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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 14, line 772 (search)
e above the starry skye. Now let thy saying take effect. Jove graunting by and by The ayre was hid with darksom clowdes, and thunder foorth did fly, And lyghtning made the world agast. Which Mars perceyving to Bee luckye tokens for himself his enterpryse to do, Did take his rist uppon his speare and boldly lept into His bloodye charyot. And he lent his horses with his whippe A yirking lash, and through the ayre full smoothely downe did slippe. And staying on the woody toppe of mountayne Palatine, He tooke away king Romulus whoo there did then defyne The pryvate caces of his folk unseemly for a king. And as a leaden pellet broade enforced from a sling Is woont to dye amid the skye: even so his mortall flesh Sank from him downe the suttle ayre. In sted wherof a fresh And goodly shape more stately and more meete for sacred shryne Succeeded, like our Quirin that in stately robe dooth shyne. Hersilia for her feere as lost, of moorning made none end, Untill Queene Juno did commaun