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Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 3, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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uel Adams, uttering the popular sentiment, wrote from Philadelphia: I hope we shall secure to the United States Canada, Nova Scotia, Florida too, and the fishery, by our arms or by treaty. We shall never be on a solid footing, till Great Britain cedes to us, or we wrest from her, what nature designs we should have. For want of a government this boundless hope of a young and resolute people could have no adequate support in organized forces. The army, of which the headquarters were at Middlebrook, was encamped for the winter so as to form a line of observation and defence from the Connecticut shore of Long Island Sound, by way of West Point, to the Delaware. For the convenience of forage the four regiments of cavalry were distributed among the states from Connecticut to Virginia. The troops were hutted as at Valley Forge: they suffered extreme distress for want of food; but, through importations from France, they were better clad than ever before. Officers in great numbers wer
the county of Augusta, Va., is copied from the Staunton Spectator, of Tuesday last: On Friday night last, by the command of Major M. G. Harman, Lieut. B. F. Eakle, of the Greenbrier cavalry, detailed five men of the same company to go with him for the purpose of arresting Mr. Ed. C. Randolph, who was suspected of being a spy. Mr. Ed. C. Randolph is published in the columns of the National Intelligencer as a 1st Lieutenant in a company at Washington. He was arrested in the village of Middlebrook, in this county, where his wife resides, between 11 and 12 o'clock that night. The Home Guard of that place had him in duress when Lieut. Eakle arrived. He was brought to Staunton on Saturday morning. On that day, he obtained a writ of habeas corpus returnable on Monday. On Monday, the question whether he should be tried by the civil or military authorities was discussed by James H. Skinner, Esq., on behalf of the prisoner, in advocacy of his right of trial by the civil authority,
Public sale of land and negroes. --I will offer for sale, at my residence, near Middlebrook, Augusta county, Va., on Thursday, the 8th January, 1863 the Farm on which I reside, containing 3 7 acres, about 22 acres cleared the residue well timbered; the cleared land is nearly all in grass. I will sell the Farm privately, if any person wishes to purchase before the sale. I will sell all my personal property, consisting of fifty head of Horses, a number of fine Saddle Horses, six Stallions, three of them Cobham, one fine Arabian, several Indian Ponies, several brood Mares, now in foal, and a number of heavy Harness Horses, 150 head of Cattle, some of which are fresh Milch Cows of fine stock, some fine Durham Bulls and Heifers, thorough bred, several yoke of Work Cattle; 50 head of Sheep; 100 head of stock Hogs, a number of fine brood Sows; 2,000 pounds of Leather; and all my Farming nails consisting of Wagons, Carts, a large lot of Harness Plows, Harrows, one 8-horse Threshing Mac
ngth. A rumor was in circulation yesterday that Hampton had surprised the enemy's camp and put them to rout, but this lacks confirmation. We only know with certainty that some prisoners had been captured, who were seen by a scout yesterday on the way to Richmond. From the Valley of Virginia. We have received some further intelligence from the Valley. Crook and Averill joined Hunter on Wednesday at Staunton, at which time a portion of their forces were on the Greenville and Middlebrook road. On the same day, at 3 o'clock P. M., five hundred cavalry made a demonstration on Waynesboro', on the Greenville and Staunton road, and were repulsed by Gen. Imboden. The enemy retreated to Staunton, burning the Fishersville Depot on the route. Pope, with a force of 4,000, was reported moving down the Valley to reinforce Hunter. The enemy have no supplies, but subsist off the country. They were doubtless aware of richness of the region into which they have penetrated, and w