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Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 10 0 Browse Search
Aeschylus, Persians (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.) 6 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 4 0 Browse Search
T. Maccius Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, or The Braggart Captain (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 2 0 Browse Search
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Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 1, chapter 2 (search)
abandoned the heights, because he had learned that Menon's army was already in Cilicia, on his own side of the mountains, and because, further, he was getting reports that triremes belonging to the LacedaemoniansCyrus had asked the Lacedaemonians “to show themselves as good friends to him as he had been to them in their war against Athens” (Xen. Hell. 2.1.1). The aid they now rendered (see also Xen. Anab. 1.4.2-3) was in response to that request. and to Cyrus himself were sailing around from Ionia to Cilicia under the command of Tamos. At any ratei.e. whether or not the reasons just given were the true ones. Cyrus climbed the mountains without meeting any opposition, and saw the camp where the Cilicians had been keeping guard. Thence he descended to a large and beautiful plain, well-watered and full of trees of all sorts and vines; it produces an abundance of sesame, millet, panic, wheat, and barley, and it is surrounded on every side, from sea to sea, by a lofty and formidable range
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 1, chapter 4 (search)
the donation, even though they marched, not to battle, but merely because Cyrus' father summoned him. All these things the generals reported back to Cyrus, and he promised that he would give every man five minasThe Attic mina was equivalent (but see note on Xen. Anab. 1.1.9) to about 3 1 5s. or $18.00; Cyrus probably means here the Persian mina, which was worth about one-fourth more than the Attic. in silver when they reached Babylon and their pay in full until he brought the Greeks back to Ionia again.Mercenaries were usually expected to make their own way home after a campaign had ended and did not receive pay for the time consumed by the homeward journey. By these promises the greater part of the Greek army was persuaded.But as for Menon, before it was clear what the rest of the soldiers would do, that is, whether they would follow Cyrus or not, he gathered together his own troops apart from the others and spoke as follows: “Soldiers, if you will obey me, you will, without either
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 2, chapter 1 (search)
iven him by Xerxes as a reward for this service. the Laconian, and with him Glus, the son of Tamos. They reported that Cyrus was dead, and that Ariaeus had fled and was now, along with the rest of the barbarians, at the stopping-place from which they had set out on the preceding day; further, he sent word that he and his troops were that day waiting for the Greeks, on the chance that they intended to join them, but on the next day, so Ariaeus said, he should set out on the return journey for Ionia, whence he had come. The generals upon hearing this message, and the rest of the Greeks as they learned of it, were greatly distressed. Clearchus, however, said: “Well, would that Cyrus were alive! but since he is dead, carry back word to Ariaeus that, for our part, we have defeated the King, that we have no enemy left, as you see, to fight with, and that if you had not come, we should now be marching against the King. And we promise Ariaeus that, if he will come here, we will set him upon t
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 2, chapter 2 (search)
e hoplites outside.” Upon hearing these words the generals and captains went away and proceeded to do as Clearchus had directed. And thenceforth he commanded and they obeyed, not that they had chosen him, but because they saw that he alone possessed the wisdom which a commander should have, while the rest were without experience. Section 6 in the manuscript is as follows. This passage is regarded by edd. generally as an interpolation.[The length of the journey they had made from Ephesus, in Ionia, to the battlefield was ninety-three stages, five hundred and thirty-five parasangs, or sixteen thousand and fifty stadia; and the distance from the battlefield to Babylon was said to be three hundred and sixty stadia.] Afterwards, when darkness had come on, Miltocythes the Thracian, with the horsemen under his command, forty in number, and about three hundred Thracian foot-soldiers, deserted to the King. But Clearchus put himself at the head of the rest of the troops, following out the plan
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 3, chapter 5 (search)
after provisions, the generals held another meeting, at which they brought together the prisoners that had been taken and enquired of them about each district of all the surrounding country. The prisoners said that the region to the south lay on the road towards Babylon and Media, the identical province they had just passed through; that the road to the eastward led to Susa and Ecbatana, where the King is said to spend his summers; across the river and on to the west was the way to Lydia and Ionia; while the route through the mountains and northward led to the country of the Carduchians. These Carduchians, they said, dwelt up among the mountains, were a warlike people, and were not subjects of the King; in fact, a royal army of one hundred and twenty thousand men had once invaded them, and, by reason of the ruggedness of the country, not a man of all that number came back. Still, whenever they made a treaty with the satrap in the plain, some of the people of the plain did have dealing