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lry division, October 14, 1862. To General R. E. Lee, Through Colonel R. H. Chilton, A. A. General, Army of Northern Virginia. Colonel,--I have the honour to report that on the 9th inst., in compliance with instructions from the Commanding General, Army of Northern Virginia, I proceeded on an expedition into Pennsylvania with a cavalry force of 1800 men and four pieces of horse-artillery, under command of Brig.-Gen. Hampton and Cols. W. H. F. Lee and Jones. This force rendezvoused at Darkesville at 12 o'clock, and marched thence to the vicinity of Hedgesville, where it camped for the night. At daylight next morning (October 10th) I crossed the Potomac at McCoy's (between Williamsport and Hancock) with some little opposition, capturing two or three horses of the enemy's pickets. We were told here by the citizens that a large force had camped the night before at Clear Spring, and were supposed to be en route for Cumberland. We proceeded northward until we reached the turnpike le
lines. Most assuredly. At this moment an orderly brought in a dispatch, which the General read with attention. From the front, he said. Jackson is at Darkesville, Captain, and is preparing to make a stand there. And you will attack, I suppose, in a day or two, General? These words were greeted with a quick glance, ll the morning, and thought when the picket fired that you were the enemy. Soon afterwards I parted from this great soldier; and riding on, found Jackson at Darkesville, to whom I reported, receiving his congratulations upon my escape. But I must hasten on and tell you about my horse. Iv. A few days afterwards I was air, I replied; this moment, if necessary. Very good; ride back with me to headquarters, and I will give you a message also. I followed the General back to Darkesville, waited an hour, and then was sent for, and received the dispatch and instructions. On the same night I set out on my bay horse, and by morning was at General
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 6: first campaign in the Valley. (search)
reported to his Government that he had repulsed 10,000 rebels, with the loss of one man killed. The numerous covered wagons of the Dutch farmers, which went to the rear, with the blood dripping through the seams of the boards, told a different story of his loss. The dead of the Federal army were carefully concealed from their comrades, lest the sight should intimidate the unwarlike rabble. General Patterson occupied Martinsburg while General Johnston remained at the little hamlet of Darkesville, four miles distant, and offered him battle daily. This challenge the Federal general prudently declined. The Confederate commander, on the other hand, refused to gratify the eagerness of his men by attacking him in Martinsburg; for the massive dwellings and warehouses of that town, with the numerous stone-walled enclosures, rendered it a fortified place, of no little strength against an irregular approach. At the end of four days, General Johnston retired to Winchester. On the 15th o
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
302, 303, 316, 343, 407, 433 Cumberland, 282, 284, 338, 368, 402, 404, 461 Curtin, Governor, 257, 261 Custer, General (U. S. A.), 457, 458 Cutshaw's Battalion, 408, 413, 433, 435, 449 Cutt's Battalion, 198 Dabney, Major, 78 Dams, 59, 60, 63, 72, 80, 81, 109 Dance, Captain, 241, 307, 308, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315 Daniel, General, 346 Daniel, Major J. W., 187, 310, 314, 349, 359, 473, 474, 479, 480 Danville, 104 D'Aquin, Captain, 176, 180 Darien, 260 Darkesville, 283, 413 Davis, Eugene, 4 Davis, General, 353 Davis, President, Jefferson, 27, 45, 56, 473 Death of Jackson, 235 Delaware, 45, 157 Dement, Captain, 97, 98, 108, 111, 176, 179 Deep Creek, 170, 201 Deep Run, 167, 168, 193, 194, 198, 199, 202, 205, 206, 209, 211, 221 Department of the Gulf, 418 Department of Northern Virginia, 51 Department of Southwestern Virginia and Eastern Tennessee, 461 Department of Susquehanna, 417, 418, 419 Department of Washington, 3
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 1 (search)
from Unjust attack. assigned to duty of organizing Virginia troops. ordered by President Davis to take command at Harper's Ferry. convinced, on examination, that it was untenable. correspondence, on the subject, with General Lee and the Confederate authorities. General Beauregard assigned to command of Confederate army at Manassas. movements of General Patterson. withdrawal from Harper's Ferry. affair near Romney. General Patterson again marches on Martinsburg. battle offered at Darkesville. General McDowell advances on Manassas. Precautions preparatory to assisting General Beauregard. The composition of the convention assembled in Richmond in the spring of 1861, to consider the question of secession, proved that the people of Virginia did not regard Mr. Lincoln's election as a sufficient cause for that measure, for at least two-thirds of its members were elected as Union men. And they and their constituents continued to be so, until the determination to coerce the sec
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General R. E. Bodes' report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
fully referred. Skirmish at Manassas Gap. After recrossing the Potomac, with the exception of twenty-four hours spent in an ineffectual effort to strike the Federal force at Hedgesville, the division remained quietly in camp near Darkesville, Berkeley county, until the 22d of July, when it resumed the march up the Valley. Bivouacking at Winchester one night, the next afternoon found us, after a march of twenty-three miles, facing nearly the whole Federal army in the vicinity of Manassas Gs of it, the men who day by day sacrificed self on the altar of freedom, those barefooted North Carolinians, Georgians and Alabamians, who, with bloody and swollen feet, kept to their ranks, day after day, for weeks. When the division reached Darkesville, near one-half of the men and many officers were barefooted, and fully one-fourth had been so since we crossed the Blue Ridge. These poor fellows had kept up with the column and in rank during the most rapid march of this war, considering its
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Gettysburg--report of General Junius Daniel. (search)
the night of the 13th, when we recrossed the Potomac and I encamped some mile and a half beyond Falling waters ; the next day we marched upon Martinsburg. which place we reached on the 15th. The next morning we took up the line of march for Darkesville, near which place we remained until the 20th, when we returned to Martinsburg, where we rested during the night. The next day we passed through the town and commenced tearing up the railroad track some two miles from town. Here we received od on the 15th. The next morning we took up the line of march for Darkesville, near which place we remained until the 20th, when we returned to Martinsburg, where we rested during the night. The next day we passed through the town and commenced tearing up the railroad track some two miles from town. Here we received orders to return to Darkesville, at which place, in consequence of sickness, I turned over the command to Colonel Brabble. Very respectfully, Junius Daniel, Brigadier-General.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gettysburg. (search)
Camp, whose duties kept them constantly with the brigade; Major George A. Kyle, Confederate State Maryland troops, who was always with me when his other duties will allow, and Mr. John H. Boyle, Volunteer Aid — I am greatly indebted for valuable assistance rendered, and of whose gallant bearing I cannot too highly make mention. I am, Captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, George H. Steuart, Brigadier-General Commanding. Report of General Alfred Iverson. camp near Darkesville, July 17, 1863. Major H. A. Whiting, Assistant Adjutant-General: I have the honor to report that upon arriving in the vicinity of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where a fight was progressing between the corps of Lieutenant-General A. P. Hill and the enemy on the morning of July 1st, 1863, my brigade, being in the advance of Major-General R. E. Rodes' division, was ordered by him to form line of battle and advance towards the firing at Gettysburg. This advance brought my brigade across a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the army of Northern Virginia, or the boys in gray, as I saw them from Harper's Ferry in 1861 to Appomattox Court-house in 1865. (search)
igades of the enemy, and retired when about to be flanked, bringing off forty-five prisoners and inflicting other loss, with a loss on his part of only two killed and six or eight wounded. General Johnston at once advanced his whole army to Darkesville, six miles from Martinsburg, where we found Jackson awaiting us, and where, for four days, we remained in line of battle, and, with a force of not quite 9,000, threw down the guage to General Patterson, with his upwards of 20,000. I mingled fmong the men here, having old college mates in nearly every command, and I never saw men more anxious to fight — being eager to be led to attack the enemy at Martinsburg when it seemed settled he would not attack us. It was while we were at Darkesville that I first came in personal contact with the afterwards world-renowned Stonewall Jackson, who was then a modest Brigadier-General of two days standing. A col-porteur (a friend of mine) had sent me word that he desired permission to enter ou
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, West Virginia, 1862 (search)
insburgILLINOIS--12th Cavalry. Union loss, 2 killed, 10 wounded. Total, 12. Sept. 6-16: Campaign in the Kanawha ValleyOHIO--34th, 44th and 47th Infantry. WEST VIRGINIA--2d Cavalry; 4th and 9th Infantry. Detachment of Arty. Sept. 7: Skirmish, DarkesvilleILLINOIS--12th Cavalry; Battery "M" 2d Light Arty.; 65th Infantry. Union loss, 13 wounded, 1 missing. Total, 14. Sept. 10: Action, FayettevilleOHIO--34th and 37th Infantry. WEST VIRGINIA--2d Cavalry (Detachment); 4th Infantry. Union loss, 25 k1-10: Expedition toward Logan Court HouseOHIO--28th and 30th Infantry. Dec. 2: Skirmish, CharlestownNEW YORK--137th Infantry. Dec. 3: Skirmish, MoorefieldPENNSYLVANIA--Ringgold Cavalry. WEST VIRGINIA--1st Cavalry (1 Co.). Dec. 11: Skirmish, DarkesvilleNEW YORK--1st Cavalry (Cos. "B," "M"). Dec. 12: Skirmish between Harper's Ferry and Leesburg(No Reports.) Dec. 16: Skirmish, WardensvilleWEST VIRGINIA--12th Infantry. Dec. 20: Skirmish near Halltown(No Reports.) Dec. 22: Skirmish, Wardensvi