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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 118 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 66 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 48 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 10 0 Browse Search
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 10 0 Browse Search
Aeschylus, Persians (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.) 6 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 4 0 Browse Search
T. Maccius Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, or The Braggart Captain (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, The Trojan Women (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.) 2 0 Browse Search
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Aeschylus, Persians (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 759 (search)
solating calamity such as never before befell this city of Susa since our Lord Zeus first ordained that one ruler should bear sway over all Asia with its flocks and wield the sceptre of its government.For Medus was first to be the leader of its host; and another, his son, completed his work since wisdom ruled his spirit. Third, after him, Cyrus, blessed in good fortune, came to the throne and established peace for all his people.The Lydians and Phrygians he won to his rule, and the whole of Ionia he subdued by force; for he won the favor of the gods through his right-mindedness. Fourth in succession, the son of Cyrus ruled the host. Fifth in the list, Mardus came to power, a disgrace to his native landand to the ancient throne; but he was slain in his palace by the guile of noble Artaphrenes, with the help of friends whose duty this was. [Sixth came Maraphis, and seventh Artaphrenes.This interpolated or corrupt verse possibly comes from a variant list of the conspirators against t
Aeschylus, Persians (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 1008 (search)
Xerxes We have been stricken by misfortune such as will endure for ages. Chorus We have been stricken; it is abundantly clear. Xerxes By strange woe, strange woe! Chorus It was with bad luck that we encountered Ionia's mariners. Unfortunate in war, indeed, is Persia's race.
Aeschylus, Persians (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 1014 (search)
Xerxes How true it is. In the loss of so great an armyI have indeed been dealt a blow, wretched as I am. Chorus What that belonged to Persia, unfortunate one, has not been destroyed? Xerxes Do you see this remnant of my royal robe? Chorus Yes, I do indeed. Xerxes And this quiver— Chorus What is this you say has been saved? Xerxes Treasury for shafts? Chorus Truly a small remnant from an ample store. Xerxes We have been deprived of defenders. Chorus Ionia's people shrink not from the spea
Andocides, On the Mysteries, section 76 (search)
Others were deprived of the right of bringing an indictment, or of lodging an information: others of sailing up the Hellespont, or of crossing to Ionia: while yet others were specifically debarred from entering the Agora. You enacted, then, that both the originals and all extant copies of these several decrees should be cancelled, and your differences ended by an exchange of pledges on the Acropolis. Kindly read the decree of Patrocleides whereby this was effected.The decree reinstates (a) public debtors whose names were still on the official registers in June-July 405, (b) political offenders who had suffered a)timi/a in 410 after the downfall of the Four Hundred and the restoration of the full democracy. These include both members of the Four Hundred and their supporters. An exception is made, however, of those oligarchs who fled to Decelea (e.g. Peisander and Charicles), and of persons in exile for homicide, massacre, or attempted tyranny. The last two crimes are onl
Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.), line 153 (search)
a Phaedra. Agathon If the heroes are men, everything in him will be manly. What we don't possess by nature, we must acquire by imitation. Mnesilochus aside When you are staging Satyrs, call me; I will do my best to help you from behind, if I can get my tool up. Agathon Besides, it is bad taste for a poet to be coarse and hairy. Look at the famous Ibycus, at Anacreon of Teos, and at Alcaeus, who handled music so well; they wore head-bands and found pleasure in the lascivious and dances of Ionia. And have you not heard what a dandy Phrynichus was and how careful in his dress? For this reason his pieces were also beautiful, for the works of a poet are copied from himself. Mnesilochus Ah! so it is for this reason that Philocles, who is so hideous, writes hideous pieces; Xenocles, who is malicious, malicious ones, and Theognis, who is cold, such cold ones? Agathon Yes, necessarily and unavoidably; and it is because I knew this that I have so well cared for my person. Mnesilochus How
Aristotle, Athenian Constitution (ed. H. Rackham), chapter 5 (search)
Such being the system in the constitution, and the many being enslaved to the few, the people rose against the notables. The party struggle being violent and the parties remaining arrayed in opposition to one another for a long time, they jointly chose Solon as arbitrator and Archon, and entrusted the government to him, after he had composed the elegy that begins:I mark, and sorrow fills my breast to see,Ionia's oldest land being done to death,—Solon Fr. 28in which he does battle on behalf of each party against the other and acts as mediator, and after this exhorts them jointly to stop the quarrel that prevailed between them. Solon was by birth and reputation of the first rank, but by wealth and position belonged to the middle class, as is admitted on the part of the other authorities, and as he himself testifies in these poems, exhorting the wealthy not to be covetous:Refrain ye in your hearts those stubborn moods,Plunged in a surfeit of abundant goods,And m
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 27 (search)
479 B.C.While Xanthippus was archon in Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Quintus Fabius Silvanus and Servius Cornelius Tricostus.Silvanus is an error for Vibulanus and Tricostus for Cossus. At this time the Persian fleet, with the exception of the Phoenician contingent, after its defeat in the sea-battle of Salamis lay at Cyme. Here it passed the winter, and at the coming of summer it sailed down the coast to Samos to keep watch on Ionia; and the total number of the ships in Samos exceeded four hundred. Now they were keeping watch upon the cities of the Ionians who were suspected of hostile sentiments. Throughout Greece, after the battle of Salamis, since the Athenians were generally believed to have been responsible for the victory, and on this account were themselves exultant, it became manifest to all that they were intending to dispute with the Lacedaemonians for the leadership on the sea; consequently the Lacedaemonians, fores
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 34 (search)
Also in Ionia the Greeks fought a great battle with the Persians on the same day as that which took place in Plataea, and since we propose to describe it, we shall take up the account of it from the beginning. Leotychides the Lacedaemonian and XanthippusThe father of Pericles. the Athenian, the commanders of the naval force, after the battle of Salamis collected the fleet in Aegina, and after spending some days there they sailed to Delos with two hundred and fiftte the cities and speedily sailed forth from Delos. When the Persian admirals, who were then at Samos, learned that the Greeks were sailing against them, they withdrew from Samos with all their ships, and putting into port at Mycale in Ionia they hauled up their ships, since they saw that the vessels were unequal to offering battle, and threw about them a wooden palisade and a deep ditch; despite these defences they also summoned land forces from Sardis and the neighbouring
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 65 (search)
ld be read for "Lacedaemonians," since the latter have not been mentioned as being present.; for the Athenians, made angry by the seizure of Nisaea, did not pursue the Lacedaemonians but slew great numbers of the Megarians with whom they were indignant. The Lacedaemonians, having chosen Cratesippidas as admiral and manned twenty-five of their own ships with troops furnished by their allies, ordered them to go to the aid of their allies. Cratesippidas spent some time near Ionia without accomplishing anything worthy of mention; but later, after receiving money from the exiles of Chios, he restored them to their homes and seized the acropolis of the Chians. And the returned exiles of the Chians banished the men who were their political opponents and had been responsible for their exile to the number of approximately six hundred. These men then seized a place called Atarneus on the opposite mainland, which was by nature extremely rugged, and h
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 67 (search)
The Athenian generals, giving the impression that they intended to raise the siege and take their armaments to Ionia, sailed out in the afternoon with all their ships and withdrew the land army some distance; but when night came, they turned back again and about the middle of the night drew near the city, and they dispatched the triremes with orders to drag off the boatsi.e. the boats of the Byzantines. and to raise a clamour as if the entire force were at that point, while they themselves, holding the land army before the walls, watched for the signal which had been agreed upon with those who were yielding the city. And when the crews of the triremes set about carrying out their orders, shattering some of the boats with their rams, trying to haul off others with their grappling irons, and all the while raising a tremendous outcry,Xen. Hell. 1.3.14 ff. does not mention this action in the harbour. the Peloponnesians in the city and everyone