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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gilbert Motier, Marquis de 1757- (search)
ew productions of nature and new methods of cultivation. Vast forests and immense rivers combine to give to that country an appearance of youth and majesty. After a fatiguing journey of one month he beheld at length that Philadelphia so well known in the present day, and whose future grandeur Penn appeared to designate when he laid the first stone of its foundation. After having accomplished his noble manoeuvres at Trenton and Princeton, General Washington had remained in his camp at Middlebrook. The English, finding themselves frustrated in their first hopes, combined to make a decisive campaign. Burgoyne was already advancing with 10,000 men, preceded by his proclamation and his savages. Ticonderoga, a famous stand of arms, was abandoned by Saint-Clair. He drew upon himself much public odium by this deed, but he saved the only corps whom the militia could rally round. While the generals were busied assembling that militia, the Congress recalled them, sent Gates in their pl
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Brunswick, skirmish at (search)
New Brunswick, skirmish at In June, 1777, Sir William Howe tried to outgeneral Washington in New Jersey, but failed, and was compelled to retreat. Washington held Howe firmly in check at and near New Brunswick, on the Raritan; and on June 20 the former, with his army at Middlebrook, learned that his antagonist was preparing to fall back to Amboy. Hoping to cut off his rearguard, Washington ordered (June 21) Maxwell to lie between New Brunswick and Amboy, and Sullivan to join Greene near the former place, while the main body should rest within supporting distance. These orders failed of execution On the morning of the 22d the column of Germans, under De Heister, began its march towards Amboy. The corps of Cornwallis moved more slowly, for it had to cross the Raritan over a narrow bridge, near the end of which stood Howe, on high ground, watching the movements Greene had a battery of three guns on a hill, but too far distant to be effective When more than one-half of Cornwalli
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Virginia, 1864 (search)
" 1st Arty., Battery "B" 2d Colored Light Arty., 4th and 6th Colored Infantry. Union loss, 20 killed, 67 wounded. Total, 87. June 9: Affair in Loudon CountyPENNSYLVANIA--12th Cavalry (Detachment). June 10: Skirmish, Louisa Court HousePENNSYLVANIA--2d Cavalry. June 10: Skirmish, WaynesboroughNEW YORK--15th Cavalry. Union loss, 1 killed, 1 wounded. Total, 2. June 10: Skirmish, StauntonPENNSYLVANIA--20th Cavalry. June 10: Skirmish, NewportWEST VIRGINIA--2d Cavalry. June 10: Skirmishes, Middlebrook and BrownsvillePENNSYLVANIA--3d and 4th Reserve Infantry (Detachments), 54th Infantry. WEST VIRGINIA--11th and 15th Infantry. June 10: Skirmish, Old ChurchNEW YORK--5th Cavalry. PENNSYLVANIA--18th Cavalry. Union loss, 40 killed and wounded. June 11: Action, LexingtonKENTUCKY--1st Battery Light Arty. OHIO--8th Cavalry; 1st Battery Light Arty.; 23d, 34th and 36th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--14th Cavalry; 54th Infantry. WEST VIRGINIA--1st, 2d, 3d, 5th Cavalry; 5th, 11th, 13th and 15th Infantry
Doc. 91. General Hunter's expedition. Gauley, West Virginia, June 27, 1864. The expedition is over — our work is done — and for the present the command is resting on its arms and trophies. On Friday morning, June eleventh, the consolidated commands of Crook and Sullivan — the latter having the old Sigel division — all under Hunter's control — marched out with flying colors and hopeful spirits from Staunton on the road through Middlebrook to Lexington. Three miles from town the rebels were posted behind rail breastworks, apparently intending to make a serious opposition to our progress. As it was, however, our steady advance rapidly dislodged them, and we drove them before us, scarcely allowing them to halt to fire upon us. Seventeen miles from Staunton they managed to kill two and wound two of our men, when a strong force of cavalry was sent forward to charge and route them, which done, they troubled us no more that day. The force in front of us was ascertained to b
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1, Chapter 9: organization: New-England Anti-slavery Society.—Thoughts on colonization.—1832. (search)
ost trifling offences—and subjected to unseemly and merciless tasks, to severe privations, and to brutish ignorance! Have these no claims upon the sympathies—prayers—charities—exertions of our white countrywomen?. . . When woman's heart is bleeding, Shall woman's voice be hushed? The most important extraneous feature of the second volume of the Liberator was the republication of Letters Lib. 2.133-[181]. on American Slavery, addressed to Mr. Thomas Rankin, merchant at Middlebrook, Augusta Co., Va., by John Rankin, Pastor of the Presbyterian Churches of Ripley and Strait Creek, Brown County, Ohio, of which the first edition was published at Ripley, in the latter State, in 1826. The letters themselves appear to have been written in 1824, when their author was about 31 years of age. Following the reprint in the Liberator, an edition in book form was put forth by Garrison & Knapp in 1833, and a fifth edition was published by Isaac Knapp as late as 1838. Still another edit
mped the night of the 23d at Buchanan, and that of the 24th at Buffalo creek. On the 25th, reaching Lexington, he divided his command; one portion followed the Middlebrook road and encamped at Brownsburg, and the other the Greenville road and encamped at Midway, both of these roads leading to Staunton. A portion of the army marched to Middlebrook on the 25th. Ransom's cavalry had proceeded from Fincastle across to Clifton Forge, to intercept a possible turning of Hunter to the eastward, and thence, by way of Lucy Salina furnace, across the North mountain, and encamped at Collierstown on the 24th, then had marched to Middlebrook for the night of the 25th, Middlebrook for the night of the 25th, thus covering widely the flank and front of the infantry movement against any possible attack by a force of the enemy coming in by any of the great highways leading from the west to Early's line of march. On the 26th, the cavalry continued along the highway on the western side of the Shenandoah valley and encamped near Buffalo gap
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The muster roll [from the Staunton, Va., Vindicator, March 3, 1893.] (search)
a volunteer infantry company was formed at Middlebrook in this county (Augusta), which organized uince the war. J. B. McCutchan, living at Middlebrook. G. S. Boon, living at Staunton. John Delaware, 1864. Matthias Fix, living at Middlebrook. James Gabbert, killed at Second Manassae the war. Baylor, Charles W., living at Middlebrook. Baylor, George, killed at Cedar Mountaihouse, 1864. McCutchan, J. R., living at Middlebrook. McGuffin, Charles W., died since the waoffett's Creek. Snyder, James, living at Middlebrook. Smith, Mordecai, living in Indiana. tchan, Judson O., March 21, 1862, living at Middlebrook. McCutchan, William, March 21, 1862, die Weaver, John W., April 30, 1863, living at Middlebrook. Buchanan, William, April 30, 1863, diednd, William H., January 24, 1864, living at Middlebrook. Hanger, Enos B., April 1, 1864, killed Swartzell, H. T., July 18, 1864, living at Middlebrook. Rosen, Thomas M., August 22, 1864, livi[7 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.30 (search)
agonist when the Confederate looked over a rusty gun barrel at him. He was a dangerous man then. Well, we left Staunton on the morning of the 10th of June, 1864, with our faces towards Lexington. Everything moved along well until we got to Middlebrook, and then there was a little friction. The Federal cavalry attempted to ride over us, but in this they were deceived. We planted a few in the ground, or rather put them in a condition to be returned to Mother Earth, and we again pursued ournt a practicing lawyer in Danville, and at that time captain of the Charlotte cavalry, was bringing up the rear with his company and the Churchville cavalry. The idea that they could ride over us was not entirely disabused from their minds at Middlebrook, so, gathering up all the energy they could command at Newport, two miles further on, they made for us. Slowly and stubbornly the rear guard fell back—or rather, was pushed back—until the regiment was reached. The order came for my regimen
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Historical memorial of the Charlotte Cavalry. (search)
st—. Under Gen. Jno. Echols. Droop Mountain, W. Va., November 6. Sergt.—Maj. R. H. Gaines wounded, Thomas C. Harvey wounded. Greenbrier River, W. Va., December 12. 1864. under Gen. Jno. McCausland, opposing Gen. Hunter in his advance on Lynchburg. White Sulphur Springs, June 1. Covington, Va., June 2. Panther Gap, Va., June 4. Goshen, Va., June 6. Buffalo Gap, Va., June 7. Staunton Road, Va., June 8. Arbor Hill, Va., June 10. Newport, Va., June 10. Middlebrook, Va., June 10. Jas. R. Crews and Norman B. Spraggins wounded. Brownsburg, Va., June 10. Alexander S. Walker wounded, Samuel Price and William Spencer wounded, B. W. Marshall captured. Lexington, Va., June 11. Broad Creek, Va., June 13. Buchanan, Va., June 13. Peaks Gap, Va., June 14. Fancy Farm, Va., June 15. Otter River, Va., June 16. New London, Va., June 16. Lynchburg, Va., June 17, 18. Abner Ford wounded. 1864. under Gen. Jubal Early in his advance into
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Maryland. (search)
ich the Federals were going to pass is very rough and wooded, but the roads are numerous and practicable. Thus each corps could follow a different road, the left along the Potomac, the centre in the direction of Frederick, and the right more to northward, in such manner as to approach Baltimore. On the 9th of September, just as Lee was preparing to invest Harper's Ferry, the left and centre of the army of the Potomac occupied the line of the Seneca from the mouth of that river as far as Middlebrook, while it refused its right toward Brookville. Lee put his army in motion for Harper's Ferry on the 10th. On the morning of the 11th, McClellan hastened the march of his own troops, and having no fear for the safety of Baltimore pushed his right wing forward; the latter entered the town of Frederick on the 12th, after a slight engagement with the enemy's rear-guard. On the 13th the whole army had crossed the Monocacy, and the greater portion of it was concentrated around Frederick. By