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James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen 9 1 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 6 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 5 1 Browse Search
P. Terentius Afer (Terence), Heautontimorumenos: The Self-Tormenter (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 2 0 Browse Search
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 12, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 11, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 12, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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P. Terentius Afer (Terence), Heautontimorumenos: The Self-Tormenter (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act 1, scene 1 (search)
hich could strike any but people of the greatest humanity--nay, people elegant and skillful in observation upon it. It is possible that he may have laid his hand on his heart, and with a winning insinuation in his countenance, expressed to his neighbor that he was a man who made his case his own; yet I will engage, a player in Covent Garden might hit such an attitude a thousand times before he would have been regarded." and nothing that concerns a man do I deem a matter of indifference to me. Suppose that I wish either to advise you in this matter, or to be informed myself: if what you do is right, that I may do the same; if it is not, then that I may dissuade you.
for the seventeenth century to bring it into general notice and usefulness. Early in the seventeenth century, Galileo, observing the oscillations of a suspended lamp, conceived the idea of making a pendulum a measurer of time, and in 1639 published a work on mechanics and motion, in which he discussed the isochronal properties of oscillating bodies suspended by strings of the same length. A. D. 1641, Richard Harris constructed a pendulum clock in London, for the church of St. Paul, Covent Garden. A. D. 1649, a pendulum clock was constructed by Vincenzio Galileo (the younger Galileo). A. D. 1650, Huyghens constructed clocks on this principle: — He first explained the nature, properties, and application of the pendulum, and made it perfect, except the compensation added by Graham, about 1700. Anchor pallets were introduced by Clement, in 1680, who also devised the mode of suspending the pendulum from a stud, by means of a piece of watchspring. The mechanism of repetition
row pipes which produce a certain sweetness of tone. See stop. Dul′ci-mer. The dulcimer is supposed to be identical with the psaltery of the Hebrews. It is frequently mentioned in Scripture. The modern dulcimer consists of a box with a cover which forms a sounding-board, and has a number of wire strings stretched over a bridge at each end. It is played by elastic rods with pellets of cork at the ends. The number of strings is usually about fifty. Here [at the puppet play in Covent Garden], among the fiddlers, I first saw a dulcimere played on with sticks knocking of the strings, and is very pretty. — Pepys's Diary, May 24, 1662. The Javanese gambang has wooden and brass bars of different lengths placed crosswise over a wooden trough. They are struck by small sticks with a ball of pith at the end. — Bickmore's Travels in the Indian Archipelago. Du′ledge. The dowel-pins of the fellies of a gun-carriage wheel. Dum. (Mining.) A frame of wood like the jam
ar fixed at right angles to an upright arbor, and the movement was accelerated or retarded by diminishing or increasing the distance of the weights from the arbor. The clocks erected at Strasburg, 1370, Courtray, 1370, and Spire, 1395, were probably of this character, as were also the astronomical clocks of Tycho Brahe and other less celebrated astronomers of his period. b shows the Harris pendulum as contrived by him in the clock put up in the turret of the Church of St. Paul, Covent Garden, London, in 1641. It will be seen that it may have occurred as a modification of the De Wyck vibrating arm, one of the weights being taken off and the arm hung vertically. Galileo, about 1581, observed the swinging of a suspended lamp and the regularity of the vibrations recommended a pendulous weight as a time-measurer. He applied it as such successfully, at first employing persons to count the oscillations, but soon effected it by machinery. Dr. Thomas Young in his lectures on Natu
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 32: sober by law. (search)
from the foreign street, where Jacques is somewhat careless of his fence, and Pat is tolerant of the cess-pool at his door, I read a notice calling on the passer-by to enter the sporting and smoking bazaar. Here, surely, there must lurk some spice of dissipation. Passing down the steps into this sporting and smoking bazaar, I see a large vault, running below Avenue House, and conjure up visions of Gothe's wine cellar in Leipzig, the Heiliger Geist in Mainz, and our own supper-rooms in Covent Garden; but on dropping down the steps of this smoking and sporting bazaar, I find myself in a big empty room; the floor clean, the walls bright, and a small kiosk in one corner for the sale of cigars and cigarettes, at which a nice-looking matron waits for customers, who are slow to come. They suffer you to sell tobacco, madam? Yes, Sir, for the present, sighs the patient creature; some of them want to put down the sale of tobacco and snuff, as they have put down that of beer and gin
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen, Eminent women of the drama. (search)
on the regular stage, after a little amateur practice at a private theatre, was made at Covent Garden, London, in 1823, when she enacted Olivia, in Shakspeare's Twelfth night. By the critics of thao of her sisters were already in the profession,--one, Mrs. Maria Bradshaw, as a singer, at Covent Garden, and the other, Mrs. Quin, as a dancer, at Drury Lane. Their influence, of course, favored sonation of Clemanthe, in Talfourd's classic and beautiful tragedy, which was first acted at Covent Garden, May 26th, 1836. With Ion, too, one of the purest and brightest of all the denizens of the sly worked in the stock companies, which was the secret of her sure progress. Macready kept Covent Garden two years; and, in the course of that time, Helen Faucit played many important parts. Bulwe, to the Claude Melnotte of Macready. On the 10th of October, 1839, the tragedian abandoned Covent Garden, and accepted an engagement, under Mr. Webster at the Haymarket, Helen Faucit and Mrs. Warne
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 6: Law School.—September, 1831, to December, 1833.—Age, 20-22. (search)
re his part in discussions which related to the utility of trial by jury and of capital punishment, and the value of lyceums. He was not fluent in speech, but he prepared himself with care, as his minutes still preserved show. One attraction at this time proved stronger with Sumner than even his books. Miss Frances A. Kemble, the daughter of Charles Kemble, the English actor, and the niece of Mrs. Siddons, came with her father to this country in 1832, three years after her debut at Covent Garden in the character of Juliet. She was then but twenty-one years old; and her youth added to the fascination of her brilliant talents. Wherever she played, her acting was greatly admired; and by no class so much as by students. After fulfilling engagements in New York and other cities, she made her first appearance in Boston in April, 1833. Sumner was an enthusiast in his devotion, walking again and again to the city during her engagement at the Tremont Theatre, witnessing her acting wi
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 13: England.—June, 1838, to March, 1839.—Age, 27-28. (search)
d to Sumner; and at Paris they were often together. Wilks bade Sumner good-by, as he left for London, in a note closing thus: So now a pleasant voyage to you; for you are a right good sample of a thoroughly good-hearted, hard-headed, able, well-informed American. Wilks soon after returned to London, where he became editor of the Church and State Gazette, and died in 1844 or 1845. He was the grandson of a Methodist clergyman, and son of John Wilks, of Finsbury Square, M. P. for Boston. Covent Garden. He soon took permanent lodgings at 2 Vigo Street, near Charing Cross and the Strand, and within ten minutes walk of Westminster Hall and the Abbey. Leaving cards with Earl Fitzwilliam, John Stuart Wortley, and Mr. Justice Vaughan, he soon found himself embarrassed by conflicting invitations, and his time taken up by society. He was admitted as a foreign visitor,—a qualified membership,—to four clubs; To the Garrick through Brown, and the Travellers' through Sergeant D'Oyly. the Ga
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 14: first weeks in London.—June and July, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
commons was on the globe, and yet what spaces separate them when we regard <*> eleven morals, character, and external appearances! thought that five<*> study of one great city teeming with life, animation, and gayety would take off the edge of my wonder, and throw over all other places that I may visit a secondary character. But here I am in famous London town, and my wonder still attends me; but it is of an entirely different quality from that 1 Established in 1831, in King Street, Covent Garden, for literary men, and particularly for those who were by profession or tastes specially interested in the drama. Its collection of pictures contain several painted by Sir Peter Lely, Gainsborough, and Reynolds. The club was frequented by Theodore Hook and Albert Smith. June, during the discussion of the Irish Municipal Corporation Bill; and there I sat from six o'clock till the cry of divide drove me out at twelve. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, Third Series, Vol. XL. pp. 617-
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 7: marriage: tour in Europe (search)
colored person, much as one would say in the case of a white man or woman. I remember that Lord Lansdowne wore a blue ribbon across his breast, and on it a flat star of silver. Among the well-remembered glories of that summer, the new delight of the drama holds an important place. I had been denied this pleasure in my girlhood, and my enjoyment of it at this time was fresh and intense. Among the attentions lavished upon us during that London season were frequent offers of a box at Covent Garden or Her Majesty's. These were never declined. Of especial interest to me was a performance of Macready as Claude Melnotte in Bulwer's Lady of Lyons. The part of Pauline was played by Helen Faucit. Both of these artists were then at their best. Thomas Appleton, of Boston, and William Wadsworth, of Geneseo, were with us in our box. The pathetic moments of the play moved me to tears, which I tried to hide. I soon saw that all my companions were affected in the same way, and were makin