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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.55 (search)
ssure the peaceable inhabitants that they would be protected in life and property. This message was delivered to the only white man found, who sat in the. post-office and seemed quite dazed. At General Drayton's headquarters was found a chart of the coast, and, in red-pencil marks, a very valuable addition, no less than the position of all the earth-works within his command, the number of guns being shown by the number of red marks in each locality. All of the batteries indicated from North Edisto south to Tybee were found to be abandoned; the guns, however, had been removed, with the exception of some inferior pieces. Wherever the gunboats penetrated, into harbors or rivers, huge columns of white smoke were seen on all sides from the burning cotton, far out of our reach, had it been the special object of our visit to secure it. Thus the enemy inflicted upon the inhabitants injuries they Pope's House, Hilton head, used by the union army as a signal-station. From a war-time sket
ll back fighting. Reaching the Salkehatchie River, they found the enemy had determined to make another stand and had again intrenched themselves, thinking the swollen streams would serve like the moat of oldentime fortifications. But the Fifteenth Army Corps knew nothing of the tardiness of ancient warfare, so, dashing through the sluggish stream, they assaulted the enemy with such fury that they were soon in possession of their intrenchments, and, pushing along the railroad, arrived at North Edisto by the 12th of February, where, in an engagement, General Logan captured many prisoners. When they reached Columbia, South Carolina, they found the retreating Confederates had set a lot of cotton bales and other stores on fire, from which a general conflagration ensued. I have often heard General Logan tell, with tears in his eyes, of the horrors of the night his troops entered that burning city and of the wreck that the desperate and intoxicated enemy left behind them. Barrels of whis
ress in the case of Missouri; but as to the other States named in the bill, either the neglect or open opposition of their people and representatives and senators prevented any further action from the committee. Meanwhile a new incident once more brought the question of military emancipation into sharp public discussion. On May 9, General David Hunter, commanding the Department of the South, which consisted mainly of some sixty or seventy miles of the South Carolina coast between North Edisto River and Warsaw Sound, embracing the famous Sea Island cotton region which fell into Union hands by the capture of Port Royal in 1861, issued a military order which declared: Slavery and martial law in a free country are altogether incompatible; the persons in these three States --Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina-heretofore held as slaves are therefore declared forever free. The news of this order, coming by the slow course of ocean mails, greatly surprised Mr. Lincoln, and h
ruin. Our people are in earnest--men, women, and children — and their sacrifices will ascend as a sacred holocaust to God, crying aloud for vengeance against the fiends in human shape who are disgracing humanity, trampling down civilization, and would blot out Christianity. Patriotic planters on the seaboard are hourly applying the torch to their crops of cotton and rice. Some are authorized by military authorities to destroy their crops to prevent ravages by the enemy. Plantations on North Edisto and in the neighborhood, and elsewhere on the coast of South Carolina, are one sheet of flames and smoke. The commanding officers at all of the exposed points on the coast have received positive instructions to burn or destroy all property which cannot be conveniently taken away and is likely to be seized by the enemy.--Charleston Mercury, November 30. An official order was received at the Custom-house, in London, England, not to allow the shipment of any saltpetre to any place till
noon, and, surrounding the enemy, forced them to surrender. Thirteen hundred prisoners, including three colonels, seventeen captains, one thousand stand of arms, one thousand horses, sixty-five wagons, and a large quantity of tents, baggage, and supplies Were captured. The Nationals lost two killed and eight wounded.--(Doc. 231.) A reconnoitring expedition, under command of Commander Drayton, U. S. N., left Port Royal, S. C., on the 16th inst., and the next day sailed up the North Edisto River, S. C. On Edisto Island fortifications were discovered, which, on landing, were found to be deserted. The expedition then sailed up a small creek to the town of Rockville, S. C., from which, at about a mile's distance, was a rebel camp. This camp was unoccupied, and over forty tents were taken possession of, the most valuable part of the camp equipage having been removed by negroes. This morning the expedition ran down to the South Edisto, S. C., and, proceeding up the river, found on
boats and skiffs as far up as they dared to come; also that there had been a movement among the troops at Columbus. The gunboats and mortar-boats getting into position on the Missouri side of the river when a rebel steamer, with a white flag, made its appearance, some rebel officers came on board the Cincinnati, and a consultation took place.--Cincinnati Gazette. Harper's Ferry, Va., was occupied by the National forces, under the command of General Banks. The troops were unopposed, and found all the necessaries for a permanent occupation. Lieut. A. C. Rhind, U. S. N., went, with Lieut. Prentiss and three men, on an expedition to Bear Bluff, opposite White Point, on North--Edisto River, S. C., where the rebels were erecting a battery. Two men were found, as picket guards, in the magazine of the unfinished battery, asleep. In attempting to secure them, one was shot by the accidental discharge of a pistol in the hands of Lieutenant Rhind. The other was captured.--(Doc. 62.)
Admiral Du Pont. flag-ship Wabash, Port Royal harbor, S. C., June 17, 1863. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of Navy, Washington: sir: Having reason to believe the Atlanta and other rebel iron-clads at Savannah were about attempting to enter Warsaw Sound by Wilmington River, for the purpose of attacking the blockading vessels there and in the sounds further south, I despatched some days ago the Weehawken, Captain John Rodgers, from this port, and the Nahant, Commander J. Downes, from North-Edisto, to Warsaw, where the Cimerone, Commander Drake, was maintaining the inside blockade. I have the satisfaction to report to the department this morning that the Atlanta came down by Wilmington River into Warsaw Sound, and was captured. This information has just been received in a telegram from Fort Pulaski, sent by Captain John Rodgers. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. F. Du Pont, Rear-Admiral Commanding South-Atlantic Blockading Squadron. flag-ship Wabash, Port Royal h
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Du Pont's attack at Charleston. (search)
, rendered great service to the Union in creating so rapidly the new navy that did such good work in crushing the great rebellion; for this the country owes him a lasting debt. He now did his best to strengthen Admiral Du Pont's squadron, and in March, 1863, the Catskill, the last available iron-clad, reached Port Royal. The others had been somewhat strengthened and improved by the light of the Ogeechee experience, and the naval force was ready for the attack. The monitors assembled at North Edisto, and on the 6th of April crossed the Charleston bar and anchored off Morris Island; for after crossing, the weather had become so hazy that the pilots could not see the landmarks to direct their course, and the attack was necessarily deferred until the following day. On the 7th at noon the signal was made to weigh anchor; it was the earliest hour at which the pilots would Rear-Admiral C. R. P. Rodgers. From a photograph. consent to move, owing to the state of the tide. The movemen
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
ia. Besides those on Hilton Head, and at Bay Point on Phillip's Island, there were five other fortifications on these islands, namely, on Botany Bay Island, North Edisto; on Otter Island, St. Helena's Sound; on Fenwick's Island; on Bay Point, on the South Edisto River; and on Sam's Point, on the Coosaw River. The little sketchsh sod. Fort on Bay Point. Before the close of the year the National authority was supreme from Wassaw Sound below the mouth of the Savannah, to the North Edisto River. Every fort on the islands in that reg ion had been abandoned, and there was nothing to make sellious opposition to National authority. See map on page torch to their crops of cotton and rice. Some are authorized by military authorities to destroy their crops, to prevent ravages by the enemy. Plantations on North Edisto and in the neighborhood, and elsewhere on the coast of South Carolina, are one sheet of flames and smoke. The commanding office of all the exposed points on o
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
oe for siege-guns, when Hunter took command of the newly-arrived troops, broke up their corps organization, and incorporated them with his own. Foster, at his own request, was allowed to retire to his Department, leaving his troops as re-enforcements for Hunter, who now had an apparently competent force to make a speedy conquest of Charleston. February and March were spent in the final preparations by Dupont. The appointed place of rendezvous for his vessels was at the mouth of the North Edisto River, well up toward Charleston; and as fast as they were prepared at Hilton Head, For the purpose of saving to the service the time spent by vessels of the blockading squadron in going. North for repairs, Admiral Dupont established a floating machine-shop in Station Creek, near Hilton Head, where such work was done. He took two of the whale-ships which were sent down with the Stone fleet. (see page 128, volume I.), placed them side by side, and on one of them had a sort of house buil