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The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.13 (search)
o from an European point of view, I should certainly name those which describe the operations around Charleston. For the instruction of those who are unfamiliar with the topography of Charleston and surroundings, I shall give a short introductory description of the harbor defences of this city in order to convey a better appreciation of the location and relative importance of Battery Wagner. Charleston, as you know, is situated on a narrow peninsula at the confluence of the Ashley and Cooper rivers These rivers in flowing together form a broad, picturesque and beautiful bay, lying to the southeast of the city, which has for its northern boundary the mainland, and for its southern, James island. Fort Sumter is constructed upon its own little island of artificial rock, and is situated within the entrance to the harbor. It is nearly equi-distant between James and Sullivan's islands, and is three and a half miles from East Bay battery of the city. Fort Johnston on James island is sit
animated zeal, were alike admitted without question, and where the fires of religious persecution were never to be kindled. There Chap XIII} they obtained an assignment of lands, and soon had tenements; there they might safely make the woods the scene of their devotions, and join the simple incense of their psalms to the melodies of the winds among the ancient groves. Their church was in Charleston; and thither, on every Lord's day, gathering from their plantations upon the banks of the Cooper, and taking advantage of the ebb and flow of the tide, they might all regularly be seen, the parents with their children, whom no bigot could now wrest from them, making their way in light skiffs, through scenes so tranquil, that silence was broken only by the rippling of oars, and the hum of the flourishing village at the confluence of the rivers. Other Huguenot emigrants established themselves on the south bank of the Santee, in a region which has since been celebrated for affluence and
nce was worth but five per cent of its nominal value. The town, like the country, was flat and low. On three sides it lay upon the water; and, for its complete investment, an enemy who commanded the sea needed only to occupy the neck between the Cooper and the Ashley rivers. It had neither citadel, nor fort, nor ramparts, nor stone, nor materials for building anything more than field-works of loose sand, kept together by boards and logs. The ground to be defended within the limits of the city same morning, Lincoln for the first time called a council of war, and, revealing to its members his want of resources, suggested an evacuation. We should not lose an hour, said Mackintosh, in attempting to get the continental troops over the Cooper river; for on their safety depends the salvation of the state. But Lincoln only invited them to consider the measure maturely, till the time when he should send for them again. Simms's South Carolina in the Revolution, 122. Before he met them ag
s. Miss Kate Otey died in Norfolk, Va., Thursday, from injuries received by the upsetting of a fluid lamp on the 19th nlt. I. N. Edwards, a horse thief, was hung by a mob in Topeka. Kansas, last week, for killing an Indian. The Cabinet will hereafter hold their regular sessions on Tuesdays and Fridays, at noon. Gen. Hamilton has returned to Texas, to run as a Union candidate for the State Senate. Maj. Geo. Graves, one of the oldest citizens of Knoxville, Tenu., died on Monday last. Capt.Burton is ordered from Fortress Monroe to command the forts at San Francisco. Second Lient, Stephen D. Ramseur, (of N. C.,) 8th Artillery U. S. A., has resigned. Messrs.Lane and Pomeroy have been elected U. S. Senators from Kansas. Many of the farmers on Cooper river, S. C., are more than half done planting. There are said to be 100 men in Liverpool who are each worth $5,000,000. There are 214 uniformed companies in Georgia, numbering 10,700 men.
and Maj. Ellison Capers, will make itself felt, if need be, when the time comes. It is far from being the insignificant position of which it has the reputation. Although a defective construction has impaired the power of the lower batteries to a considerable extent, it has an effective tier of rampart guns, which, from its eligible position, are capable of much service. It is beyond the reach of the largest guns of Fort Sumter, and commands the entire line of wharves and shipping along Cooper River, and in the hands of an enemy would be capable of doing vast injury to the city. The schooner W. A. Ellis, which arrived here from New York, on Wednesday last, had on board 500 barrels cement consigned to Fort Moultrie. We learn that its delivery to the United States officers has been prevented for the present, and that it will be placed in store. Two lighters were along side taking the cement on board when the order for its nondelivery was received. We are informed that a
Shocking accident. --About 12½ o'clock P. M., on Saturday last, a fatal accident occurred at the Colleton Lime Works, at the head of Cooper river. A valuable and trusty negro named Toney, about twenty-nine years of age, was taking from a lime kiln a quantity of lime that had gone through the burning process, and while so engaged, the kiln fell down, burying his body among the burning sand.--Mr. Lachicotte, the superintendent, was standing near, and and to move rapidly out of the way in order to escape being covered by the hot ashes and sand. Immediate efforts were made to take the body out, and it was recovered in about three quarters of an hour; but, as the kiln had been under the action of fire very steadily for months, he must have died almost instantly. His body, in parts, had nearly all the flash taken off, and, for a short time, the poor fellow must have suffered dreadfully. He was the property of Messrs. Ravenel & Stevens, owners of the Lime Works.--Charleston Mer
nful anxiety and excitement attendant upon the recent great public calamity at Charleston are beginning to calm down, and the people of that city, looking the worst in the face, are bravely preparing to grapple with the new difficulties they have now to encounter. We take the following from the Charleston Courier, of the 14th instant: We visited the ruins yesterday, and the scene of desolation and ruin that presents itself is, indeed, saddening. From the foot of Hassell street, on Cooper river East, to the end of Tradd, on the Ashley, running West, the conflagration has made a clean sweep of some of the finest public buildings and private residences of our city. Only a portion of the walls and blackened chimneys, with here and there a grate in its original position, and the remnants of pillars, are left standing in the dismal waste, which a few days ago was the scene of busy life and happy homes. The extensive carriage manufactory of Mr. John Artman, in Archdale street, wa
made a night journey to a point on the coast, of which he only indicates the position, one which can be no other than Butler Bay, named by the New York papers as the probable destination of the powerful squadron of war vessels and transports that was badly sailed for Southern waters. Embarking with the mystery of a conspirator on board a small steaming laden with the most explosive and combustible goods, this witness for the press is carried down the dreary estuary of the Ashley and Cooper rivers, passing a few dark and rakish privateers and one or two unfinished ships intended for the Confederate navy. Streaming boldly for the open sea, he said his friend glide by Forts Sumter and Moultrie, which, together with the new earthworks and batteries on shore, appear to make of Charleston a miniature Constraint. Creeping along the coast with their hearts ill stressed for the lights of the blockading frigate shine at no great distance, and the breakers are unpleasantly near, the adven
The Daily Dispatch: November 19, 1863., [Electronic resource], Annual report of the Virginia Central Railroad. (search)
From Charleston. Charleston, Nov. 18. --A slow but steady fire has been kept up on Fort Sumter last night and this morning from the enemy's mortar batteries. Everything else quiet.--No casualties at Sumter for the past two days. Major Elliott and the garrison are all well. [second Dispatch.] Charleston, Nov. 18. P. M. --The firing on Fort Sumter continues steady. Our mortar battery on Sullivan's Island has been shelling Gregg and the Cummings Point batteries all day. No casualties at Sumter to-day. The enemy fired at long range to-day up Cooper river at a passing steamer, it is supposed with one of the same guns with which they have been firing into the city.
Secretary of War: "General Echols reports that detachments of Vaughan's cavalry struck the railroad beyond Knoxville at Sweetwater and Athens, capturing the garrison at both places. Sixty men of the Twentieth Ohio regiment, with horses and equipments, were taken. "[Signed] R. E. Lee." From the South. The last of the Confederate forces left Charleston during Friday night, and the next day the Federals entered. The three gunboats belonging to the Confederate navy went up Cooper river. --Nearly all the Government stores in the city were safely brought off and the cotton in the place burnt. All the citizens who could get out came away. There seems to have been some tolerably heavy skirmishing, but no general fighting, before our forces evacuated Columbia. The South Carolina railroad depot took fire from a Yankee shell thrown into it, and some ammunition there exploded, killing two or three persons and wounding six others. We learn that the raiding party of Y