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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—--the Mississippi. (search)
miles from the city, then descends on the right side of Harpeth River, and on the 13th of January reaches the banks of the Cu is thus enabled to bring together on the very banks of Harpeth River, near Franklin, less than twenty miles from Nashville, sition at Nolinsville, is to advance by way of Triune upon Harpeth, in order to support and connect the two other columns. edman, on his side, rapidly advancing by way of Triune and Harpeth, had finally overtaken Roddy's brigade of Confederate cavaey surprise a post of Texas cavalry at College Grove on Harpeth River, most of which they capture. Forrest, however, has jn the vicinity of a bridge on one of the tributaries of Harpeth River. Forrest naturally supposes that the remembrance of ths from an unfinished fort situated on the right bank of Harpeth River, in a position which commands nearly all the approaches, on the right. The city, situated on the left bank of Harpeth River, which runs from south-east to north-west, was not intr