., c. XXVI.; 31 Geo. II., c. XXXVI., ยง 8; 1 Geo. III., c. IV. which manifest the settled purpose Letter of Bollan to Massachusetts, in May, 1756. of raising a revenue out of the traffic between the American continent and the West India Islands, show that the execution of that purpose was at that session, and twice afterwards, deferred to a quieter period. Still parliament, in the session of 1756, extended its authority signally over America. There foreign Protestants might be employed as engineers and officers to enlist a regiment of aliens. 29 Geo. II., c. v. Indented servants might be accepted, and their masters were referred for compensation to the respective assemblies; 29 Geo. II., c. XXXV. and the naval code
k on his Majesty's prerogative. I am persuaded, urged Sharpe on his official correspondent in England, if the parliament of Great Britain was to compel us by an act to raise thirty thousand pounds a year, the upper class of people among us, and, indeed, all but a very few, would be well satisfied. And he sent a sketch of an act for a poll-tax on the taxable inhabitants. But that form of raising a revenue throughout America, being specially unpalatable to English owners of slaves in the West Indies, was disapproved by all in England. While the officers of Lord Baltimore were thus concerting with the Board of Trade a tax by Parliament, William Pitt, though entreated to interpose, regarded the bickerings between the proprietary and the people with calm impartiality, blaming both parties for the disputes which withheld Maryland from contributing her full share to the conquest of Fort Duquesne. After long delays, Joseph Forbes, who had the chap. XIII.} 1758. command as brigadier s
negroes crowded on the heights of the island of Goree to gaze on the strange spectacle of war, and to witness the surrender of its forts to Commodore Augustus Keppel. In the Indian seas, Pococke maintained the superiority of England. In the West Indies, in January, 1759, a fleet of ten line-of-battle ships, with six thousand effective troops, made a fruitless attack on Martinico; but, sailing for Guadaloupe, the best of the West India possessions of France, after the losses and daring deedsWest India possessions of France, after the losses and daring deeds of more than three months, in May, chap. XIV.} 1759. it gained, by capitulation, that delightful and well watered island, whose harbor can screen whole navies from hurricanes, whose position gives the command of the neighboring seas. From the continent of Europe came the joyous assurance, that a victory at Minden had protected Hanover. The French, having repulsed Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick at Frankfort, pursued their advantage, occupied Cassel, compelled Munster to capitulate, and took
Lake Superior was already able to pay for wares furnished from French and English factories; and would not industrious farmers, hereafter settled in those countries, be better able to pay for what should be brought them? The trade to the West India Islands, he continued, is undoubtedly a valuable one; but it has long been at a stand. The trade to our northern colonies is not only greater, but yearly increasing with the increase of people; and even in a greater proportion, as the people incre and blessing it with free institutions. Homer sang from isle to isle; the bards of England would find hear- chap. XVI.} 1760. ers in every zone, and in the admiration of genius continent respond to continent. Pitt would not weigh the West India islands against half a hemisphere; he desired to retain them both; but being overruled in the cabinet he held fast to Canada. The liberties of the English in America were his delight; he made it his glory to extend the boundaries throughout which
a was lost to France, he proposed, as the basis of the treaty, that the two crowns should remain each in the possession of what it had conquered from the other; and while he named epochs from which possession was to date in every continent, he was willing that England itself should suggest other periods. On this footing, which left all Canada, Senegal, perhaps Goree also, and the ascendency in the East Indies to England, and to France nothing but Minorca to exchange for her losses in the West Indies, all Paris believed peace to be certain. George the Third wished it from his heart; and though Fuentes, the Spanish ambassador at London, irritated by the haughtiness of Pitt, breathed nothing but war, though the king of Spain proposed to France an alliance offensive and defensive, Choiseul, consulting the well-being of his exhausted country, sincerely desired repose. But the hardy and unaccommodating nature of Pitt, inflamed by success, was unfit for the work of reconciliation. He e
oughout all America, making revolution inevitable. On the death of the chief justice of New York, his successor, one Pratt, a Boston lawyer, was appointed at the king's pleasure, and not during good behavior, as had been done before the late king's death. The Assembly held the new tenure of judicial power to be inconsistent with American liberty; the generous but dissolute Monckton, coming in glory from Quebec to enter on the government of New York, before seeking fresh dangers in the West Indies, censured it in the presence of the Council; Letter to the Lords of Trade, 7 April, 1762. even Colden advised against it. Golden to the Board of Trade, 25 Sept., 1761. As the parliament, argued Pratt, Pratt to Golden, 22 Aug., 1761. himself, after his selection for the vacant place on the bench, and when quite ready to use the power of a judge to promote the political interests of the crown, as the parliament at the Revolution thought it the necessary right of Englishmen to have
at benefits from Frederic, and find them inexorably withheld. During these negotiations, and before the end of March, news reached Europe of victories in the West Indies, achieved by Monckton with an army of twelve thousand men, assisted by Rodney and a fleet of sixteen sail of the line and thirteen frigates. On the seventh of e defeated. But before the end of the twenty-ninth day of September news arrived of a very different result. Havana was then, as now, the chief place in the West Indies, built on a harbor large enough to shelter all the navies of Europe, capable of being made impregnable from the sea, having docks in which ships of war of the f was mortally wounded, the Moro Castle was taken by storm. On the eleventh of August, the governor of Havana capitulated, and the most important station in the West Indies fell into the hands of the English. At the same time, nine ships of the line and four frigates were captured in the harbor. The booty of property belonging to