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Xenophon, Agesilaus (ed. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.), chapter 1 (search)
sian king's armament. But Agesilaus with a beaming face bade the envoys of Tissaphernes inform their master that he was profoundly grateful to him for his perjury, by which he had gained the hostility of the gods for himself and had made them allies of the Greeks. Without a moment's delay he gave the word to his troops to pack up in preparation for a campaign, and warned the cities that lay on the lines of march to Caria to have their markets ready stocked. He advised by letter the Greeks of Ionia, the Aeolid and the Hellespont, to send their contingents for the campaign to his headquarters at Ephesus. Now Tissaphernes reflected that Agesilaus was without cavalry, while Caria was a difficult country for mounted men, and he thought that Agesilaus was wroth with him on account of his deceit. Concluding, therefore, that his estate in Caria was the real object of the coming attack, he sent the whole of his infantry across to that district and took his cavalry round into the plain of the M
Flavius Josephus, Against Apion (ed. William Whiston, A.M.), BOOK II, section 33 (search)
ance of his ignorance; for all such as are called out to be colonies, although they be ever so far remote from one another in their original, receive their names from those that bring them to their new habitations. And what occasion is there to speak of others, when those of us Jews that dwell at Antioch are named Antiochians, because Seleucns the founder of that city gave them the privileges belonging thereto? After the like manner do those Jews that inhabit Ephesus, and the other cities of Ionia, enjoy the same name with those that were originally born there, by the grant of the succeeding princes; nay, the kindness and humanity of the Romans hath been so great, that it hath granted leave to almost all others to take the same name of Romans upon them; I mean not particular men only, but entire and large nations themselves also; for those anciently named Iberi, and Tyrrheni, and Sabini, are now called Romani. And if Apion reject this way of obtaining the privilege of a citizen of Ale
Sextus Propertius, Elegies (ed. Vincent Katz), Book 1, Addressed to Tullus, nephew of Lucius Volcacius Tullus, consul 33 and proconsul of Asia 30-29 (search)
, when Cynthia launches such invective toward my ship and disfigures her face in a rage, says she owes kisses to the opposing wind and that nothing is worse than an unfaithful man? You go ahead and try to surpass your uncle's power, restore ancient rights our allies have let slide. You never had time for love even in your youth; an armed nation was always your concern. May that boy, Cupid, never visit my trials on you, and all my well-known tears. Allow me, whom fortune has always made idle, to deliver my spirit to extreme wantonness. Many have freely perished in an overextended love. Let the earth bury me among them. I wasn't born to praise or fighting: the fates forced me to my own kind of military. But you, whether in Ionia's exotic expanse, or where the Pactolus' stream tints Lydian fields, whether covering ground by foot or over sea by oar, go: you will be part of a happy power. If the hour should come you chance to think of me, you can be certain I'm living under a hard star.
Vitruvius Pollio, The Ten Books on Architecture (ed. Morris Hicky Morgan), BOOK IV, CHAPTER I: THE ORIGINS OF THE THREE ORDERS, AND THE PROPORTIONS OF THE CORINTHIAN CAPITAL (search)
frage handed over by the Ionians to the Milesians), Priene, Samos, Teos, Colophon, Chius, Erythrae, Phocaea, Clazomenae, Lebedos, and Melite. This Melite, on account of the arrogance of its citizens, was destroyed by the other cities in a war declared by general agreement, and in its place, through the kindness of King Attalus and Arsinoe, the city of the Smyrnaeans was admitted among the Ionians. 5. Now these cities, after driving out the Carians and Lelegans, called that part of the world Ionia from their leader Ion, and there they set off precincts for the immortal gods and began to build fanes: first of all, a temple to Panionion Apollo such as they had seen in Achaea, calling it Doric because they had first seen that kind of temple built in the states of the Dorians. 6. Wishing to set up columns in that temple, but not having rules for their symmetry, and being in search of some way by which they could render them fit to bear a load and also of a satisfactory beauty of appearan
T. Maccius Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, or The Braggart Captain (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act 2, scene 2 (search)
hing crude will he bring forth, something well-digested will he produce. But see, he is building; he has placed his hand as a pillarAs a pillar: He means that Palaestrio looks up in thought, while his clenched hand is placed, as though it were a pillar beneath his chin. beneath his chin. Have done with it in truth, this mode of building pleases me not; for I have heard say that the head of a foreign PoetOf a foreign Poet: "Barbaro." The speaker being supposed to be a Greek, and a native of Ionia, he would speak of a Roman as being "barbarus." It is generally supposed that Plautus here refers to the Roman poet Naevius, who had a habit of using this posture, and was, as is thought, at that moment in prison for having offended, in one of his Comedies, the family of the Metelli. He was afterwards liberated on having apologised in his plays called Hariolus (the Wizard) and Leo (the Lion). Periplecomenus thinks that this posture bodes no good, and is ominous of an evil result. is wont to