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ily bath in this beloved river, that we think it worth while for parents to send their children from the country here to school, if only to strengthen and delight them with a salt bath in the Mystic. Brooks. That which runs a short distance east of the West Medford Depot, on the Lowell Railroad, was called Whitmore's Brook after the pious deacon, whose house was on the north side of High Street, about two rods west of the brook. It rises in Bear Meadow. Marble Brook, now called Meeting-house Brook, crosses High Street about forty rods north-east of Rock Hill. In spring, smelts resort to it in great numbers. The brook or creek over which Gravelly Bridge is built was called Gravelly Creek, but more lately Pine Hill Brook. The stream is small, but much swelled by winter rains. It has its source in Turkey Swamp. The brook which crosses the road, at a distance of a quarter of a mile south of the Royal house, was named Winter Brook. It has its source near the foot of Wal
in Ship Street, was built by a few Medford persons, in 1746, for the purpose of making a road to the tide-mill. March 4, 1751: Voted to build a new bridge of stone where the present Gravelly Bridge is. This continued till recently, when a new one, built of stone, has been widened so as to cover the entire street. March 7, 1803: Voted, that the bridges over Meetinghouse and Whitmore's Brooks, so called, be rebuilt with stone. The bridge over Marble Brook, in West Medford (called Meeting-house Brook in later times), was made of wood at first, and so continued for more than a century; it was then built of stone, in 1803, and so continued till 1850, when it was rebuilt of stone, and made as wide as the street. The same remarks belong to the small bridge, called Whitmore's Bridge, farther west, and near the Lowell Railroad Station in West Medford. There is one feature connected with each of the four bridges, herein described, which is worth a passing notice. It is this. The
e: To place the new meeting-house either on the north or south side of the country road, on a piece of land belonging to John Bradshaw, jun. This spot was afterwards rejected. More unanimity began now to prevail in this matter; and a committee was chosen whose wisdom and impartiality harmonized every thing. The spot selected was,on the south side of the country road, near Marble Brook, four or five rods south-east of the bridge now across that stream, which afterwards took the name of Meeting-house Brook, and retains it to this day. The land was owned by that self-made and thrifty farmer, Mr. John Albree; and on the 10th of January, 1726, the town voted to give fifty-five pounds for one acre, and to appropriate three hundred and sixty pounds for the building of the house. The committee appointed to determine the size and shape of the house were Thomas Tufts, Esq., Captain Ebenezer Brooks, Mr. Peter Seccombe, Mr. John Richardson, Captain Samuel Brooks, Mr. John Willis, Mr. William
when, for noblest ends, they stealthily enter our creeks and little streams, they are watched by the hungry boys, who, for sport or profit, drive them into their scoop-nets by dozens. In this town, they do not let enough escape to keep the race alive; and if, in all other towns, they were so destroyed, this beautiful and delicious fish would become extinct among us. The greatest draught — by a certain nameless boy, fifty years ago — numbered sixty-three. They were taken from Marble, or Meeting-house, Brook. In Mystic Pond, there are few fish at present. The fresh-water perch, which appear in the sun like a fragment of a rainbow shooting through the water, are the most numerous. The bream are not uncommon; but their size is very small. The tomcod come to winter there, and are easily taken thus: Some ten or twelve of them gather about a small stone, very near the shore, and each makes its nose to touch the stone. The fisherman sees this unfrightened family circle quietly reposi
ren were Dudley, born Oct. 26, 1701, married Sarah Pierce, Aug. 18, 1724; Ann, born July 7, 1704; Lucy, born May 30, 1706; and Patience, born Feb. 13, 1712. Sarah married Rev. John Tufts, of Newbury, who was born in Medford. Our ancestors generally assembled in town-meeting at six o'clock, A. M., during the warm weather. Nov. 26, 1700.--The above town-meeting was adjourned to the sixth day of December next, to meet at the house of Stephen Willis, sen., about sun-setting. 1700.--Meeting-house in Medford so cold that men struck their feet together, and children gathered around their mothers' footstoves. 1700.--At this time, black dogs were put into the contribution-box in Medford. A silver coin bore this nickname. 1700.--Elders and messengers. These titles were used in letters missive, till the beginning of this century, to designate the pastors and delegates invited to assist in the ordination of ministers. 1700.--Charlestown voted that all the waste land belonging
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Shiloh, battle of (search)
h, an important position at the intersection of the Charleston and Memphis, Mobile and Ohio railways. Possession of that point would give the National troops control of the great railway communications between the Mississippi and the East, and the border slave-labor States and the Gulf of Mexico. Passing up the Tennessee River, the main body of Grant's troops were encamped, at the beginning of April, between Pittsburgh Landing, on that stream, and Shiloh Map of the Shiloh campaign. Meeting-house, in the forest, 2 miles from the river bank. General Beauregard, under the supreme command of Gen. A, Sidney Johnston, was straining every nerve to resist this movement. He confronted the Nationals near Shiloh Meeting-house, where he was assisted by Generals Pope, Hardee, Bragg, and Breckinridge. With these expert leaders the Confederates had come up from Corinth in a heavy rainstorm, in separate columns, and so stealthily that they were within 4 miles of the National camp before the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Walker, Joseph Burbeen 1822- (search)
Walker, Joseph Burbeen 1822- Agriculturist; born in Concord, N. H., June 12, 1822; graduated at Yale College in 1844; admitted to the bar in 1847, but later abandoned law and devoted himself to agriculture and literature. His publications include Land drainage; Forests of New Hampshire; Ezekiel Webster Dimond; History of town. Meeting-house; Prospective Agriculture in New Hampshire; Rodgers, the Ranger, etc.
her bridge until the one from East Cambridge to Charlestown was finished in 1786, soon to be followed by West Boston Bridge in 1793, which wrought a great change in the facing of Cambridge toward Boston. Throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the true river front of Cambridge was at the Great Bridge. The filling in of Back Bay, the westward expansion of Boston, and the completion of Harvard Bridge in 1890, have been steps toward restoring the ancient frontage. The first Meeting-House stood on the southwest corner of Dunster and Mount Auburn streets. It was soon found too small and flimsy, and in 1650 a better one was built at the southwest corner of the College Yard, nearly on the site of Dane Hall. From 1650 to 1833 that spot was occupied by the Meeting-House of the First Parish. The space between the sites of Church and Garden streets was inclosed as a graveyard or God's Acre in 1636. Of next importance to the church, in a New England town, was the Town-House.
y, Company of, transference of its charter a popular movement, 1; its first settlements, 1; seeks a seat of government, 1; what governed its choice, 1; the enemy most to be feared, 1; Charles I. intended its suppression, 1; erects New Town for a seat of government, 2. Massachusetts, cities in, 541. Mather, Cotton, commends Mr. Shepard's vigilancy, 7. Mattabeseck (Middletown), Conn., 7. Mayor, 401. Mayors, list of, 63. Medford, removes its powder from Charlestown, 23. Meeting-house, the first, 5, 234. Memorial Day exercises on the Common. 51. Memorial Hall, site of, 36, 37. Menotomy, becomes the Second Parish of Cambridge, 9, 14, 236. Menotomy Road (Massachusetts Avenue), 133. Methodist churches, 240. Middlesex Bank, 303. Middletown, Conn., settled, 7. Milestone in Harvard Square, 134. Milk, Inspector of, 405. Minute-men, monument to, 135. Mitchel, Rev. Jonathan, 235. Mizpah Lodge of Masons, 284. Monti Luigi, the Young Sicilian
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1, Chapter 7: Baltimore jail, and After.—1830. (search)
to the heart, the sentence is the same that rejects it. While men despise fraud, and loathe rapine, and abhor blood, they shall reject with indignation the wild and guilty fantasy that man can hold property in man. During the first fortnight after his arrival in Boston, Mr. Garrison vainly endeavored to procure, without cost, a place in which to deliver his lectures; and he finally sent this advertisement to the Courier: Oct. 12, 1830. Wanted—For three evenings, a Hall or Meeting-house (the latter would be preferred), in which to vindicate the rights of two millions of American citizens who are now groaning in servile chains in this boasted land of liberty; and also to propose just, benevolent, and constitutional measures for their relief. As the addresses will be gratuitous, and as the cause is of public benefit, I cannot consent to remunerate any society for the use of its building. If this application fails, I propose to address the citizens of Boston in the open