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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 5: Round about Richmond. (search)
erious thought of advancing by that route. To prepare to meet him on either of the other routes, a line behind the Rapidan was the chosen position. General Beauregard had been relieved of duty in Virginia and ordered West with General A. S. Johnston. The withdrawal from Centreville was delayed some weeks, waiting for roads that could be travelled, but was started on the 9th of March, 1862, and on the 11th the troops were south of the Rappahannock. General Whiting's command from Occoquan joined General Holmes at Fredericksburg. Generals Ewell and Early crossed by the railroad bridge and took positions near it. General G. W. Smith's division and mine marched by the turnpike to near Culpeper Court-House. General Stuart, with the cavalry, remained on Bull Run until the 10th, then withdrew to Warrenton Junction. During the last week of March our scouts on the Potomac reported a large number of steamers, loaded with troops, carrying, it was estimated, about one hundred and
hat lock before he spent a million dollars getting them there? I am almost despairing at these results. Everything seems to fail. The impression is daily gaining ground that the general does not intend to do anything. By a failure like this we lose all the prestige gained by the capture of Fort Donelson. The prediction of the Secretary of War proved correct. That same night, McClellan revoked Hooker's authority to cross the lower Potomac and demolish the rebel batteries about the Occoquan River. It was doubtless this Harper's Ferry incident which finally convinced the President that he could no longer leave McClellan intrusted with the sole and unrestricted exercise of military affairs. Yet that general had shown such decided ability in certain lines of his profession, and had plainly in so large a degree won the confidence of the Army of the Potomac itself, that he did not wish entirely to lose the benefit of his services. He still hoped that, once actively started in the
en. Mcclellan. S. Williams, A. A. G. J. M. Norvell, A. A. G. Headquarters division, Fort Lyon, Va., Jan. 30, 1862. General Orders, No. 2: The General commanding the Division takes pleasure in commending Lieutenant-Colonel John Burke, of the Thirty-seventh New York Volunteers, the officers and men with him, together with the guide, Williamson, for the gallantry and good conduct displayed by them in destroying a party of Texan Rangers, located at Mrs. Lee's house, on the banks of the Occoquan, and in sight of the rebel batteries. It is to be regretted that after all resistance had ceased, a more thorough search was not made of the house to discover the actual loss of the enemy, and to bring away all their arms. By order, Brig.-Gen. Heintzelman. Isaac Moses, A. A. G Mason and Slidell arrived at Southampton, Eng., this morning. They embarked on board the British ship Rinaldo, at Boston, bound for Halifax. Owing to a furious gale, the Rinaldo could not make Halifax, an
t that possibly some alleviation might be brought about by the amendment proposed. The amendment was rejected, and the bill was then ordered to its engrossment.--Richmond Examiner. This afternoon a skirmish occurred near the banks of the Occoquan, on the Potomac, Va. It was reported in the morning that a body of rebels was at Pohick Church. Captain Lowing, of the Third Michigan regiment, then on picket-duty in front of General Heintzelman's Division, took thirty-four men, under command of Lieutenant Brennan, from Company F, and forty-four under Lieutenant Bryan, from Company H, and went to meet them. Arriving at Pohick Church, no rebels were seen. The party, however, proceeded to the banks of the Occoquan, opposite the town of that name. Arriving there early in the afternoon, a few unarmed men were observed drilling. They gave the alarm, when a number of rebels came from the houses and fired on the National soldiers. A brisk skirmish took place. Four of the rebels were se
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The pontoniers at Fredericksburg. (search)
w that this order, issued by Captain J. C. Duane, Chief-Engineer of the Army of the Potomac at Rectortown, on the 6th of November, did not reach Major Spaulding, at Berlin, until the afternoon of November 12th. General Halleck's report exonerates the engineers from all blame.--editors. We took up two bridges, each 1100 feet long, loaded and moved them by canal and land transportation to Washington, where we received 500 unbroken mules. We then fitted up two trains, moved through the mud to Occoquan, where we divided the trains, part going by water and part by land to Aquia Creek, where we again reloaded the entire equipment, and arrived at the Lacy house but six days behind Longstreet's advance, which had made a forced march from the vicinity of Culpeper to reach the heights in rear of Fredericksburg. These being the facts, it can hardly be said, with justice, that the engineers were slow in their movements. The idea of crossing immediately in front of the town seemed to have pass
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., A bit of partisan service. (search)
Stuart readily assented, and I started off on my career as a partisan. At the time I had no idea of organizing an independent command, but expected to return to Stuart when the campaign opened in the spring. I was indifferent to rank, and would have been as contented to be a lieutenant as a colonel. I was somewhat familiar with the country where I began operations, having picketed there the year before. The lines of the troops attached to the defenses of Washington extended from about Occoquan, on. the lower Potomac, through Centreville, in Fairfax County, to the Falls of the upper Potomac, and thence as far west as Harper's Ferry. This was a long line to defend, and before I went there had not been closely guarded. I began on the picket-lines; my attacks were generally in the night-time, and usually the surprise compensated for the disparity in numbers. They would be repeated the next, and often during the same night at a different point, and this created a vastly exaggerated
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 24: the called session of Congress.--foreign relations.--benevolent organizations.--the opposing armies. (search)
of the pickets, with the railway, in the foreground. On the left is a public house of entertainment, and just beyond it is seen a portion of the long Bridge. The Capitol is seen in the distance. and Richmond. It is about half way between the eastern range of the Blue Ridge and the Potomac at Alexandria, and was connected by railway with Richmond and the fertile Shenandoah Valley, as we have observed. The main portion of the army was on an elevated plateau in the crotch formed by the Occoquan River and its main tributary, Bull's Run. The bed of each stream, canal-like, was cut through horizontal strata of red stone, making it difficult for an attacking army to approach the Confederate works. The C. S. A. and the Battle of Bull Run: by Major J. G. Barnard. A succession of broken, wooded hills around the plateau, composed strong natural fortifications; and Beauregard's engineers had cast up formidable artificial ones there. Among these, the most noted was the Naval Battery, comp
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 25: the battle of Bull's Run, (search)
iles. The Confederate force against which this army was to move was distributed along Bull's Run, This is an inconsiderable stream, which rises in the range of hills known as Bull's Run Mountains. See map on page 586. It empties into the Occoquan River about twelve miles from the Potomac. from Union Mill, where the Orange and Alexandria Railway crosses that stream, to the Stone Bridge of the Warrenton Turnpike, the interval being about eight miles. The disposition of the Confederate forcened the severest penalties for a violation of it. General McDowell, pretty well informed concerning the strong position of the Confederate force; intended to turn its right flank at Manassas by a sudden movement to his left, crossing the Occoquan River below the mouth of Bull's Run, and, seizing the railway in the rear of his foe, compel both Beauregard and Johnston to fall back from their positions, so menacing to the National Capital. With this view, he made a reconnoissance on the morni
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
izing and holding Matthias Point, in order to secure the navigation of the river. At different times afterward, July 1st, August 20th, and August 31st. the attention of the President, General Scott, and General McClellan was called to the matter by the same Department, but nothing was done until toward the close of September, when Confederate batteries were actually planted there It appears by an autograph letter before me, written by Colonel Wade Hampton, at Freestone Point, between Occoquan and Dumfries, and dated September 24th, 1861, that a battery was completed at that place, and was ready for action at that date. His letter was addressed to Colonel Thomas Jordan, Beuregard's Assistant Adjutant-General. He says the works were constructed under Captin Lee, whose battery and a long 32-pounder rified gun were there. The latter had been sent there by General Trimble, a Maryland Traitor, then in the Confederate army. He reported that he had every thing in readiness to open f
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
ter both he and Longstreet were ordered to Fredericksburg, when the division of D. The. Hill was sent to Port Royal to oppose the passage of gun-boats, which had appeared there. The rest of Jackson's division was disposed so as to support Hill. The cavalry brigade of General W. H. F. Lee was stationed near Port Royal, and the fords of the Rappahannock above Fredericksburg were closely watched. On the 28th of November, Wade Hampton crossed and made a reconnaissance as far as Dumfries and Occoquan, and captured two hundred Nationals and some wagons; and at about the same time a part of Beales's regiment of Lee's brigade dashed across the Rappahannock in boats, below Port Royal, and captured some prisoners. Hill and some of Stuart's horse-artillery had a skirmish with the gun-boats at Port Royal on the 5th of December, and compelled them to retire.--Lee's Report, volume I. of the Reports of the Army of Northern Virginia, pages 88 and 89. Its left was composed of Longstreet's corps, w