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rched up Pennsylvania avenue to the President's house, and thence to the War Department. They were warmly applauded and hailed with great joy.--(Doc. 101). Governor Letcher of Virginia issued a proclamation, with accompanying documents, announcing the transfer of that State to the government of the Southern Confederacy, in advance of any expression of opinion by the people on the ordinance of secession passed on the 17th of April.--(Doc. 102.) A great Union meeting was held at Castleton, Vt. Over ten thousand persons were present. Speeches were made by P. W. Hyde, C. M. Willard, Willard Child, and others. Great enthusiasm prevailed. Forty-one men enrolled themselves as members of a volunteer company. The officers of the company are as follows: Captain, James Hope; First Lieutenant, John Howe; Second Lieutenant, Henry D. Noble.--N. Y. Times, April 27. Senator Douglas was publicly received by the Illinois Legislature, and made a patriotic speech, urging immediate acti
pelier; Surgeon — Newton H. Ballou, Burlington; Assistant-Surgeon--Walter B. Carpenter, Burlington; Sergeant-Major--Wm. H. Guinan, Montpelier; Quartermaster's Sergeant — Wm. J. Cain, Rutland; Commissary-Sergeant — Lauriston H. Stone, Stowe; Chaplain--Rev. C. B. Smith, Brandon; Hospital Steward — Eli Z. Stearns, Burlington; Drum-Major--Chas. Remick, Hardwick. Company A, Bennington.--Jos. H. Walbridge, Captain; Newton Stone, First Lieutenant; William H. Cady, Second Lieutenant. Company B, Castleton.--James Hope, Captain; John Howe, First Lieutenant; Enoch E. Johnson, Second Lieutenant. Company C, Brattleboro.--Ed. A. Todd, Captain; J. S. Tyler, First Lieutenant; F. A. Prouty, Second Lieutenant. Company D, Waterbury.--Chas. Dillingham, Captain; W. W. Henry, First Lieutenant; C. C. Gregg, Second Lieutenant. Company E, Tunbridge.--Richard Smith, Captain; Lucius Whitney, First Lieutenant; Orville Bixby, Second Lieutenant. Company F, Montpelier.--F. V. Randall, Captain; W. A. Phillips, F
Wise, P. 40 Carr, Joseph B., Col. 2d Regiment N. Y. S. V., Doc. 269; W. C. N., D. 29 Carrington, Edward C., his call of Jan. 5, 1861, D. 10; Doc. 17 Carroll, Edward, oration of, D. 17 Caspian, the schooner, D. 16 Cass, Lewis, D. 29; D. 43; Gen. Wool's letter to, on the necessity of reinforcing the Southern forts, Doc. 11; speech at Detroit, April 24, Doc. 145 Castle Pinckney, S. C., taken possession of by rebels, D. 7; Commander Pettigru at, D. 8 Castleton, Vt., Union Meeting at, D. 45 Catawba Indians. See Indians. Catholics of the South refuse fellowship with those of the North, D. 97 C. Colden Murray, the bark, D. 17 Chapin, E. H., D. D., P, 62 Charleston Courier; its opinion of the rebellion, P. 149 Charleston Mercury threatens to take the forts, D. 4; discusses sea-coast defences, D. 4; suggests the seizure of forts, D. 10; urges an attack on Fort Sumter D. 16; strictures on the policy of the Federal Gover
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Campbell, Cleveland J. 1836- (search)
Campbell, Cleveland J. 1836- Military officer: born in New York City in July, 1836; graduated at the University of Gottingen; enlisted in the 44th New York Regiment early in the Civil War; and was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers March 13, 1865. During the engagement of Petersburg he was colonel of the 23d Regiment of colored troops, and while leading his command into the thickest of this fight the famous mine exploded, killing and wounding nearly 400 of his troops. He also received injuries which caused his death in Castleton, N. Y., June 13, 1865.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Corliss, George Henry 1817-1888 (search)
Corliss, George Henry 1817-1888 Inventor; born in Easton, N. Y., June 2, 1817; was educated in Castleton, Vt.; settled in Providence, R. I., in 1844. After several minor inventions he became famous by perfecting the great engine which bears his name, and is now known the world over. At the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, in 1876, a single Corliss engine, of 1,400 horse-power, ran all the machinery in Machinery Hall. Eminent engineers predicted that the great engine, which weighed over 700 tons, would cause much noise and trouble, but it proved a smoothrunning and complete success. He died in Providence, R. I., Feb. 21, 1888.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hope, James 1818- (search)
Hope, James 1818- Artist; born in Abbotsford, Scotland, Nov. 29, 1818; removed to Canada when a boy. In 1840 he settled in Fair Haven, Vt.; was educated at the Castleton (Vt.) Seminary; studied art; and in 1853 opened a studio in New York. His paintings include The army of the Potomac.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hubbardton, battle at. (search)
Hubbardton, battle at. Generals Fraser and Riedesel, with British and German troops, began a pursuit of the Americans as soon as their flight from Ticonderoga was discovered. They overtook their rear-guard, about 1,200 strong, July 7, 1777, at Hubbardton, Vt. The main body of St. Clair's army had marched towards Castleton, leaving the rear-guard, under Col. Seth Warner, to gather up stragglers. While waiting their arrival, Warner was struck by the van of the pursuers, and a sharp engagement took place. Colonel Francis, of New Hampshire, was killed. The Americans were dispersed, and fled, excepting 200 who were made prisoners. The pursuers lost almost as many in killed and wounded, and soon gave up the chase. St. Clair, with about 200 men, made his way through the woods to Fort Edward. The Americans also lost 120 in killed and wounded. The British captured about 200 stand of arms.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ticonderoga, operations at (search)
and the leader of the Green Mountain boys (q. v.). He readily seconded their views. They had been joined at Pittsfield, Mass., by Colonels Easton and Brown, with about forty followers. Allen was chosen the leader after the whole party reached Castleton, at twilight, on May 7. Colonel Easton war chosen to be Allen's lieutenant, and Seth Warner, of the Green Mountain Boys, was made third in command. At Castleton Colonel Arnold joined the party. He had heard the project spoken of in ConnecticuCastleton Colonel Arnold joined the party. He had heard the project spoken of in Connecticut just as he was about to start for Cambridge. He proposed the enterprise to the Massachusetts committee of safety, and was commissioned a colonel by the Provincial Congress, and furnished with means and authority to raise not more than 400 men in western Massachusetts and lead them against the forts. On reaching Stockbridge, he was disappointed in learning that another expedition was on the way. He hastened to join it, and claimed the right to the chief command by virtue of his commission.
its forward movement. Machine for dressing slate-frames. Machine for grinding and polishing school-slates. Slate-peg. A kind of nail used in securing slates on a roof. A slater's nail. Slate-pen′cil. The common irregularly shaped black slate-pencils, once the only kind known, are made in Germany. These have been pretty much superseded in this country by the softer, neater, and greatly superior article, known as soapstone pencils, made from a peculiar stone found near Castleton, Vt. This stone contains over 50 per cent of silica, a large proportion of alumina, and also some potash and iron; and, while having some resemblance to soapstone, more nearly resembles slate in texture and capability of being split readily into plates. In the manufacture of pencils, it is first split into slabs 1 to 2 inches thick, which are then sawn into blocks 6 to 7 inches long and 4 or 5 inches wide. With a thin blade of steel and a hammer these are split into plates about one thir
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Pittsburgh, Pa. Benson, John jr. 30, —— brickmaker; —— 19 Mch 63; deserted 22 Apl 63 Readville. —— Berry, Elijah 19, sin.; laborer; Lancaster, Pa. 19 Mch 63; deserted 20 May 63 Readville. $50. Berry, Joseph Smith 22, sin.; laborer; Franklin Co, Pa 29 Apl 63; 29 May 65 St. Andrews Parish S. C. dis. Wounded 20 Feb 64 Olustee, Fla. $50. Boss, Caleb J. 19, —— seaman; Boston. 18 Feb 65; Je 65 Georgetown S. C. dis. $325. Briggs, Chauncey 20, mar.; farmer; Castleton, Vt. 20 July 63; died 25 Mch 65 Charleston S. C. of disease. —— Briggs, Royal A. 18, —— —— Rutland Vt. 25 Dec 63; 20 Aug 65. Burns, John 21, —— laborer; Bath Co. Ky. 15 Feby 65; 20 Aug 65. $122.66. Burrell, Sylvester 19, sin.; laborer; Lancaster Co, Pa. 19 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. bush, Henry 26, sin.; seaman; Baltimore. 30 Nov 63; died 23 Feb 65 Morris Id. S. C. of accidental burns. $325. Butler, Joseph 25, sin.; farmer; Harrisburg, Pa. 16 Mch 63; 20 Au