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The Daily Dispatch: September 6, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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spatch.] Norfolk, September 4, 1861. This morning, between 9 and 10 o'clock, heavy discharges of ordnance were distinctly heard here in the direction of Hampton Roads, but no information has yet been received sufficiently reliable to justify any definite-statement. It is not improbable that there has been a short engagement between one of the yankee ships in the Roads and one of our batteries. Yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, one of the Federal steamers on the coast fired at Knott's Island, about 30 miles South of Cape Henry. I have not learned whether or not any damage was done. It is insisted by some that there are iron floating batteries at Fort Monroe, while others declare that the statement is utterly without foundation in truth. I do not believe, after getting all the information possible relative to the matter, that there is any floating battery at Old Point. I am gratified to state that Mr. Thos. J. Lassiter, of this city, has been reappointed mail-rou