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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 28 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 8 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 8 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 4 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 2 0 Browse Search
Plato, Laws 2 0 Browse Search
Lysias, Speeches 2 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 2 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese) 2 0 Browse Search
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.) 2 0 Browse Search
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Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, section 132 (search)
Wherefore what is there, strange and unexpected, that has not happened in our time!Athens and Thebes, in the old days god-fearing states of Hellas, have refused the service due the Delphic god, and have suffered every disaster; Philip, the barbarian, undertook the service of the god, and has received as his reward unheard-of power. For it is not the life of men we have lived, but we were born to be a tale of wonder to posterity. Is not the king of the Persians—he who channelled Athos, he who bridged the Hellespont, he who demanded earth and water of the Greeks, he who dared to write in his letters that he was lord of all men from the rising of the sun unto its setting—is he not struggling now, no longer for lordship over others, but already for his life?The Persian king was already dead when this speech was delivered, but the news had not yet reached Athens. And do we not see this glory and the leadership against the Persians bestowed on the same men who liberated the temple of Delph
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 281 (search)
Clytaemestra Hephaestus, from Ida speeding forth his brilliant blaze. Beacon passed beacon on to us by courier-flame: Ida, to the Hermaean crag in Lemnos; to the mighty blaze upon the island succeeded, third,the summit of Athos sacred to Zeus; and, soaring high aloft so as to leap across the sea, the flame, travelling joyously onward in its strength the pinewood torch, its golden-beamed light, as another sun, passing the message on to the watchtowers of Macistus.He, delaying not nor carelessly overcome by sleep, did not neglect his part as messenger. Far over Euripus' stream came the beacon-light and signalled to the watchmen on Messapion. They, kindling a heap ofwithered heather, lit up their answering blaze and sped the message on. The flame, now gathering strength and in no way dimmed, like a radiant moon overleaped the plain of Asopus to Cithaeron's ridges, and roused another relay of missive fire.Nor did the warders there disdain the far-flung light, but made a blaze higher
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 3, chapter 9 (search)
ficient,” “more” are contraries. Again: “to those who need money and those who wish to enjoy it”; where “enjoying” is contrary to “acquiring.” Again: “It often happens in these vicissitudes that the wise are unsuccessful, while fools succeed”: “At once they were deemed worthy of the prize of valor and not long after won the command of the sea”: “To sail over the mainland, to go by land over the sea, bridging over the Hellespont and digging through Athos”: “And that, though citizens by nature, they were deprived of the rights of citizenship by law”: “For some of them perished miserably, others saved themselves disgracefully”: “Privately to employ barbarians as servants,“To dwell with us” (Jebb). The point seems to be that the barbarian domestics were in a comfortable position as compared with those of the allies who were reduced to slavery; and there is a contrast
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 2 (search)
d Phocaea, and he himself collected the foot and cavalry forces from all the satrapies and advanced from Susa. And when he had arrived at Sardis, he dispatched heralds to Greece, commanding them to go to all the states and to demand of the Greeks water and earth.The submission of water and earth was a token of fealty or non-resistance. Then, dividing his army, he sent in advance a sufficient number of men both to bridge the Hellespont and to dig a canal through AthosA Persian fleet had been wrecked off the promontory of Mt. Athos in 492 B.C. at the neck of the Cherronesus, in this way not only making the passage safe and short for his forces but also hoping by the magnitude of his exploits to strike the Greeks with terror before his arrival. Now the men who had been sent to make ready these works completed them with dispatch, because so many labourers co-operated in the task. And the Greeks, when they learned of the great size of
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 3 (search)
anded both earth and water, allThat is, all the states which had joined the alliance. the states manifested in their replies the zeal they felt for the common freedom. When Xerxes learned that the Hellespont had been bridged and the canalThe use of this canal "is problematic; and its existence has been questioned in ancient as well as modern times, but is guaranteed by Thucydides and by vestiges still visible" (Munro in Camb. Anc. Hist. 4, p. 269). had been dug through Athos, he left Sardis and made his way toward the Hellespont; and when he had arrived at Abydus, he led his army over the bridge into Europe. And as he advanced through Thrace, he added to his forces many soldiers from both the Thracians and neighbouring Greeks. When he arrived at the city called Doriscus, he ordered his fleet to come there, and so both arms of his forces were gathered into one place. And he held there also the enumeration of the entire army, and the number of his
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Contents of the Thirteenth Book of Diodorus (search)
rt in the war (chap. 34). —How Diocles was chosen law-giver and wrote their laws for the Syracusans (chaps. 34-35). —How the Syracusans sent a notable force to the aid of the Lacedaemonians (chap. 34). —How the Athenians overcame the Lacedaemonian admiral in a sea-fight and captured Cyzicus (chaps. 39-40). —How, when the Lacedaemonians dispatched fifty ships from Euboea to the aid of the defeated, they together with their crews were all lost in a storm off Athos (chap. 41). —The return of Alcibiades and his election as a general (chaps. 41-42). —The war between the Aegestaeans and the Selinuntians over the land in dispute (chaps. 43-44). —The sea-battle between the Athenians and Lacedaemonians off Sigeium and the victory of the Athenians (chaps. 38-40). —How the Lacedaemonians filled up Euripus with earth and made Euboea a part of the mainland (chap. 47). —On the civil discord and massacre in Corcyra (c
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 41 (search)
Mindarus, the Lacedaemonian admiral, after his flight to Abydus from the scene of his defeat repaired the ships that had been damaged and also sent the Spartan Epicles to the triremes at Euboea with orders to bring them with all speed. When Epicles arrived at Euboea, he gathered the ships, which amounted to fifty, and hurriedly put out to sea; but when the triremes were off Mt. Athos there arose a storm of such fury that all the ships were lost and of their crews twelve men alone survived. These facts are set forth by a dedication, as Ephorus states, which stands in the temple at Coroneia and bears the following inscription: These from the crews of fifty ships, escaping destruction, Brought their bodies to land hard by Athos' sharp crags; Only twelve, all the rest the yawning depth of the waters Took to their death with their ships, meeting with terrible winds. At about the same time Alcibiades with thirt
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley), Book 6, chapter 44 (search)
made subject to the Persians before this. Crossing over from Thasos they travelled near the land as far as Acanthus, and putting out from there they tried to round Athos. But a great and irresistible north wind fell upon them as they sailed past and dealt very roughly with them, driving many of their ships upon Athos. It is said thheir ships upon Athos. It is said that about three hundred ships were lost, and more than twenty thousand men. Since the coasts of Athos abound in wild beasts, some men were carried off by beasts and so perished; others were dashed against the rocks; those who could not swim perished because of that, and still others by the cold. heir ships upon Athos. It is said that about three hundred ships were lost, and more than twenty thousand men. Since the coasts of Athos abound in wild beasts, some men were carried off by beasts and so perished; others were dashed against the rocks; those who could not swim perished because of that, and still others by the cold.
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley), Book 6, chapter 45 (search)
Thus it fared with the fleet; as for Mardonius and his land army, while they were encamped in Macedonia, the Brygi of Thrace attacked them by night and killed many of them, wounding Mardonius himself. But not even these could escape being enslaved by the Persians; Mardonius did not depart from those lands before he had subjugated them. After conquering them, he led his army away homewards, since the Brygi had dealt a heavy blow to his army and Athos an even heavier blow to his fleet. This expedition after an inglorious adventure returned back to Asia.
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley), Book 6, chapter 95 (search)
When these appointed generals on their way from the king reached the Aleian plain in Cilicia, bringing with them a great and well-furnished army, they camped there and were overtaken by all the fleet that was assigned to each; there also arrived the transports for horses, which in the previous year Darius had bidden his tributary subjects to make ready. Having loaded the horses into these, and embarked the land army in the ships, they sailed to Ionia with six hundred triremes. From there they held their course not by the mainland and straight towards the Hellespont and Thrace, but setting forth from Samos they sailed by the Icarian sea and from island to island; this, to my thinking, was because they feared above all the voyage around Athos, seeing that in the previous year they had come to great disaster by holding their course that way; moreover, Naxos was still unconquered and constrained them.