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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 34 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 28 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 16 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 14 0 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 12 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 16, 1862., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters 6 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the Colonization of the United States, Vol. 1, 17th edition. 6 0 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 6 0 Browse Search
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition 4 0 Browse Search
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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 24: Second attack on Vicksburg, etc. (search)
Grant himself would march from Holly Springs with some sixty thousand men upon Granada. General Pemberton would naturally march from Vicksburg to stop Grant at GranGranada until reinforcements could be thrown into Vicksburg from the south, and while Pemberton was thus absent with the greater part of his Army Sherman and Porter couless Pemberton had drawn off nearly all his forces to oppose Grant's advance on Granada, thus leaving Vicksburg without a garrison; for even a small force could hold berton retreated before him, Grant would follow him up. Grant moved towards Granada and everything looked well, but the Confederate general, Earl Van Dorn, dashed Under the circumstances it was impossible for Grant to continue his march on Granada, which Pemberton perceiving, the latter returned to Vicksburg in time to assisand the opportunity was lost. A portion of Pemberton's Army had returned from Granada, just in time to overwhelm and drive back the small force that had gained the
a, which he entered in the character of ally to one of the factions habitually disputing the mastery of that, as well as of most other Spanish American countries. Though he never evinced much military or other capacity, Walker, so long as he acted under color of authority from the chiefs of the faction he patronized, was generally successful against the pitiful rabble styled soldiers by whom his progress was resisted, capturing October 13, 1855. at last by surprise the important city of Granada, which was deemed the stronghold of the adverse faction, and assuming thereon the rank of General. But his very successes proved the ruin of the faction to which he had attached himself, by exciting the natural jealousy and alarm of the natives who mainly composed it; and his assumption, soon afterward, of the title of President of Nicaragua, speedily followed by a decree reestablishing Slavery in that country, exposed his purpose and insured his downfall. As if madly bent on ruin, he pro
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
s a like attempt, from another base, had, by the employment of cavalry, been defeated in December, 1862. The repulse of General Bowen at Port Gibson, and our consequent withdrawal to the north bank of the Big Black, rendered it necessary that I should, as rapidly as possible, concentrate my whole force for the defense of Vicksburg from an attack in the rear by Grant's army, which was hourly swelling its numbers. Orders, therefore, were immediately transmitted to the officers in command at Granada, Columbus, and Jackson, to move all available forces to Vicksburg as rapidly as possible. On the morning of the 3d, two of the enemy's barges, loaded with hospital and commissary stores, were destroyed in attempting to pass the batteries at Vicksburg. On the 5th, I telegraphed General Johnston that six thousand cavalry should be used to keep my communications open, and that the enemy advancing on me was double what I could bring into the field. To the Honorable Secretary of War I sent th
sFoster & TaylorFairfield, Lincoln, & Co.Boston276 291 ShipEllenGeorge Fuller'sGeorge FullerAlbree & HuckinsBoston363 292 ShipLauraJ. Stetson'sJ. StetsonE. D. Peters and othersBoston694 293 Sch.SwallowJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisLombard & WhitmoreBoston140 294 ShipDorchesterT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellEnoch & Samuel TrainBoston & Medford415 295 BarkOlgaT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellBates & Co.Boston343 296 ShipMiltonT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellHenry OxnardBoston611 297 ShipGranadaT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellHenry OxnardBoston606 298 ShipThomas H. PerkinsS. Lapham'sS. LaphamJ. E. LodgeBoston700 2991843ShipEssexSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorJ. H. PearsonBoston700 300 ShipLaplandJ. Stetson'sJ. StetsonB. C. WhiteBoston574 301 ShipEdward EverettP. Curtis'sP. CurtisB. BangsBoston662 302 BarkMissouriJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisFairfield, Lincoln, & Co.Boston331 303 ShipPaul JonesT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellBacon & ForbesBoston667 304 BarkPaulinaT. Mag
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Amelia Island, (search)
Amelia Island, An island at the mouth of the St. Mary River, near the boundary between Georgia and Florida. In the summer of 1817 Gregor McGregor, styling himself Brigadier-general of the armies of New Granada and Venezuela, and general-in-chief employed to liberate the provinces of both the Floridas. commissioned by the supreme councils of Mexico and South America, took possession of this island. His followers were a band of adventurers which he had collected in Charleston and Savannah; and when he took possession he proclaimed a blockade of St. Augustine. In the hands of these desperadoes the island was soon converted into a resort of buccaneering privateers under the Spanish-American flag, and a depot for smuggling slaves into the United States. Another similar establishment had been set up on Galveston Island, off the coast of Texas, under a leader named Aury. This establishment was more important than that on Amelia Island, as well on account of numbers as for the grea
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), America, discovery of. (search)
, with the result that the general belief in the genuineness of the biography has not been seriously shaken. If it did not settle the doubt, the controversy had the effect of calling a larger degree of attention to the biography than it would have had otherwise. In this biography Ferdinand gave a narrative of the discovery of America by his father, which is herewith reproduced: All the conditions which the admiral demanded being conceded by their Catholic majesties, he set out from Granada on the 21st May 1492, for Palos, where he was to fit out the ships for his intended expedition. That town was bound to serve the crown for three months with two caravels, which were ordered to be given to Columbus; and he fitted out these and a third vessel with all care and diligence. The ship in which he personally embarked was called the St. Mary; the second vessel named the Pinta, was commanded by Martin Alonzo Pinzon; and the third named the Nina, which had square sails, was under th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Columbus, Christopher 1435-1536 (search)
introduced to King Ferdinand by Mendoza, Archbishop of Toledo and Grand Cardiral of Spain. A council of astronomers and cosmographers was assembled at Salamanca to consider the project. They decided that the scheme was visionary, unscriptural, and irreligious, and the navigator was in danger of arraignment before the tribunal of the Inquisition. For seven years longer the patient navigator waited, while the Columbus before the council. Spanish monarchs were engaged with the Moors in Granada, during which time Columbus served in the army as a volunteer. Meanwhile the King of Portugal had invited him (1488) to return, and Henry VII. had also invited him by letter to come to the Court of England, giving him encouraging promises of aid. But Ferdinand and Isabella treated him kindly, and he remained in Spain until 1491, when he set out to lay his projects before Charles VIII. of France. On his way, at the close of a beautiful October day, he stopped at the gate of the Francisc
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de 1510-1542 (search)
their fellowes vnderstanding, how wee marched and where we arriued. As soone as I came within sight of this citie of Granada, I sent Don Garcias Lopez Campemaster, frier Daniel, and frier Luys, and Fernando Vermizzo somewhat before with certainenone of them is called Cibola, but altogether they are called Cibola. And this towne which I call a citie, I haue named Granada, as well because it is somewhat like vnto it, as also in remembrance of your lordship. In this towne where I nowe remad Acus, quite contrary to the relation of Frier Marcus. The conference which they haue with the Indians of the citie of Granada which they had taken, which had fiftie yeres past forescene the comming of the Christians into their country. The relate desire, I meane not to write my selfe. Our Lorde God keepe and preserue your Excellencie. From the Prouince of Cibola, and from this citie of Granada the third of August 1540. Francis Vasques de Coronado kisseth the hands of your Excellencie.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cortez, Hernando 1485- (search)
erous descriptions, among which are cherries and plums, similar to those in Spain; honey and wax from bees and from the stalks of maize, which are as sweet as the sugar-cane; honey is also extracted from the plant called maguey, which is superior to sweet or new wine; from the same plant they extract sugar and wine, which they also sell. Different kinds of cotton thread of all colors in skeins are exposed for sale in one quarter of the market, which has the appearance of the silk-market at Granada, although the former is supplied more abundantly. Painters' colors as numerous as can be found in Spain, and as fine shades; deerskins dressed and undressed, dyed different colors; earthenware of a large size and excellent quality; large and small jars, jugs, pots, bricks, and an endless variety of vessels, all made of fine clay, and all or most of them glazed and painted; maize, or Indian corn, in the grain and in the form of bread, preferred in the grain for its flavor to that of the oth
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ferrero, Edward -1899 (search)
Ferrero, Edward -1899 Military officer; born of Italian parents in Granada, Spain, Jan. 18, 1831; was brought to the United States while an infant. His parents taught dancing, and that became his profession, which he taught at the United States Military Academy. When the Civil War broke out he raised a regiment (Shepard Rifles), and as its colonel accompanied Burnside in his expedition to the coast of North Carolina early in 1862. He commanded a brigade under General Reno, and served in the Army of Virginia, under General Pope, in the summer of 1862. He was promoted to brigadier-general of volunteers in September, and was in the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. He served in the siege of Vicksburg (1863), and commanded a division at the siege of Knoxville, in defence of Fort Sanders. In the operations against Petersburg he led a division of colored troops, and, Dec. 2, 1864, was brevetted major-general of volunteers. He died in New York City, Dec. 11