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, General Taylor made a forward movement to Point Isabel, which commanded the mouth of the Rio Grandtened General Taylor's communications with Point Isabel, his base of supply. To reestablish his co General Taylor started on his return from Point Isabel, on May 7th, with 2,300 soldiers, and, on t8th, urging General Johnston to meet him at Point Isabel, and again, through their mutual friend, Th required for a land-journey brought him to Point Isabel too late for a share in the actions at Palonobly through the campaign. On the road to Point Isabel, General Johnston saw the tarantula for the The Texans were gathering in hot haste at Point Isabel to defend their border, and their organizatey may be allowed to tell their own story: Point Isabel, July 10, 1846. Dear Hancook: I suppose egiment to march. The troops are occupying Point Isabel, Brazos Santiago, Burita on the Rio Grande,ruly, your friend, A. Sidney Johnston. Point Isabel, Texas, July 10, 1846. Dear Hancock: When I[2 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, The Mexican war-the battle of Palo Alto-the battle of Resaca de la Palma-Army of invasion- General Taylor-movement on Camargo (search)
re was no enemy near, who were as good as their word when the battle did come. But the number of such men is small. On the 7th of March [May] the wagons were all loaded and General Taylor started on his return, with his army reinforced at Point Isabel, but still less than three thousand strong [2,200], to relieve the garrison on the Rio Grande. The road from Point Isabel to Matamoras is over an open, rolling, treeless prairie, until the timber that borders the bank of the Rio Grande is reaPoint Isabel to Matamoras is over an open, rolling, treeless prairie, until the timber that borders the bank of the Rio Grande is reached. This river, like the Mississippi, flows through a rich alluvial valley in the most meandering manner, running towards all points of the compass at times within a few miles. Formerly the river ran by Resaca de la Palma, some four or five miles east of the present channel. The old bed of the river at Resaca had become filled at places, leaving a succession of little lakes. The timber that had formerly grown upon both banks, and for a considerable distance out, was still standing. This t
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 1: the Ante-bellum life of the author. (search)
o the Rio Grande made necessary a change of base from St. Joseph's Island to Point Isabel and Brazos Santiago, near the mouth of the Rio Grande. Supplies were sent bon of war. On the 24th of March the column reached the road leading from Point Isabel to Matamoras. General Taylor ordered Worth to march the greater part of thowards Matamoras and halt at the first good camping-ground, and rode towards Point Isabel to meet the detachment ordered there under Major Munroe. He found them alreat three A. M., marched at four o'clock, and bivouacked within ten miles of Point Isabel. No one was advised of the cause of movements, but all knew that our generaes below us on the river, intending to cross and cut us off from the base at Point Isabel. Major Jacob Brown was left in charge of the works opposite Matamoras with trt of his forces for its defence. Finding, however, that Taylor had gone to Point Isabel, Arista crossed the river and put his line athwart our return march at Palo
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 21: Mr. Davis's first session in Congress. (search)
Secretary of War countermanded them, except as to such as had already joined. General Taylor, after making a depot at Point Isabel, advanced to the bank of the Rio Grande, opposite Matamoras, and there threw up an intrenchment, mounted field-guns, a a garrison to hold it, he marched, with an aggregate force of 2,288, to obtain the necessary additional supplies from Point Isabel, about three miles distant. General Arista, the new Mexican commander, availing himself of the opportunity, crossed ths, ten pieces of artillery, and a considerable amount of auxiliaries. In the afternoon of the second day's march from Point Isabel, these were reported by General Taylor's cavalry to occupy the road in his front. He halted at a water-hole to allow General Taylor assented. At the meeting it was developed that the prevalent opinion was in favor of falling back to Point Isabel, there to instruct and wait for reinforcements. After listening to a full expression of views, the General announced:
a private in the regiment, and great was our terror lest his six feet seven inches would make him a mark for the enemy. Robert Davis, a nephew, was also a private. Colonel Davis joined the First Mississippi Regiment on the 21st of July, 1846, when they were in camp below New Orleans, whither they had proceeded before his arrival in Mississippi. On the 26th of July, they sailed on the steamship Alabama, and, after a favorable voyage, landed at Brazos, St. Iago, within seven miles of Point Isabel, where they encamped and remained until the 2d of August. It was a sandy neck of land, covered with mounds blown up by the northers that swept the country with great force. All the water the regiment used was obtained by digging holes in the sides of these mounds, from which it trickled, but it was somewhat brackish, and the heat was intense. The men had been unaccustomed to hardship, and so much illness resulted from the exposure that by August 9th they had lost by discharge and il
oat Kittatinny. We took her for a prize, and she took us for the Alabama. It has been said that the French occupy Metamoras. This is not true. There are no French troops in the city. Tuesday, November 3.--This morning the remainder of the fleet joined us. They are the transports Bagley, Pocahontas, and Zephyr, and the war-vessels Monongahela and Owasco. The whole had been waiting nearly three days at the rendezvous. Several rebels have been discovered at work erecting a fort at Point Isabel. They have already two guns mounted, bearing in the direction of the fleet. Their case will be attended to. On Thursday last the Monongahela and the McClellan chased a schooner for several hours, but were unable to come up with her. She was believed to have been a blockade-runner. One of the transports which arrived here this morning reports having spoken the schooner. She proved to have been a prize to the Granite City at the time that we were pursuing her. She had nearly five hundre
forces he remained at Corpus Christi until the next spring, when the camp at that place was broken up (March 8, 1846), and the Army of Occupation proceeded to Point Isabel, nearer the Rio Grande. When approaching Point Isabel, Taylor was met by a deputation of citizens, and presented with a protest, signed by the Prefect of the Point Isabel, Taylor was met by a deputation of citizens, and presented with a protest, signed by the Prefect of the Northern District of the Department of Tamaulipas, against the presence of his army. But he pressed forward to Point Isabel, whence, with a larger portion of his army, he proceeded to the Rio Grande opposite Matamoras, arriving there on March 29. There he began the erection of defensive works; and so the Army of Occupation in TePoint Isabel, whence, with a larger portion of his army, he proceeded to the Rio Grande opposite Matamoras, arriving there on March 29. There he began the erection of defensive works; and so the Army of Occupation in Texas assumed a hostile attitude towards the Mexicans. See Mexico, War with. Army in the Civil War. When Mr. Lincoln entered upon the duties of President (March 4, 1861) the total regular force of the army was 16,000 men, and these were principally in the Western States and Territories, guarding the frontier settlers against
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Palo Alto, battle of (search)
Palo Alto, battle of On a part of a prairie in Texas, about 8 miles northeast of Matamoras, Mexico, flanked by ponds and beautified by tall trees (which gave it its name), General Taylor, marching with less than 2,300 men from Point Isabel towards Fort Brown, encountered about 6,000 Mexicans, led by General Arista, in 1846. At a little past noon a furious battle was begun with artillery by the Mexicans and a cavalry attack with the lance. The Mexicans were forced back, and, after a conte They fled in great disorder, having lost in the engagement 100 men killed and wounded. The Americans lost fifty-three men. During the engagement Major Ringgold, commander of the American Flying Artillery, which did terrible work in the ranks of the Mexicans, was mortally wounded by a small cannonball that passed through both thighs and through his horse. Rider and horse both fell to the ground. The latter was dead; the major died at Point Isabel four days afterwards. See Mexico War with.
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Corps de Afrique.--United States Colored Volunteers. (search)
nt changed to 5th Corps de Afrique Engineers, February 10, 1864 (which see). 16th Corps de Afrique Regiment Infantry. Organized at New Orleans, La., October 8, 1863. Attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1863. Unattached 2nd Division, 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to April, 1864. Service. Rio Grande Expedition, and operations on the coast of Texas October 27-December 2, 1863. At Brazos Island, Brownsville and Point Isabel, Texas, till April, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 87th United States Colored Troops April 4, 1864 (which see). 17th Corps de Afrique Regiment Infantry. Organized at Port Hudson, La., September 24, 1863. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to April, 1864. Service. Garrison duty at Port Hudson, La., till April, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 88th United States Colored Troops, April 4, 1864 (which see). 18th
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
117, 1; 135-A; 138, D10; 171 Pocahontas, Ark. 47, 1; 117, 1; 135-A; 171 Pocahontas, Mo. 152, H12; 153, A10 Pocahontas, Tenn. 23, 10; 24, 3; 34, 2; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 149, A8 Pocahontas County, W. Va.: Scout through, April 15-23, 1865 116, 3 Pocotaligo, S. C. 76, 2; 79, 3; 91, 4; 101, 21; 117, 1; 120, 2; 135-A; 139, H1; 143, H11; 144, D11 Pohick Run, Va. 7, 1 Poindexter House, Va. 19, 1; 20, 1; 22, 1; 26, 4; 91, 1; 92, 1; 100, 2 Point Isabel, Tex. 43, 8; 54, 1; 65, 10 Point Lookout, Md. 16, 1; 135-A; 137, C10 Point of Rocks, Md. 81, 4; 100, 1; 116, 2; 135-A; 171 Point of Rocks, Va. 17, 1; 27, 1; 56, 1; 65, 1; 77, 3; 93, 1; 100, 1 Point Pleasant, La. 155, A5 Point Pleasant, Mo. 10, 1 Point Pleasant, W. Va. 140, G6; 141, B8; 171 Polecat Creek, Va. 23, 3; 45, 1; 81, 2 Pollard, Ala. 110, 1; 147, C6; 171 Pollocksville, N. C. 91, 3; 135-A; 138, G9 Pomeroy, Ohio 135-A; 140,