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against surprise. The enemy returned in force, charged upon and threw them into confusion, killing and capturing two hundred.--See Supplement. The National Council of the Cherokee Indians adjourned this day, having repealed the ordinance of secession passed in 1861. They also passed an act depriving of office in the nation, and disqualifying all who continued disloyal to the Government of the United States; and also an act abolishing slavery.--The yacht Anna was captured in the Suwanee River, Ga., by the National steamer Fort Henry.--New York Journal of Commerce. A very large and enthusiastic meeting of the people of Indiana was this day held at Indianapolis, the capital of the State. Loyal and patriotic resolutions were adopted, and speeches were made by Governor Wright, Governor Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, General S. F. Carey, of Ohio, T. Buchanan Read, of Pennsylvania, Charles W. Cathcart, Charles Case, and others. A freight train on the Louisville and Nashville
hat the rebels had changed position since last advices, they were unable to proceed further. Their return was a constant skirmish for over one hundred miles, strong bodies of the enemy being posted at all the cross-roads to intercept them. They, however, cut their way through. In some places they evaded the enemy by taking blind mountain-passes. Their loss was small.--Mrs. Anne Johnston, of Cincinnati, was tried at Nashville, Tenn., before the Military Committee, for acting as a rebel spy, and smuggling saddles and harness from Cincinnati into the rebel lines. The articles were packed in barrels, purporting to contain bacon, for the shipment of which permits had been regularly obtained.--the schooner Fox, tender to the United States flag-ship San Jacinto, East-Gulf squadron, destroyed in the Suwanee River, Florida, a rebel steamer, supposed to be the Little Leila, formerly the Paw-Paw, and before the Flushing. She was set fire to by a boat's crew belonging to the Fox.--(Doc. 23.)
River. Drought was killed instantly. His body floated down and lodged on a tree-top. Jacobs was only wounded in the arm and was drowned. Orcutt was shot through the bowels, and managed to get out of the river, but died next day. Foley having loosed his hands, reached shore, but being severely wounded in the groin, lay near the river all night, where he was found next day by a citizen and properly cared for.--the schooner Fox captured the British schooner Edward, from Havana, off the Suwanee River, while endeavoring to run the blockade.--the United States steamer Sunflower, off Tampa Bay, Florida, captured the rebel sloop Hancock. A battle took place near Bolivar, Tenn., between a party of rebel raiders belonging to the command of General Forrest, and five hundred of the Seventh Illinois cavalry, under Colonel Edward Prince, who had been sent out to scout and patrol the crossings on the Mississippi Central Railroad. Finding himself overpowered by numbers, Colonel Prince fell
o greater exertion and more resolute endurance, till, under the guidance of Heaven, the blessings of peace and freedom shall finally crown their efforts. Let all press forward in the road to independence, and for the security of the rights sealed to us in the blood of the first revolution. Honor and glory attend our success. Slavery and shame will attend our defeat. The schooner Two Sisters, a tender to the United States flag-ship San Jacinto, captured, while trying to enter the Suwanee River, the British schooner William, from Nassau.--General Butler addressed a characteristic letter to the Perfectionists of the city of Norfolk, Va.--the following report was made by Colonel James A. Mulligan, from his headquarters at New Creek, Va.: A soldier of ours, James A. Walker, company H, Second Maryland regiment, captured in the attack upon the train at the Moorfield and Alleghany Junction, on the third instant, by the enemy under General Fitz-Hugh Lee, escaped when near Brocks's Gap
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The battle of Olustee, or Ocean Pond, Florida. (search)
le, occupy a point in the in-terior, and break up communication between east, middle, and west Florida by the destruction of the railroad and bridges about the Suwanee River, the Southern Confederacy would not only be deprived of a large quantity of the food drawn from east and south Florida, but a point d'appui would be establisheccordingly he resolved to carry out the general plan on which he supposed the occupation and control of east Florida had been based, by marching at once to the Suwanee River and destroying the bridges and railroad, thus breaking up communication between east and west Florida. On the receipt of Seymour's letter communicating his de and in reserve. The whole force numbered about 5400 men at Ocean Pond on the Olustee, 13 miles east of Lake City. The country along the railroad from the Suwanee River eastward is low and flat, without streams to delay the march of an army, and covered with open pine forests unobstructed by undergrowth. The only natural feat
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
Sanderson. To this Gillmore replied, I want your command at and beyond Baldwin concentrated at Baldwin without delay. Seymour demurred, alleging that to leave the south fork of the St. Mary's would make it impossible for him to advance again. Deceived by the assertion that Finnegan had fallen back from Lake City, and acting upon his strong impulse to accomplish the work for which he had been sent, Seymour took the responsibility of advancing, and put his troops in motion toward the Suwanee River. At the same time he telegraphed Feb. 17. the fact to Gillmore, and asked him to have an iron-clad vessel make a demonstration against Savannah, to prevent the Confederates in Georgia from re-enforcing Finnegan. Gillmore was astonished; and he was not a little alarmed, because of the seeming danger to which Seymour would expose his six thousand troops to attack from an overwhelming force that might be quickly concentrated upon him, by railway, from Georgia and Alabama. He sent a lett
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 37: operations of the East Gulf Squadron to October, 1863. (search)
y land their cargoes of arms or provisions in a night and be out of sight of the blockaders when daylight came. Following the coast up to the northward were the Ten Thousand Islands, Charlotte Harbor, Tampa Bay, Crystal River. Cedar Keys, Suwanee River, Appalache Bay, St. George's Bay, Appalachicola, St. Andrew's Bay, and a thousand other places of refuge too numerous to mention. Arms and munitions of war of all kinds could have been landed but for the watchfulness of the naval vessels. English to proceed to Cedar Keys with the gunboat Sagamore, taking with him two armed launches from the flag-ship St. Lawrence, under the immediate command of Acting-Lieutenant E. Y. McCauley, for the purpose of scouring the coast between the Suwanee River and the Anclote Keys, where it was reported a number of small craft were engaged in violating the blockade. There was no end to this kind of traffic wherever there was a slip of land to haul a boat upon, or a shallow stream where a schoone
sisting that To leave the south fork of the St. Mary's will make it impossible for us to advance again ; but intimated no purpose to make such advance without orders. Gillmore thereupon returned to Hilton Head; and was very soon thunderstruck by receiving Feb. 18--dated Feb. 17. a letter from Seymour, saying that he had been compelled to remain where his men could be fed; but adding Not enough supplies could be accumulated to permit me to execute my intention of moving to the Suwanee river. But I now propose to go without supplies; and asking that an iron-clad demonstration be made up the Savannah, to prevent the dispatch of Rebel forces from Georgia to Finnegan! Gillmore at once wrote him a strong remonstrance against the madness of his project — which was, in effect, to pit his (at most) 6,000 disposable men against whatever force the Rebels, with all Georgia and Alabama to draw from, and railroads at command, might see fit to concentrate upon him. Gen. Turner was sen
r the command of Acting Master George Ashbury. The circumstances are as follows: On the twentieth of December, a steamer was discovered in the mouth of the Suwanee River, apparently at anchor or aground. The Fox immediately beat up toward her until, when within about three quarters of a mile of the steamer, she grounded in eigs by which the channel was marked out, for about a mile and a half. Again, on December twenty-fourth, a vessel was discovered by the Fox standing in for the Suwanee River, and after a chase of two hours, and the firing of several shells, she hove to. Being ordered by Mr. Ashbury to send a boat on board, the stranger put his helmeel, passing through his leg, but without touching an artery. The vessel was then boarded and found to be the British schooner Edwin from Havana, bound to the Suwanee River, with a cargo of lead and salt, and was accordingly seized as a prize. In addition to these achievements, I would remind the department that the Fox was one o
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 87.-the campaign in Florida. (search)
meet them. The fact is, the rebels, having an approximate idea of our force, knew it would be useless for them to make a defence. We have every reason to believe that the enemy, if he fights at all, will choose his ground on the bank of the Suwanee River. We have information that such is his design. Lake City is not fortified, and, as I remarked before, the government property has of been sent to a point further back. The bridge over the Suwanee will, of course, be destroyed, should our troops advance, and the river is not fordable. To cross it, we must throw over a pontoon or construct a regular bridge. If we have a battle there, it will, in all probability, take place at Suwanee River, which is between Lake City and Tallahassee. The section of country through which we have passed offers superior advantages for guerrilla warfare. A number of this despicable class of people has been seen lurking in the woods. Two of them were captured last Friday while following a negro s