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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
r was discovered coming up the river. We went to quarters and awaited under way the report of the Joy, which was in advance of the approaching steamer. The stranger proved to be a French man-of-war, and informed us that he had arrived off the Southwest Pass the night before; had grounded in trying to get over the bar; that he saw no blockading vessels until 10 o'clock next day, when a small side-wheel gun-boat called the Water Witch arrived off the Pass. Captain Geo. N. Hollins had now arralongside of the bank of the river near the head of the Passes. We soon ascertained that she had run into a ship; had entangled her propellers, disabled her engines, and carried away her smoke-stacks. All of our vessels now proceeded down the Southwest Pass, and soon we made out the Richmond and Vincennes aground on the bar. On arriving at extreme range we fired a few shots — all of which fell short. One of the enemy's shells falling near the Joy, who had ventured nearer than the other boats
s of which he has communicated to Headquarters, and which are said to be of the utmost importance. When La Mountain completed his observation, he threw out sufficient ballast to enable him to rise to a height of three miles, when he fell in with a counter current which carried him back in the direction of Maryland, thus passing over Washington. Commander Alden, of United States steamer South Carolina, reports to Flag-officer McKean, Gulf Squadron, the capture of two schooners off the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi, with from four to five thousand stand of arms.--(Doc. 68.) A party of New Mexican Union volunteers, under Captain Mink, was surprised at Alimosa, thirty-five miles below Fort Craig, by one hundred and ten Texan rebels, and their horses stampeded. Captain Mink proposed to surrender his company; but his men dissented, secured their horses, and retreated to Fort Craig. Subsequently about one hundred United States troops, from Fort Craig, pursued the rebels, ove
December 24. Gen. Pope's cavalry, sent to Lexington, Mo., captured two rebel captains, one lieutenant, and four men, with horses, &c. They destroyed the foundry and ferry boats at Lexington.--General Halleck's Despatch. A card from J. J. Mc Keever, President of an organization known as the Southwest Co., appeared in the Memphis Appeal, announing that the third special messenger would leave Memphis on the 1st of January, taking mail matter for all parts of the world. The U. S. War Department issued orders stopping the enlistment of cavalry soldiers. The Government had all the cavalry that were necessary. A bill To increase the duties on tea, coffee, sugar, and molasses passed the U. S. Congress. The duties were raised on tea to twenty cents per pound, on coffee to five cents, on sugars to two and a half, three, five, and eight cents, and on molasses to six cents. It was estimated that the increase would add to the revenue six millions of dollars a year. Blu
January 23. The rebel steamer Calhoun was captured off the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River. Previous to leaving her the rebels set her on fire, which was with difficulty extinguished.--Philadelphia Ledger. A force of one hundred rebel cavalry entered Blandville, Ky., and carried off the books and records of the county. The captain of the band made a speech to the inhabitants, in which he said that the rebel citizens who shall or have suffered from the incursions of a Union army, shall be reimbursed by levies upon Union men. Several of the Secessionists of St. Louis, Mo., who were assessed for the benefit of the southwestern fugitives, by order of Major-General Halleck, having failed to pay their assessments, their property has been seized under an execution to satisfy the assessment, with twenty-five per cent additional, according to General Order No. 24. To-day Samuel Engler, a prominent merchant, and one of those assessed, had a writ of replevin served
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Brooklyn at the passage of the forts. (search)
. Some of the captains thought it suicidal and believed that the whole fleet would be annihilated; others, that perhaps one or two vessels might get by, but they would be sunk by the rams. All this time Farragut maintained that it must and should be done, even if half the ships were lost. A final council was called on the afternoon of the 23d, and it was decided to attempt the passage that night. In July, 1861, I was on board the steam frigate Mississippi when she made a visit to the Southwest Pass, and having been sent to the Powhatan, commanded by Lieutenant D. D. Porter, near by, I walked up and down the quarter-deck with the commanding officer. He was very much exasperated that the department at Washington delayed sending vessels of proper draught to enter the river, and said that if he had half a dozen good vessels he would undertake to run by the forts and capture New Orleans. Admiral Porter has already recounted in this work the prominent part that he took in the openin
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 13: the capture of New Orleans. (search)
husetts battery. On the Matanzas, General Phelps, with the Ninth Connecticut, Colonel Cahill, and Holcomb's Second Vermont battery. On the Great Republic, General Williams, with the Twenty-first Indiana, Colonel McMillen; Fourth Wisconsin, Colonel Paine, and Sixth Michigan, Colonel Cortinas. On the North America, the Thirtieth Massachusetts, Colonel Dudley, and a company each of Reed's and Durivage's cavalry. On the Will Farley, the Twelfth Connecticut, Colonel Deming. was ready at the Southwest Pass, just below, to, co-operate On that day the Confederates sent down a fire-ship --a fiat-boat filled with wood saturated with tar and turpentine — to burn the fleet. It came swiftly down the strong current, freighted with destruction; but it was quietly stopped in its career by some men in a small boat that went out from the Iroquois, who seized it With grappling irons, towed it to the shore, and there let it burn out in perfect harmlessness. So early as the 28th of March, Fleet-ca
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 10: naval engagement at South-West pass.--the Gulf blockading squadron in November, 1861. (search)
at had early in the war commenced to swarm upon the coast like bees about the honey flowers. But they were disappointed in their expectations, for as early as June, 1861, Commodore McKean sent the Powhatan, Lieut. D. D. Porter, to close up the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi, and Commander U. S. Sloop of war Brooklyn, off Pensacola. Charles Poor, in the Brooklyn, to blockade Pass à l'outre. It was through the latter channel that the Sumter, Captain Semmes, escaped to sea, while the neared the head of the passes, when ineffectual attempts were made to get her head up stream (which could easily have been done by letting go an anchor). The vain efforts continued until the steamships had drifted a mile and a half down the Southwest Pass, when they were discontinued, the helm put up, and the vessel headed towards Pilottown, where her commander thought he would be able to turn round! When she arrived at Pilottown she still drifted on, and strange to say, she drifted towa
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 18: capture of forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the surrender of New Orleans. (search)
iciently to cross the bar at Southwest Pass. Towed by the Harriet Lane, Owasco, Westfield, and Clifton, all the mortar schooners crossed the bar at Pass à l'outre on March 18th, and were ordered by Farragut to proceed via the junction to the Southwest Pass. At this time the only vessels that had crossed the bar at the Southwest Pass, after an unsuccessful attempt with the Brooklyn at Pass a l'outre, were the Hartford and the Brooklyn. The Navy Department had been mistaken in sending vessSouthwest Pass, after an unsuccessful attempt with the Brooklyn at Pass a l'outre, were the Hartford and the Brooklyn. The Navy Department had been mistaken in sending vessels of such draught as the Colorado, Pensacola, and Mississippi, for though the two latter ships were finally with great difficulty worked over, the time lost amounted to at least twelve days, with a corresponding delay of the fleet. Farragut's first act upon reaching the Mississippi was to despatch his Chief of Staff, Capt. Henry H. Bell, with the gunboats Kennebec and Wissahickon up tile river on a reconnoissance. After returning from the neighborhood of the forts, Capt. Bell reported tha
Doc. 82.-General Sweeny's proclamation. Headquarters Southwest expedition, Springfield, Mo., July 4, 1861. To the Citizens of Southwest Missouri: Your Governor has striven to cause the State to withdraw from the Union. Failing to accomplish this purpose by legislative enactment, he has already committed treason by levying war against the United States. He has endeavored to have you commit the same crime. Hence he has called for troops to enter the military service of the State, not to aid, but to oppose the Government of the United States. The troops under my command are stationed in your midst by the proper authority of our Government. They are amongst you not as enemies but as friends and protectors of all loyal citizens. Should an insurrection of your slaves take place, it would be my duty to suppress it, and I should use the force at my command for that purpose. It is my duty to protect all loyal citizens in the enjoyment and possession of all their property, s
Doc. 78. attack on the United States fleet at the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi. Official report of Capt. Pope. United States steamer Richmond, Southwest Pass of Mississippi River, Oct. 13, 1861. sir: I have the honor to make the s under way in a very few minutes, having slipped their cables. I ordered the Preble and Vincennes to proceed down the Southwest Pass while I covered their retreat, which they did at fifty minutes past four A. M. At this time three large fire ra very fast, as was proven a few weeks ago, when the steamer Water Witch attempted to head her off. The Ivy was down the Southwest Pass, about thirty miles from us; the Water Witch started up Pas à l'outre; the shore people immediately telegraphed ar was concluded that we were to proceed up the pass to protect the men while so engaged. We accordingly ran down to the Southwest Pass, the Niagara taking our position. After getting aground once, we succeeded in getting over the bar, and are now a