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nces. It was hoped that the duke of Brunswick, if well disposed, could supply at least three thousand men, and the landgrave of Hesse Cassel five thousand; in November, 1775, Suffolk thus instructed Colonel Faucitt, the British agent: Your point is n to doubt, the troops are all had on lower terms than was ever known before. Lord Irnham took a broader view: The landgrave of Hesse and the duke of Brunswick render Germany vile and dishonored in the eyes of all Europe, as a nursery of men for thouctive wars, commit the additional crime of making them destroy much better and nobler beings than themselves. The landgrave of Hesse has his prototype in Sancho Panza, who said that if he were a prince, he should wish all his subjects to be blackamed in the war by Brunswick was equal to one twenty seventh part of Chap. LVII.} its collective population; by the landgrave of Hesse was equal to one out of every twenty of his subjects, or one in four of the able bodied men; a proportionate conscr