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rom the minds of their followers. Nevertheless, the arrangements for revolt were too forward to be arrested without some outbreaks, as the first steps had already been taken on the day appointed. Bands and squads of the hardier and bolder spirits had assembled in arms and begun the work of bridge-burning, which was to be the first chapter in the programme of this counter-revolution. On the night of November 8th five railroad-bridges were burned: two over Chickamauga Creek, one over Hiwassee River, on the Georgia State Railroad, one on Lick Creek, and another over Holston River, on the Virginia & East Tennessee Railroad. At Strawberry Plains a single sentinel, James Keelan, guarded the bridge. It is said that sixteen incendiaries attacked him at midnight on the platform of the trestle-work. He defended the bridge, and killed the ringleader in the act of setting fire to it. He received three bullet-wounds, and many cuts and gashes, and his hand was nearly severed from his wrist;
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 33: the East Tennessee campaign. (search)
riend, S. B. Buckner, Major-General. To Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet. I asked at general Headquarters for maps and information of the country through which I was to operate, for a quartermaster and commissary of subsistence who knew of the resources of the country, and for an engineer officer who had served with General Buckner when in command of that department. Neither of the staff-officers was sent, nor a map, except one of the topographical outlines of the country between the Hiawassee and Tennessee Rivers, which was much in rear of the field of our proposed operations. General Buckner was good enough to send me a plot of the roads and streams between Loudon and Knoxville. We were again disappointed at Sweetwater. We were started from Chattanooga on short rations, but comforted by the assurance that produce was abundant at that point, and so it proved to be; but General Stevenson, commanding the outpost, reported his orders from the commanding general were to ship
resence of rebel troops. Subsequently a small boat was seen crossing the river with three men. The Rescue's boat was sent in pursuit, and captured the boat and two of the men, but the third managed to escape by jumping out and wading to the shore with a bag of letters.--(Docs. 132 and 138.) Five railroad bridges were burnt in East Tennessee by Unionists. Two on the Georgia state road, two on Chickamange Creek, Hamilton County, and one on the East Tennessee and Georgia railroad on Hiawassee River, Bradley County. Five minutes after the guard passed through, the whole bridge was in flames. Two bridges on the East Tennessee and Georgia railroad on Lick Creek, Green County, and another on Holstein River, were also burned. The guard at Lick Creek were unarmed. They were overwhelmed, tied, and carried away and kept during the day. The bridge on Holstein River was not guarded. It was thought unnecessary to guard it, Sullivan County being strongly Southern in feeling. The bridge a
er, Tennessee, October 27, 1863. Major J. J. Reeves. A. A. G.: Major: I have the honor to report that, agreeably to instructions from General Stevenson, I succeeded in getting my entire command, numbering about eighteen hundred men, across Hiwassee River, at and above Rencannon's Ferry, by ten o'clock on the night of the nineteenth instant. I immediately took up the line of march for the rear of Philadelphia, the distance to the point where I expected to strike the Philadel-phia and London rSunday, October 27, 1863. Major J. J. Reeves, A. A. G.: Sir: According to previous orders received, I moved with my brigade and a detachment of General Morgan's command, from Charleston, on the nineteenth, at twelve o'clock M.; crossed the Hiwassee River and travelled all night. By an agreement with Colonel Morrison, commanding brigade, I was to be in front of Philadelphia by twelve M., of the twentieth. He was to cross the Hiwassee below me and move to the rear of the enemy. Subsequently
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Chickamauga-letter from Captain W. N. Polk. (search)
he withdrawal of Anderson's brigade from Bridgeport. On the 26th, or 27th of August, or some five or six days after the surprise of Chattanooga, Burnside's advance into East Tennessee was announced by the presence of his cavalry in the vicinity of Knoxville, and Major-General Buckner received orders to evacuate Knoxville, and occupy Loudon. In consequence of a demonstration, it is said, by a portion of Rosecrans's army at Blythe's ferry, on the Tennessee river, opposite the mouth of the Hiwassee, he was ordered to fall back from London to Charleston, and soon after to the vicinity of Chattanooga. Pending these movements above, which were to give East Tennessee to the Federals, not only for occupation, but for cooperation with Rosecrans in his designs upon Chattanooga and the Army of Tennessee, Rosecrans was not idle below. On Tuesday morning, September 1st, citizens living near Caperton's ferry reported that the enemy was crossing the Tennessee river in force at that point (Caper
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 27: Chattanooga and the battle of Missionary Ridge (search)
with the Fourth Corps off soon enough for Knoxville, and that Sherman must turn north at once, or Burnside would be overwhelmed by Longstreet. Sherman answered: Why not send Howard with me? Grant, on receiving Sherman's reply, so ordered it. I was as badly off for transportation and supplies as Granger; but it was another opportunity. With our respective corps Sherman and I marched immediately toward Knoxville; we were about five miles apart, Sherman always east of me. At the Hiwassee River, Hoffman (my engineer) and I, one day just before sunset, stood by the bank in the village of Athens, Tenn. The bridge was gone. How long, Hoffman, will it take you to build a bridge here I asked. He scratched his head for a moment and then said: It is over 200 feet; I can have a good bridge practicable for the men and the wagons in ten days. Ten days I cried. Why, Hoffman, we will cross that river at sunrise to-morrow Impossiblel he exclaimed with impatient emphasis. Yet, by
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 17: campaign of Chattanooga (search)
ging him in Knoxville. The emergency was a pressing one, and in designating Granger to command the relieving column, Grant instructed him to use all possible haste and energy. But Granger failing to move with celerity, Grant ordered Sherman, a day or two later, to take command of the relieving troops, and at the same time added enough to them to make the column irresistible. As operations had ceased elsewhere, Dana was, as usual, glad to go, and overtook Sherman at Charleston, on the Hiwassee River, two days from Chattanooga. Thenceforth we were constantly with the advance-guard, doing all in our power to hurry the march. Our route traversed Athens, Philadelphia, Morgantown, and Marysville, all the way through a beautiful country, well supplied with cattle and provisions. Long's cavalry reached Knoxville at 3 A. M., December 4th, but we were delayed till late the next afternoon. Meanwhile the enemy, after suffering a bloody repulse on the 29th, had raised the siege and marched
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the siege of Chattanooga. (search)
orhood of Bridgeport and watches the passes in Tennessee. The Confederates are getting ready to pierce this feeble curtain. Bragg wishing to keep all his infantry on the left bank of the river in front of Rosecrans, it is the part of his cavalry to cross the river to operate against the supply-trains of the Federals. But he desires first to make sure that Burnside will not trouble his rear, and by a vigorous demonstration to stop any movement of the Army of the Ohio to the south of Hiawassee River. In fact, it is rumored that that army has already crossed this river. Forrest, after only one day of rest, receives on the 25th, in the morning, the order to send Pegram with Scott's brigade to the left bank of the Tennessee, so as to watch Crook's Federal posts, while he, with Davidson's brigade and Armstrong's division, will move toward Cleveland and Charleston. It is near to this last town, situate on the southern shore of the Hiawassee, that the presence of the enemy has been r
From East Tennessee. particulars of the burning of the bridges — the guard unarmed and tied — arrest of three of the incendiaries — excitement Among the citizens, &c. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 12. --Five railroad bridges were burnt in East Tennessee on Friday night last by the Union men. Two of these were on the Georgia State Road, over Chicamoga creek, in Hamilton county; one on the East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad, over the Hiwassee river, in Bradley county. Five minutes after the guard passed through the latter bridge the structure was in flames, clearly showing that some rapid combustible material was used. Two of the bridges on the East Tennessee and Virginia Railways were destroyed--one bridge was over Lick creek, in Greene county, and another over the Holston river, in Sullivan county. The guard at Lick creek were unarmed and overwhelmed, and were tied and carried away, and kept off until some time during the day on Saturday. Three men have been arrested w<
cution their long threatened inroad upon East Tennessee. From the best information we can gather of the situation of affairs in that section, we take it that fighting will soon commence there in earnest. The Yankees already have possession of Sequatchie Valley, a productive and stock growing country, and have a force of perhaps not less than 5,000 men in Powell's Valley, a portion of country still more important to an army in the way of provisions. But the great valleys of the Tennessee, Hiwassee, Holston, and French Broad rivers, are still in possession of our troops, and can we have reason to hope, be held against almost any force that may assail them. We think it altogether probable that Cumberland, Wheeler's, and Big Creek Caps, will be evacuated, if indeed they have not been already, and that our forces will make a stand at Chattanooga, Kingston, and Bean's Station, in order to keep the enemy North of Wallen's Ridge and the Clinch Mountains. This, we feel confident, can be do