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mped within five miles of the Nationals, with a small force, consisting of Colonel Simms' Texas regiment, Colonel McIntosh's Creek regiment, and the Chocktaw and Chickasaw regiment.--Fort Smith (Ark.) News, Dec. 12. Five vessels of the stone fleet, and the ships George Green and Bullion, of Gen. Butler's expedition, sailed to-day from Boston, Mass. An expedition, under Commander Rodgers, U. S. N., left Port Royal harbor, S. C., and explored Ossabaw Sound, Ga. It passed up the Vernon River, Ga., and was fired on by a fort on the eastern end of Green Island, without damage. Returning to the Sound, the expedition sailed up the Great Ogeechee River, and landed at Ossabaw Island, but found it abandoned. No batteries, except the one on Green Island, were discovered.--(Doc. 224.) This morning a party of rebels commenced firing on some National pickets in the vicinity of Dam No. 4, on the Potomac, near Sharpsburg, Md., but were forced to retreat to the woods, more than a mile
hich has proved so disastrous in its results. It will be remembered that General Pemberton expected that Edwards's Depot would be the battle-field before I reached Jackson, (see his despatch of the twelfth, already quoted,) and that his army, before he received any orders from me, was seven or eight miles east of the Big Black, near Edwards's Depot. On May nineteenth, General Pemberton's reply (dated Vicksburgh, May eighteenth) to my communication of the seventeenth, was brought me, near Vernon, where I had gone with the troops under my command, for the purpose of effecting a junction with him in case he evacuated Vicksburgh, as I had ordered, in which he advised me that he had assembled a council of war of the general officers of this command, and having laid your instructions before them, asked the free expression of their opinions as to the practicability of carrying them out. The opinion was unanimously expressed that it was impossible to withdraw the army from this position wi
y, and having over twenty-five separate stations or fields of operations throughout the district, have worked hard, and (until this raid) successfully in hunting down the guerrillas and protecting the stations and the border. They have killed more than a hundred of them in petty skirmishes and engagements between the eighteenth of June and the twentieth instant. On the twenty-fifth instant I issued an order requiring all residents of the counties of Jackson, Cass, Bates, and that part of Vernon included in this district, except those within a mile of the limits of the military stations and the garrisoned towns, and those north of Bush Creek and west of Big Blue, to remove from their present places of residence within fifteen days from that date — those who proved their loyalty to be allowed to move out of the district or to any military station in it, or to any part of Kansas west of the border counties — all others to remove out of the district. When the war broke out, the dist
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
for their lives with the National troops, instead of attempting to re-establish a loyal government. In consequence of a sense of insecurity caused by this event, very little Union feeling was manifested in Florida during the remainder of the war. Dupont returned to Port Royal on the 27th of March, leaving a small force at different points to watch the posts recovered. He found Skiddaway and Greene Islands abandoned by the Confederates, and the important Wassaw and Ossabaw Sounds and the Vernon and Wilmington Rivers entirely open to the occupation of National forces. So early as the 11th of February, General Sherman, with the Forty-seventh New York, had taken quiet possession of Edisto Island, from which all the white inhabitants had fled, burning their cotton on their departure. By this movement the National flag was carried more than half way to Charleston from Beaufort. And so it was, that on the first anniversary of the attack on Fort Sumter, the entire Atlantic and Gulf coa
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 23: siege and capture of Vicksburg and Port Hudson. (search)
arine brigade under General R. W. Ellet. Grant pressed the siege with vigor as June wore away. Johnston was beyond the Big Black, chafing with impatience to do something to save the beleaguered garrison, but in vain, for he could not. collect troops sufficient for the purpose, while Pemberton, still hoping for succor, fought on, and suffered with the heart-sickness of hope deferred. Finally, on the 21st June, 1863., he sent a messenger to Johnston, who had moved out from Canton as far as Vernon, near the Big Black, recommending him to move north of the railroad toward Vicksburg, to keep the attention of the Nationals attracted to that side, while the garrison should move down the Warrenton read at the proper time, break through the investing line, and, crossing the Big Black at Hankinson's Ferry, escape. Evidently doubting the success of his proposed movement, Pemberton suggested to Johnston, the next day, the propriety of abandoning Vicksburg, and proposing to Grant the passing o
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 8: capture of Fernandina and the coast South of Georgia. (search)
. Commander Drayton, in the Pawnee, accompanied by one or two gunboats, entered St. Helena Sound and found on the point of Otter island some heavy fortifications; but the magazine had been blown up and the armament removed. At the same time Commander C. R. P. Rodgers made a reconnoissance of Warsaw Sound, and found the fort on Warsaw Island dismantled and the magazine destroyed. An examination of Wilmington River showed heavy works still occupied by the enemy. On the Ogeechee and Vernon rivers heavy earth-works were being erected by the Confederates. Commander Drayton crossed the North Edisto Bar, and found an abandoned earthwork, intended to mount ten guns. In fact, there had been a stampede all along the coast, which indicated the moral effect of Dupont's victory on the Southern people. Had a suitable body of troops been landed on the coast at the time, Charleston and Savannah would have fallen into our possession, and have been held throughout the war, to the great det
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 9: operations of Admiral Dupont's squadron in the sounds of South Carolina. (search)
under Commander C. R. P. Rodgers, left Tybee Roads on the 11th of December, 1861, with the Ottawa, Pembina, Seneca and Henry Andrew. Entering and passing up Vernon River, they discovered a fort on the eastern end of Green Island, mounting eight guns, apparently of heavy calibre, and near it an encampment of 75 tents. The fort was advantageously placed, and its approaches landward were well protected by marshes. It commanded not only Vernon River, but the Little Ogeechee, and Hell Gate, the passage from Vernon River into the Great Ogeechee. The reader should have a good map of the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia by him, in order to obtain somVernon River into the Great Ogeechee. The reader should have a good map of the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia by him, in order to obtain some idea of the immense net of natural defences on which the Southern engineers had erected fortifications with great skill and judgment. These expeditions may appear to some readers to be of very little importance, but if they will carefully examine the map they will see for themselves how difficult it was. for our gunboats to r
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
ippi, and his official report, See General Pemberton's report, page 33. prove that before I reached Jackson, where my first order to him was written, he had established his movable army six or seven miles beyond the river; and a large detachment (two brigades) near Raymond, twelve or fourteen miles still farther east. Those papers prove, also, that he had crossed the Big Black to give battle to the enemy, and expected Edwards's Depot to be the battle-field. Early on the 19th, when near Vernon, I received Lieutenant-General Pemberton's reply to my note, conveying to him the order to evacuate Vicksburg. It was dated May 18th. After acknowledging the receipt of that order, General Pemberton said: On the receipt of your communication, I immediately assembled a council of war of the general officers of this command, and having laid your instructions before them, asked the free expression of their opinions as to the practicability of carrying them out. The opinion was unanimously exp
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 224. expedition to Ossabaw, Ga. (search)
crossed the bar at Ossabaw soon after eight o'clock. Entering and passing up Vernon River, we discovered, on the eastern end, on Green Island, a fort mounting eight gt has three faces, upon two of which guns are mounted. It commands not only Vernon River, but Little Ogeechee and Hellgate Passage from Vernon River into Great OgeecVernon River into Great Ogeechee. Its long-range guns will also reach the channel of the Great Ogeechee. We were exactly two nautical miles from the fort, and after observing it carefully, we sry. The reconnaissance in the direction of Vernonsburg — a village on the Vernon River, of Georgia--which we made to-day, was made in force. Our force consisted oh we passed at nine o'clock, and nearly as much clear up to the mouth of the Vernon River. When we entered the river, taking the north channel, every one was engagedt it was based upon you now know. After we had reached the confluence of the Vernon and Ogeechee rivers, we ran up the latter to a point abreast of Racoon Key, opp
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 22 (search)
, and lies so flat, that we can see nothing from any other portion of our lines. General Slocum feels confident that he can make a successful assault at one or two points in front of General Davis's (Fourteenth) corps. All of General Howard's troops (the right wing) lie behind the Little Ogeechee, and I doubt if it can be passed by troops in the face of an enemy. Still, we can make strong feints, and if I can get a sufficient number of boats, I shall make a cooperative demonstration up Vernon River or Wassaw Sound. I should like very much indeed to take Savannah before coming to you; but, as I wrote to you before, I will do nothing rash or hasty, and will embark for the James River as soon as General Easton (who is gone to Port Royal for that purpose) reports to me that he has an approximate number of vessels for the transportation of the contemplated force. I fear even this will cost more delay than you anticipate, for already the movement of our transports and the gunboats has r