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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official correspondence of Governor Letcher, of Virginia. (search)
es have taken measures, by committees of safety, &c., to watch and suppress any out-break. I doubt very much the expediency of Virginia sending any troops to the western border, at least for the present. The appearance of troops at Wheeling, Parkersburg, Point Pleasant, or any places on the Ohio river, would serve to irritate and invite aggression. You could not send enough to do much good, if they chose to invade from the other side. They can concentrate on Wheeling 50,000 men from the other side in twenty-four hours by the various railroads leading to that point; so at Parkersburg, but in less numbers. The Ohio is fordable in the summer and fall at many points, and the whole river, from Sandy to the end of Hancock, easily crossed. We have here, and in all the counties, volunteer companies, home guards, &c. Our mountains are full of rifles, and if invaded, we shall give a good account of ourselves. The question with us is, whether we are not better off, left to ourselves, than
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McClellan in West Virginia. (search)
little west of Grafton, the crossing of the Monongahela River, where the two western branches of the railroad unite, viz., the line from Wheeling and that from Parkersburg. [See map, p. 129.] The great line of communication between Washington and the west had thus been cut, and action on our part was made necessary. Governor Dents, numbering them consecutively with those mustered into the national service, and had put them in camps near the Ohio River, where they could occupy Wheeling, Parkersburg, and the mouth of the Great Kanawha at a moment's notice. Two Union regiments were also organizing in West Virginia itself, at Wheeling and Parkersburg, of whiParkersburg, of which the first was commanded by Colonel (afterward General) B. F. Kelley. West Virginia was in McClellan's department, and the formal authority to act had come from Washington on the 24th, in the shape of an inquiry from General Scott whether the enemy's force at Grafton could be counteracted. The dispatch directed McClellan to act
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 1: parentage, and Early years. (search)
f German extraction, named Brake. Jonathan Jackson, the father of the subject of this work, adopted the profession of law, having pursued his preparatory studies in the family, and under the guidance of his distinguished cousin, Judge Jackson of Clarksburg. His patronage induced him to go to that place — the last seat of his forefather's residence — to prosecute his calling. About the same time he married Julia Neale, the daughter of an intelligent merchant in the village of Parkersburg, in Wood County, on the Ohio river. The fruits of this marriage were four children, of whom the eldest was named Warren, the second Elizabeth, the third Thomas Jonathan, and the fourth Laura. Thomas was born in Clarksburg, January 21, 1824. The early death of his parents and dispersion of the little family, obliterated the record of the exact date, so that General Jackson himself was unable to fix it with certainty. Of these children none now live save the youngest, who survives as a worthy
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 9: General view of the campaigns of 1862. (search)
march southwestward up that District, and at Staunton, meet a powerful force from the Northwest, which was preparing to advance from Wheeling, under General Fremont. Staunton was manifestly one of the most important strategic points in Central Virginia. It is situated on the Central Railroad, and at the intersection of the great Valley Turnpike (a paved road which extends from the Potomac continuously to the extremity of Southwestern Virginia). It is also the terminus of the Turnpike to Parkersburg, in Northwest Virginia, and the focus of a number of important highways. Its possession decided that of the whole interior of the State, and of another avenue, the Central Railroad, leading to Richmond from its western side. As this road, on its way to the capital, passes by Gordonsville, the intersection of the Orange and Alexandria road, on which General Johnston now depended as his sole line of communications, its possession by the Federalists would at once endanger that line, and c
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 36: campaign in Maryland and Virginia. (search)
the Shenandoah, about two miles below Strasburg. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad crosses the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, and passing through Martinsburg in Berkeley County, crosses Back Creek near its mouth, runs up the Potomac, crossing the South Branch of that river near its mouth, and then the North Branch to Cumberland in Maryland. From this place it runs into Virginia again and, passing through Northwestern Virginia, strikes the Ohio River by two stems, terminating at Wheeling and Parkersburg respectively. There is a railroad from Harper's Ferry to Winchester, called Winchester & Potomac Railroad, and also one from Manassas Junction on the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, through Manassas Gap in the Blue Ridge, by Front Royal and Strasburg to Mount Jackson, called The Manassas Gap Railroad, but both of these roads were torn up and rendered unserviceable in the year 1862, under the orders of General Jackson. From Staunton, in Augusta County, there is a fine macadamized roa
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
2-63 Old Court-House, 353 Old Stone Pike, 344, 346 Old Wilderness Tavern, 344, 346 Opequon River, 136, 162, 367-68-69, 384, 406, 408, 410, 412-14, 419- 21, 423-24, 428 Orange County, 327, 343 Orange Court-House, 56, 59, 92-93, 106, 165, 168, 285, 318, 326, 340, 344, 351 Orange & Alexandria R. R., 106, 114, 368 Orkney Springs, 333, 334 Orleans, 114 Ox Hill, 129, 131-32-33 Page County, 366, 367 Page, Lieutenant, 444, 445 PamunkeyRiver, 357, 359, 361-62, 465 Parkersburg, 368 Parker's Ford, 396 Patterson, General (U. S. A.), 35 Patterson's Creek, 332-33-34, 337 Patterson's Mountain, 334 Patton, Colonel G. W., 427 Patton's Brigade, 424, 425 Paxton, General, 175, 179 Payne, General, Wm. H., 416, 425, 433-34, 440-41, 446, 453-54, 457, 473 Peaks of Otter, 375, 376, 377 Pegram, General, 306, 311, 314-15, 345-46-47, 349, 350, 359, 362, 429, 430, 434, 438-39, 440-47, 449, 452 Pelham, Major, 176 Pender, General, 217, 236, 270, 274
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 12: West Virginia. (search)
tolerably direct route, over the mountains, a distance of seventy-five to a hundred miles to Beverly, from which point they might menace and overawe Grafton, the junction of the main stem of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad with its branches to Parkersburg and Wheeling. But the reaction against secession, the reawakening of union feeling, the growth and organization of the party which favored a permanent division of the State, largely outran all the conspirators' efforts and measures. Countbegan burning bridges on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Realizing that delay was becoming dangerous, and prompted by directions from Washington, McClellan, on the 26th, ordered two regiments to cross the river at Wheeling, and two others at Parkersburg, and to simultaneously move forward by the branch railroads from each of these points to their junction at Grafton. Owing to the necessity of repairing burnt bridges, their progress was cautious and slow. This gave ample time for Porterfield
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
ioners treat for delivery of, 27 Nelson, Lieut., William, U. S. N., 131 et seq. New York City, proposition for secession of, 71; war meeting in, 92 New York Seventh Regiment, 103 Norfolk Navy Yard, 83; destroyed, 96 North Carolina, attitude of, with regard to secession, 1, 80 North, its misapprehension of Southern opinion, 71 et seq. O. Ohio levies, 128 Ohio, Military Department of the, 140 Ohio River, 127 P. Paducah, 134 Palmetto flag, 32 Parkersburg, 142 Patterson, General, Robert, 155; map of his campaign, 159; indecision of, 161; Scott's orders to, 163 et seq. Pawnee, the, 110 Pegram, Colonel, 147 Peirpont, F. H., Governor, 145 Pensacola, 38, 79 Pennsylvania, Military Department of, 155 Philippi, 143 et seq.; battle of, 144, 146 et seq. Phillips, Wendell, 76 Pickens, Fort, at Pensacola, 16, 38, 51, 53 Pickens, Franois W., Governor of South Carolina, 5, 32; demands surrender of Fort Sumter, 35, 56 et
n burned near Farmington, on the B. & 0. R. R., and that arrangements had been made to burn the others between that point and Wheeling. The general had been making arrangements to move on Grafton in force, but this intelligence caused him to hasten his movements. He returned at once to Cincinnati and issued telegraphic orders for an advance. One column was directed to move from Wheeling and Bellaire, under command of Col. B. F. Kelly, 1st Virginia Volunteers; another from Marietta, on Parkersburg, under Col. Steedman, 14th Ohio Volunteers. These officers were directed to move with caution, and to occupy all the bridges, etc., as they advanced. A proclamation to Virginians, and address to the troops, were issued by Gen. McClellan simultaneously with the advance.--(Doc. 199.) The First Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, Colonel Tappan, passed through New York on their way to the seat of war. The regiment left Camp Union, at Concord, yesterday morning. Its progress through
t by displaying the U. S. flag, with the Union down, from the same staff, and below the confederate flag. Col. A. Duryea was placed in command of the camp near Fortress Monroe, by Major-General Butler.--(Doc. 202.) The Twentieth N. Y. Volunteer Regiment left New York city for the seat of war.--(Doc. 203.) The First Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, Col. Kelly, stationed at Wheeling, Va., left that place at 7 A. M., and moved towards Grafton. After their departure, the Sixteenth Ohio Regiment, 1,000 strong, stationed at Bellaire, Ohio, under command of Col. Irvine, crossed the Ohio and followed Col. Kelly's command. The Fourteenth Ohio Regiment, Col. Steadman, crossed the Ohio, at Marietta, about the same time, and occupied Parkersburg. At midnight the rebels evacuated Grafton in great haste.--(Doc. 204.) The Washington Artillery of New Orleans, La., left that city for Virginia. Previous to their departure, they were addressed by the Rev. Dr. Palmer.--(Doc. 205.)