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he Jews troops ordered to Virginia Rejoicings in the camp Hospitalities on the road patriotism of the women Northern sympathies in east Tennessee camp at Lynchburgh by rail to Manassas station. April having passed, and the intentions of General Scott not being as yet developed, it was conjectured that operations might come few miscreants had meditated our total destruction by obstructions on the rails, and attempts to fire bridges across the streams. At length, on arriving at Lynchburgh, (Virginia,)we thought our travels were at an end, for now we were on the sacred soil of the first rebel (!), the immortal Washington: but still our troubles anwas next to an impossibility for any one to elude them, or obtain permission to visit the city, basking in the sunlight at the foot of the hill. The thought of Lynchburgh tobacco tempted many to make large investments for the campaign; but in this we committed grave mistakes, for we were compelled to carry every pound of freight
who put them to the proof. It was reported that the enemy's gunboats and iron-clads were approaching up the river, and had contemptuously snuffed out several mud batteries that had the temerity to fire. The Monitor, Galena, and other iron-clads, were actually at City Point, fifteen miles from Richmond, and feverish excitement possessed all, save the calm, cold, smiling gentlemen of the War Office. Many large boxes from the various departments stood on the sidewalks ominously labelled Lynchburgh, and I could not help smiling to see how the featured of bystanders lengthened while gazing upon them. Well, said they, I suppose Johnston is going to give up Richmond like every thing else, and will continue to fall back until we are all swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. There was not the slightest trepidation observable in the Government offices; all things went on as usual, and President Davis took his evening ride as placidly as ever. It was seen, however, that the enemy could never c
mud-puddles, half drowning the unfortunate cannoniers, and upsetting caissons and ambulances. It was impossible, of course, to go through the woods, and as Casey's first line of defence was broken, troops and ammunition wagons were all moving to and fro along this one miserable narrow road in the greatest confusion. The enemy's position and camps, to my great surprise, I found comparatively dry, the water having drained off. Pleased with the firm, level ground, our mud-covered men of the Lynchburgh battery now lashed their horses into a gallop, and dashed off through Casey's camps to the front with a wild cheer. The line formed by our men now advancing through and past the camps to attack fresh positions, which vomited shell and grape upon us, was truly magnificent. I recognized Anderson, with Louisianians, North-Carolinians, etc.; Jenkins with his South-Carolinians; Wilcox and Pryor, with Mississippians and Alabamians. Floridans, Mississippians, and Georgians had opened the fi
Hill lost many men, while waiting for his division to form, but soon made the enemy repay him with interest; for as his Alabamians, Louisianians, Mississippians, and Virginians rushed from the woods across the open, in splendid order, they carried position after position rapidly, and forced the fighting at a killing pace. Do you know I think our artillery acted indifferently. The truth is, we could not bring up pieces on account of the roads. Carter's battery did good execution; the Lynchburgh battery also. They drew their pieces by hand through the woods and along those boggy roads, and opened fire at twenty yards. I saw our guns not more than fifty yards distant from those of the enemy on several occasions; and when the fight was over the pieces stood almost muzzle to muzzle. We captured over a dozen very fine pieces. I myself counted twelve, and superb brass pieces they are-called Napoleon guns, I believe. What should you say the general loss was? As far as I can as
ses of pushing us to the wall, possessing Richmond in six days, and daily editions of victories, etc., printed in the Herald, Times, and Tribune, that many large houses sent confidential agents to Richmond to effect sales a few days before the time assigned for his entry into our capital, so that they might secure the cream of the market in sales or barter. That such was really the case, is proved by the fact that several of these agents made their way from Washington via Gordonsville and Lynchburgh, and were nearly choked with vexation when arrested in Richmond, and compelled to see hundreds of Federal prisoners pass the windows of rooms in which they and other commercial travellers were confined! Expecting to hear. our guns open every moment, I felt uneasy in town, and was desirous of getting out to camp again as soon as possible. The people of Richmond, however, seemed perfectly easy in their minds, and carried on their usual avocations with the utmost unconcern. Many stores
eave of him, they gave him three enthusiastic cheers. They then saluted the old Stars and Stripes with a burst of enthusiasm that brought tears to the eyes, many waving their crutches above their heads. On the way back the wharves and embankments at Newport News were thronged with soldiers who greeted the released prisoners with tremendous cheers. The Cumberland and Congress, lying in the Roads, were also manned and gave a most enthusiastic greeting to the prisoners. This night, at Lynchburgh, Va., the Confederate flag, which had been flying from the yard of John O. L. Goggin, was forcibly torn down by some traitorous scoundrel, the flagstaff broken in two, and the cord by which the flag was hoisted cut up into small fragments. The flag itself was torn into tatters, and from its appearance, when found, would seem to indicate that the guilty party desired particularly to strip the stars from it, as not a vestige of any of them was left. The act was a mean and despicable one, a
were thrown into the city, and several persons were killed and wounded.--Mobile Advertiser, July 18. An artillery and cavalry battle took place at a point on the road from Boonsboro to Hagerstown, Md., between the Union forces under Generals Buford and Kilpatrick, and the rebels belonging to the army of General Lee.--(Doc. 82.) Major-General Schenck, from his headquarters at Baltimore, issued an order regulating the treatment of rebel prisoners in his department.--the Mayor of Lynchburgh, Va., issued a proclamation to the citizens of that place, requesting them to suspend business on Friday afternoons, in order that the members of the different military organizations might have an opportunity of attending regularly the drills of their respective companies. . . . . It is high time, said he, that we should act, and act at once, toward putting ourselves in readiness for any emergency. General Joseph E. Johnston, at Jackson, Miss., issued the following battle order to the t
five horses.--A force of rebels, numbering about two thousand, under the command of General Pegram, made an attack upon the National troops at Paris, Ky., and after a severe engagement, lasting over two hours, were repulsed and routed.--the Eighth regiment of Massachusetts volunteers returned to Boston from the seat of war.--Brigadier-General Innis N. Palmer was ordered to the command of the Eighteenth army corps at Newbern, N. C., and of the posts and districts occupied by that corps.--at Lynchburgh, Va., the rebel government officials were busily engaged in pressing horses for artillery service in General Lee's army. The pressure was general, exempting only the horses in the employment of the government and those belonging to countrymen.--the British ship Banshee was captured off New Inlet, N. C.--Queen Victoria's speech, delivered to Parliament to-day, contained the following: The civil war between the Northern and Southern States of the American Union still unfortunately con
Rebel reports and Narratives. General Lee's despatch. Culpeper, June 9, 1863. To General S. Cooper: The enemy crossed the Rappahannock this morning at five o'clock, at the various fords from Beverly's to Kelly's, with a large force of cavalry, accompanied by infantry and artillery. After a severe contest, till five P. M., General Stuart drove them across the river. R. E. Lee. Lynchburgh Republican account. Lynchburgh, June 11. The forces engaged on our side were Generals W. H. F. Lee's, Hampton's Legion, Jones's and Robertson's brigades, with the Beauregard battery from this city, and one other company of artillery. Our total force numbered about four thousand. The enemy had, it is estimated, about ten thousand cavalry, seven regiments of infantry, and six batteries, the whole under command of General Pleasanton. The enemy commenced to cross the Rappahannock simultaneously at Beverly's and Kelly's Fords, and at other intermediate points, about daylight
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The defense of Knoxville. (search)
It was determined by the Federal authorities to make strenuous efforts during the summer of 1863 to effect permanent lodgments in east Tennessee, both at Chattanooga and Knoxville, not only for the purpose of interrupting railway communication by that route, At the beginning of 1863 the Confederates had two lines of railway communication between their eastern and western forces: one by the coastwise system to Savannah or Augusta, and thence southward or westward; the other by way of Lynchburgh, Knoxville, and Chattanooga, where it branched toward Memphis and Atlanta. [See also p. 746.]--O. M. P. but to afford relief to a section where Union sentiments were known to exist to a very considerable extent. It was accordingly arranged that Rosecrans should move from Murfreesboro' against Bragg, while a force should be organized in central Kentucky to move toward Knoxville in cooperation. The latter movement was intrusted to General Burnside, who occupied Knoxville on the 2d of Sept