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captain and acting assistant commissary; Wm. L. Evans, wagonmaster; two wagoners, (enlisted men ;) three wagoners, (citizens ;) two negro wagoners, and two citizens who were pressed and interested with the grain. The property taken was as follows: Seven wagons, twenty-three horses, four mules, and twenty-four set of harness. After setting fire to and destroying the wagons and the grain, with the building it was stored in, I set out on my return, meeting Capt. Smith with his command on Cherry River, ten miles from Gauley River ford. I arrived in this camp with the above prisoners and property at five o'clock P. M. on the eleventh instant. I found the roads very bad, impassable for wagons. Grain was very scarce; could procure but two feeds for my horse while I was gone. The grain destroyed was about two hundrep and fifty-six bushels of wheat. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, G. W. Gilmore, Captain Commanding Kanawha Division. P. S.--On
away, and at the word of the Captain the single cable was cast loose, and the noble vessel began to move into the stream. Having gone into the middle of the river, immediately opposite Canal street, she there dropped her anchor for the night. It is singular that, although many watched her departure, not a voice was raised to bid her God speed. She left in silence, and without one to wave her an adieu. Other news. Recruiting for the United States Navy commenced this morning. The Cherry street rendezvous, which was closed by authority for months, opened to-day, and all applicants are to be accepted "until over five thousand men are enrolled." This is the story told by the officers, who are doubtless commissioned to ship five or six hundred men. Neither the Secretary of the Navy nor the President could authorize the recruiting of more than a few ships' crews, without the consent of Congress, when the stipulated eight thousand sailors are in service. The feeling at the S
a touches at the hands of the constructors in the Brooklyn Navy-Yard. Recruiting. On Thursday last, however, instructions were received, ordering the shipping of all men who applied, until further notice is given by the authorities. It is said that Gen. Scott will try and stop this, as men prefer to enter the Navy as landsmen to enlisting as soldiers. At all events, all Friday and Saturday the recruiting business at Cedar, Chatham, and Hudson streets, was seriously affected by the Cherry street establishment. There is some talk — but no orders — about a bounty being given. Recruits arrived on Saturday from the neighboring offices, and went over to the island. Preparations at Pensacola. A letter to the New Orleans Delta, dated Warrington Navy-Yard, Florida, the 2d inst., says: The works first commenced are in a highly finished state, and new batteries have been commenced within the past three days. I should think Lieut. Slemmer would begin to consider the ere
n yesterday's afternoon train, having indicated a determination to report to the Lincoln Administration all that had been done, and no doubt all that it is proposed to do, so far as he could ascertain it, we feel that there is no longer any reason for further reticence on our part. It was only after Col. G. left that the fact of his indicated intention became known. Federal Operations at New York. Recruiting landsmen for the navy commenced yesterday morning at seven o'clock.--The Cherry street rendezvous was filled, and before noon fifty men had been shipped. Seamen and ordinary seamen have been added to the North Carolina, from the city offices during the week, and if applicants continue to apply as they do now, the ship will be filled in a month or so. Recruiting for the army was comparatively brisk, considering the weather. Men are now being enlisted at the rate of 30 men-per day or 840 per month. It is thought the figures can be run up to 1,000, without modifyin