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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 8 2 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 8 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the Colonization of the United States, Vol. 1, 17th edition. 8 0 Browse Search
Raphael Semmes, Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War Between the States 4 0 Browse Search
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley 2 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 5. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 2 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 3, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 2.13, chapter 2.27 (search)
no doubt made the Americans believe that nothing but a thunder-clap, such as Cleveland has given, would rouse us to consider the matter seriously. The English papers have been quite taken aback by it; and, here and there, some fools are talking of resistance! One man, who holds a high office in the State, talked to me last night of the manner we should fight the Americans! Poor old soul, he did not expect the contempt with which I extinguished his martial ardour. Why! if Venezuela and Guiana were both wiped out of the map, America and England would suffer from it far less than from recent speculative dishonesty. In addition to this shock from America, we are considerably disturbed by the Armenian atrocities, and what action we might be urged to take in behalf of the oppressed Armenians. The Radicals are very bellicose, and would applaud Lord Salisbury if he sent a fleet up the Dardanelles. To-day, we have news that Dr. Jameson has invaded the Transvaal, with a small force bet
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bancroft, Edward, 1744-1820 (search)
Bancroft, Edward, 1744-1820 Naturalist; born in Westfield, Mass., Jan. 9, 1744; was a pupil of Silas Deane (q. v.) when the latter was a school-master. His early education was not extensive. Apprenticed to a mechanic, he ran away, in debt to his master, and went to sea; but returning with means, he compensated his employer. Again he went to sea; settled in Guiana, South America, as a physician, in 1763, and afterwards made his residence in London, where, in 1769, he published a Natural history of Guiana. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and Fellow of the Royal Society. While Franklin was in England on a diplomatic mission, Dr. Bancroft became intimate with him; and through the influence of the philosopher became a contributor to the philosopher became a contributor to the Monthly review. He was suspected by the British government of participation in the attempt to burn the Portsmouth dock-yards, and he fled to Passy, France. Soon afterwards he met Sil
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Franklin, Benjamin 1706-1790 (search)
at these colonies had been planted and established Without any expense to the state. New York is the only colony in the founding of which England can pretend to have been at any expense, and that was only the charge of a small armament to take it from the Dutch, who planted it. But to retain this colony at the peace, another at that time fully as valuable, planted by private countrymen of ours, was given up by the crown to the Dutch in exchange—viz., Surinam, now a wealthy sugar colony in Guiana, and which, but for that cession, might still have remained in our possession. Of late, indeed, Britain has been at some expense in planting two colonies, Georgia and Nova Scotia, but those are not in our confederacy; and the expense she has been at in their name has chiefly been in grants of sums unnecessarily large, by way of salaries to officers sent from England, and in jobs to friends, whereby dependants might be provided for; those excessive grants not being requisite to the welfare a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, colony of (search)
the region of country between the Hudson and Delaware rivers; and in August the same year an English fleet appeared before New Amsterdam and demanded its surrender. Governor Stuyvesant resisted for a while, but was compelled to comply, and the whole territory claimed by the Dutch passed into the possession of the English on Sept. 8, 1664. At the treaty of peace between England and Holland, the Dutch were allowed to New York City Hall and docks in 1679. retain the colony of Surinam, in Guiana, England retaining New York. Edmund Andros was appointed governor, and a formal surrender of the province occurred in October. In 1683 Thomas Dongan became governor, and, under instructions from the Duke of York, he called an assembly of representatives chosen by the people, and a charter of liberties was given to the colonists. This was the foundation of representative government in New York; but the privileges promised were denied. When James was driven from the throne, and Nicholson,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Raleigh, Sir Walter 1552- (search)
rica, but it was a failure. With Drake he went to restore Dom Antonio to the throne of Portugal in 1589; brought the poet Edmund Spenser from Ireland to the British Court; lost favor there himself by bad conduct; planned an expedition to Guiana, South America, and went there with five ships in 1595, and published a highly colored account of the country on his return. Regaining a portion of the royal favor, he was in public employment and received large grants from the crown, but the death of bore him company. During that period Raleigh wrote his History of the world. Released in 1615 (not pardoned), he was commanding admiral of the fleet, Raleigh enjoying his pipe (from an old print). and was sent by James with fourteen ships to Guiana in search of treasures. One of Raleigh's commanders was sent up the Orinoco with 250 men in boats, landed at the Spanish settlement of St. Thomas, and, in defiance of the peaceable instructions of the King, killed the governor and set fire to th
this coast. Its set is about W. N. W., and its drift about one knot per hour. Nothing has been seen to-day. The water has changed its deep blue color, to green, indicating that we are on soundings. We are about ninety miles from the coast of Guiana. The sun went down behind banks, or rather cumuli of pink and lilac clouds. We are fast sinking the north polar star, and new constellations arise, nightly, above the southern horizon. Amid other starry wonders, we had a fine view this eveningbanks on the coast of West Florida. The rule of soundings, on some parts of the latter coast, is a foot to the mile, so that, when the navigator is in ten feet of water, he is ten miles from the land. This is not quite the case, on the coast of Guiana, but on some parts of it, a large ship can scarcely come within sight of the land. A small craft, drawing but a few feet of water, has no need of making a harbor, on either coast, for the whole coast is a harbor—the sea, in bad weather, breaking
(vencnatce) arrows. The poison on the arrow was called toxicum, from its relation to the bow, and the word was extended to poison in general. The shaft was of polished wood, cane, or reed. The latter actually gave names to the weapon,— arundo, calamus. The Egyptians used reed shafts; their arrows were from 22 to 34 inches in length, and are yet extant. The monuments show feathered shafts. In the time of Homer, arrows were sometimes poisoned. The poisoned arrows of the Indians of Guiana are blown through a tube. They are made of the hard wood of the Cokarito tree, are about the size of a knitting-needle nine inches long, and mounted on a yellow reed four or five feet long. One end is sharpened, and poisoned with woorai; the rear end receives a pledget of cotton to act as a piston in the tube. The effective range is about forty yards. The hardwood spike can be removed at pleasure; twelve or fifteen such spikes are carried by the hunter in a little box, made of bamboo.
courbarilBrazilUsed for varnish. The Indian kind known in commerce as Indian copal. Vateria indicaIndia AsphalteTrinidad, Dead Sea, etcForms a basis of black varnishes, as Japan black, etc. Used with sand for paying material. Affords petroleum or rock oil. AssafoetidaNarthex assafoetida, etc.Central AsiaUsed as a stimulant and antispasmodic in medicine. Australian gum-resinsEucalyptus (various)AustraliaAffords resins for varnishes, and produces tannin. Tasmania BalataAchras dissectaGuianaOne of the Sapoteae; allied in qualities to gutta-percha. Benzoin or BenjaminStyrax benzoinE. Indian IslandsFragrant. Used incense, perfumery, pastilles; affords benzoic acid. Canada balsamAbies balsamea, etcCanadaBecomes solid on exposure to the air. Used to mount microscopic objects, for varnish, and as a cement for optical glasses. CaoutchoucSiphonia brasiliensiBrazilThe solidified milky juice of many families of plants. Is very elastic; has the property of uniting with sulphur, magne
lso Spruce; Hemlock) Fir (Scotch)Pinus sylvestrisEuropeMedium hardness. The yellow deal used in Europe. Fir (silver)Abies grandisCalifornia. FusticMorus tinctoriaN and South AmericaDyeing, mosaic-work, and turning. GreenheartNectandra rodiaeiGuiana, TrinidadHard and very durable. Shipbuilding, wharves, bridges. Gum (sour or black)Nyssa multifloraEastern U. S.Hard, tough, white. Hubs. Gum (sweet or red)Liquidamber styracifluaEastern U. S.Inferior to the black. HawthornCrataegus oxyacantlasting. Wagons and implements, wedges. OsiersSalix viminalis, etcEuropeSoft. Baskets, plait, wicker-work generally. Oyster Bay pineCallitris australisTasmaniaHard. Agricultural implements, cabinet-work, etc. Paddle-woodAspidosperma excelsumGuianaPaddles, cotton-gin rollers. Palm(See Porcupine-wood)Tropical climesVarious uses in mechanics. Oil. Partridge-woodHeisteria coccinea, etcW. Ind. and S. Am.Hard. Walking-sticks, umbrella-handles, etc. PearPyrus communisTurning, carving, blocks
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), List of Mrs. Child's works, with the date of their first publication as far as ascertained. (search)
effect Emancipation; Malem Boo; Illustration of Prejudice; Joanna; I thank my God for my Humility; Safe Mode of Operation; Scipio Africanus; The Hottentots; Conversation with Colonizationists; Knowledge in Austria; Voices from the South; Scale of Complexions; Dangers of Emancipation; Knowledge in the United States; Old Scip; Derivation of Negro; Opinions of Travellers; Jamaica Mobs. Follen, Mrs., Remember the slave; The runaway slave. Child, D. L. Henry Diaz; Three Colored Republics of Guiana; Judicial Decisions in Slave States. Whittier, J. G. The Slave Ships. Whittier, E. H. The Slave Trader. Bradley, J. History of J. B,, by Himself. may, Rev. S. J. Miss Crandall's School. Florence. The Infant Abolitionist. Gould, H. F. The Land of the Free.-English Protest against the Colonization Society.-Alexander Vasselin.-Cornelius of St. Croix.-Ruins of Egyptian Thebes.-History of Thomas Jenkins.--A Negro Hunt.--An Anti-Slavery Catechism. Newburyport, 1836. 12vo. The