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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 106 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 74 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 74 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 42 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 36 0 Browse Search
C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Civil War (ed. William Duncan) 34 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 28 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 26 0 Browse Search
Plato, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo 14 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 14 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 14 results in 11 document sections:

P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 1, line 567 (search)
There is a lande in Thessalie enclosd on every syde With wooddie hilles, that Timpe hight, through mid whereof doth glide Penaeus gushing full of froth from foote of Pindus hye, Which with his headlong falling downe doth cast up violently A mistie streame lyke flakes of smoke, besprinckling all about The toppes of trees on eyther side, and makes a roaring out That may be heard a great way off. This is the fixed seate, This is the house and dwelling place and chamber of the greate And mightie Ryver: Here he sittes in Court of Peeble stone, And ministers justice to the waves and to the Nymphes eche one, That in the Brookes and waters dwell. Now hither did resorte (Not knowing if they might rejoyce and unto mirth exhort Or comfort him) his Countrie Brookes, Sperchius well beseene With sedgie heade and shadie bankes of Poplars fresh and greene, Enipeus restlesse, swift and quicke, olde father Apidane, Amphrisus with his gentle streame, and Aeas clad with cane: With dyvers other R
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 2, line 531 (search)
the Romaine Capitoll beset with foes about. His tongue was cause of all his harme, his tatling tongue did make His colour which before was white, become so foule and blake. Coronis of Larissa was the fairest maide of face, In all the land of Thessalie. Shee stoode in Phebus grace As long as that she kept hir chast, or at the least as long As that she scaped unespide in doing Phebus wrong. But at the last Apollos birde hir privie packing spide, Whome no entreatance could persuade buddes with wondring at hir girde. A mischiefe take thy tatling tongue, the Raven answerde tho. Thy vaine forspeaking moves me not. And so he forth did go And tels his Lorde Apollo how he saw Coronis lie Wyth Isthyis, a Gentleman that dwelt in Thessalie. When Phebus heard his lovers fault, he fiersly gan to frowne, And cast his garlond from his head, and threw his violl downe. His colour chaungde, his face lookt pale, and as the rage of yre That boyled in his belking breast had set his heart
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 250 (search)
s in summe: These also being late ago in chalenge overcome, Made one kinde more of Birdes than was of auncient time beforne. In Macedone they were about the Citie Pella borne Of Pierus, a great riche Chuffe, and Euip, who by ayde Of strong Lucina travailing nine times, nine times was laide Of daughters in hir childbed safe. This fond and foolish rout Of doltish sisters taking pride and waxing verie stout, Bicause they were in number nine came flocking all togither Through all the townes of Thessalie and all Achaia hither, And us with these or such like wordes to combate did provoke. Cease off, ye Thespian Goddesses, to mocke the simple folke With fondnesse of your Melodie. And if ye thinke in deede Ye can doe ought, contend with us and see how you shall speede. I warrant you ye passe us not in cunning nor in voyce. Ye are here nine, and so are we. We put you to the choyce, That eyther we will vanquish you and set you quight beside Your fountaine made by Pegasus which is your chie
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 7, line 159 (search)
The auncient men of Thessalie togither with their wives To Church with offrings gone for saving of their childrens lives. Great heapes of fuming frankincense were fryed in the flame And vowed Bulles to sacrifice with homes faire gilded came. But from this great solemnitie Duke Aeson was away, Now at deathes door and spent with yeares. Then Jason thus gan say: O wife to whome I doe confesse I owe my life in deede, Though al things thou to me hast given, and thy deserts exceede Beleife: yet ed downe, and stayed hard thereby. As soone as she had gotten up, and with hir hand had coyd The Dragons reined neckes, and with their bridles somewhat toyd, They mounted with hir in the Ayre, whence looking downe she saw The pleasant Temp of Thessalie, and made hir Dragons draw To places further from resort: and there she tooke the view What herbes on high mount Pelion, and what on Ossa grew, And what on mountaine Othris and on Pyndus growing were, And what Olympus (greater than mount Pyndus
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 7, line 238 (search)
e burning Altars goes: And dipping in the pits of bloud a sort of clifted brandes Upon the Altars kindled them that were on both hir handes. And thrise with brimstone, thrise with fire, and thrise with water pure She purged Aesons aged corse that slept and slumbred sure. The medicine seething all the while a wallop in a pan Of brasse, to spirt and leape aloft and gather froth began. There boyled she the rootes, seedes, flowres, leaves, stalkes and juice togither Which from the fieldes of Thessalie she late had gathered thither. She cast in also precious stones fetcht from the furthest East And, which the ebbing Ocean washt, fine gravell from the West. She put thereto the deaw that fell upon a Monday night: And flesh and feathers of a Witch, a cursed odious wight Which in the likenesse of an Owle abrode a nightes did flie, And Infants in their cradels chaunge or sucke them that they die. The singles also of a Wolfe which when he list could take The shape of man, and when he lis
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 8, line 799 (search)
bolne big, and kneepannes for to swell. And with exceeding mighty knubs her heeles behynd boynd out. Now when the Nymph behild this elfe afarre, (she was in dout To come too neere her:) shee declarde her Ladies message. And In that same little whyle although the Nymph aloof did stand, And though shee were but newly come, yit seemed shee to feele The force of Famin. Wheruppon shee turning backe her wheele Did reyne her dragons up aloft: who streyght with courage free Conveyd her into Thessaly. Although that Famin bee Ay contrarye to Ceres woork, yit did shee then agree To do her will and glyding through the Ayre supported by The wynd, she found th'appoynted house: and entring by and by The caytifs chamber where he slept (it was in tyme of nyght) Shee hugged him betweene her armes there snorting bolt upryght, And breathing her into him, blew uppon his face and brest, That hungar in his emptie veynes myght woorke as hee did rest. And when she had accomplished her charge, shee then
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 11, line 221 (search)
in feates of armes, and greater he shall bee In honour, high renowme, and fame, than ever erst was hee. This caused Jove the watry bed of Thetis to forbeare Although his hart were more than warme with love of her, for feare The world sum other greater thing than Jove himself should breede, And willd the sonne of Aeacus this Peleus to succeede In that which he himself would faine have done, and for to take The Lady of the sea in armes a mother her to make. There is a bay of Thessaly that bendeth lyke a boawe. The sydes shoote foorth, where if the sea of any depth did flowe It were a haven. Scarcely dooth the water hyde the sand. It hath a shore so firme, that if a man theron doo stand, No print of foote remaynes behynd: it hindreth not ones pace, Ne covered is with hovering reeke. Adjoyning to this place, There is a grove of Myrtletrees with frute of dowle colour, And in the midds thereof a Cave. I can not tell you whither That nature or the art of man were maker of
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 12, line 146 (search)
great store of things through long continuance for to see, Two hundred yeeres already of my lyfe full passed bee, And now I go uppon the third. This foresayd Ceny was The daughter of one Elatey. In beawty shee did passe The maydens all of Thessaly. From all the Cities bye And from thy Cities also, O Achilles, came (for why Shee was thy countrywoman) store of wooers who in vayne In hope to win her love did take great travail, suit and payne. Thy father also had perchaunce attempted heeto, It is even all that I desyre, or wish thee for to doo. In bacer tune theis latter woordes were uttred, and her voyce Did seeme a mannes voyce as it was in deede. For to her choyce The God of sea had given consent. He graunted him besyde That free from wounding and from hurt he should from thence abyde, And that he should not dye of steele. Right glad of this same graunt Away went Ceny, and the feeldes of Thessaly did haunt, And in the feates of Chevalrye from that tyme spent his lyfe.
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 12, line 210 (search)
The over bold Ixions sonne had taken to his wyfe Hippodame. And kevering boordes in bowres of boughes of trees His Clowdbred brothers one by one he placed in degrees. There were the Lordes of Thessaly. I also was among The rest: a cheerefull noyse of feast through all the Pallace roong. Sum made the altars smoke, and sum the brydale carrolls soong. Anon commes in the mayden bryde, a goodly wench of face, With wyves and maydens following her with comly gate and grace. Wee sayd that sir Pirithous was happy in his wyfe: Which handsell had deceyved us wellneere through soodeine stryfe. For of the cruell Centawres thou most cruell Ewryt, tho Like as thy stomacke was with wyne farre over charged: so As soone as thou behilldst the bryde, thy hart began to frayne, And doubled with thy droonkennesse thy raging lust did reigne. The feast was troubled by and by with tables overthrowen. The bryde was hayled by the head, so farre was furye growen. Feerce Ewryt caught Hippodame, and every
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 12, line 316 (search)
ept on hygh Bianors backe, who none was woont to beare Besydes himself. Ageinst his sydes his knees fast nipping were, And with his left hand taking hold uppon his foretoppe heare He cuft him with his knubbed plant about the frowning face, And made his wattled browes to breake. And with his Oken mace He overthrew Nedimnus: and Lycespes with his dart, And Hippasus whose beard did hyde his brest the greater part: And Riphey tallar than the trees, and Therey who was woont Among the hilles of Thessaly for cruell Beares to hunt, And beare them angry home alyve. It did Demoleon spyght That Theseus had so good successe and fortune in his fyght. An old long Pynetree rooted fast he strave with all his myght To pluck up whole bothe trunk and roote, which when he could not bring To passe, he brake it off, and at his emnye did it fling. But Theseus by admonishment of heavenly Pallas (so He would have folke beleve it were) start backe a great way fro The weapon as it came. Yit fell it not w